Membership Recruitment Guide for Moderators

Since many of the attendees at your state/constituent society spring meetings are not ASCLS members, the ASCLS Member Recruitment Committee wants to take advantage of that opportunity and share some basic information about the benefits of membership and what ASCLS does for its members. We have developed the following series of statements about ASCLS- ASCLS ads, if you will- to be used by moderators at the beginning of each session. We think it would naturally fit into the initial welcome to the meeting and the specific session.

First step: Use the moderator statement before each session. It should only take one-two minutes but will introduce ASCLS to non-members as well as refresh the memories of members as to why they should continue to be members.

Then Invite: We invite you to join ASCLS and take advantage of our spring meeting special. Any new member who joins ASCLS at this meeting will receive an expiration date of July, 2013.

Next step: The moderator can move into the specifics of the PACE program and introducing the speaker

Conclude each Session: Thank the speaker.

Then Remind: Join ASCLS today and receive (15-17 months depending on the month your state has your spring meeting) of membership for the cost of a 12-month membership The Membership booth is located --- and we look forward to meeting you there.

Then Provide PACE code : Give out PACE session code

A logical format would be that the moderator in every session that begins at a particular time (EX. Monday from 8-10) would use the same statement- then a different statement would be used at the next series of sessions (EX Monday from 10-12). This would ensure that any individual attendee would get the benefit of as many ‘ASCLS ads’ as sessions that they attend. Don’t forget to take advantage of keynote or general sessions, as well.

We’re sure that you can come up with other formats to use so feel free to do whatever makes sense for your spring meeting. We also urge you to customize these statements to your specific constituent society by adding information about your organization and the opportunities that are available to members.

We hope that taking advantage of a captive audience of non-members will spread the word of ASCLS and stimulate these individuals to join us. Be sure to have enthusiastic members at the ASCLS Membership Booth and plenty of recruitment materials available.

ASCLS Promotional / Moderator Statements


ASCLS welcomes you to our annual meeting: What is ASCLS?

ASCLS is a professional organization that represents non-physician laboratory professionals and addresses the needs of the laboratory profession and the public which it serves.ASCLS is designed to represent our entire profession and is led by members of our profession. ASCLS represents all laboratory professionals from generalists through a wide range of clinical specialties. ASCLS offers membership toLaboratory directors, Supervisors, Managers, Educators, Consultants, Phlebotomists, MLS / MLT, Students and Collaborative.

What does ASCLS do?

Did you know that:

ASCLS unites people within our profession.

ASCLS increases recognition and prestige of our profession and those who practice it.

ASCLS represents the profession to the public, governmental agencies, and other professional organizations.

ASCLS provides an avenue for input into the development of public policy relating to our profession.

ASCLS sponsors and shares the latest research in our profession.

ASCLS promotes your professional development.

ASCLS is an advocate for our profession.

What are the benefits of ASCLS Membership?

Benefit 1: ASCLS provides many opportunities for meeting and networking with other professionals. In addition to state spring meetings, there are regional meetings and national meetings to attend (name place and dates) . All of these venues provide quality continuing education at a reduced rate for members.

Benefit 2: ASCLS allows YOUR voice to be heard at the grass roots level. ASCLS collaborates with other professional organizations to enhance our effectiveness and increase our political power as a part of a larger group by participating in legislative days in Washington DC. This form keeps members informed of issues so that we can become proactive in shaping the profession’s environment.

Benefit 3: ASCLS gives you access to the latest scientific, technical and professional information through our publications: CLS journal, ASCLS Today and the many listservs you can join as a member benefit. Stop by the membership booth or registration desk to see copies of these publications. (varies in each state)

Benefit 4: ASCLS provides leadership and enhance your career development through our educational meetings as well as participation in the Leadership Academy that is sponsored by ASCLS. Speak with your ASCLS state leadership representatives to find out more details.

Benefit 5: ASCLS insurance program offers discounts on health, life, disability, liability and auto insurance.

What about the dues?

Dues to be a member of ASCLS: ASCLS offers several categories of membership and the annual dues vary based on the category PF1 ($99), PF2 ($78), Collaborative ($45), FYP ($45), Student ($25), plus state dues (_____each state)

That breaks down to $8.25/month- $2.06/week or 40¢/day. Is 40¢ a day too much to show that you care about what you do and want a voice in the issues that impact our workplace? This is the PF1 category and less for the other categories. The price is very small for the voice you have at the grassroots level.

Do You Know what ASCLS Membership says about you?

Confirms a commitment to both your profession and to professional recognition for MLS/MLT. Establishes your support for the importance of professionalism in the workplace. Provides opportunities to enhance your stature and prestige as an integral part of the healthcare team. Membership in ASCLS is one of the most important steps to becoming a successful professional recognized and rewarded for our contributions to health care. With your membership you join others who are striving for those same goals.

Do you attend our ASCLS state meetings regularly every year?

As a non-member, you have been paying the higher registration fees than your colleagues who are members. You can save money by joining ASCLS during this annual meeting. Stop by the Membership Booth in the Exhibit Hall or the Registration desk and complete a membership application. Visit with an ASCLS representative regarding out membership promotion and details on how you can save money. (This will be different for each state meeting)

Do you think it’s important to have representation as a professional in Washington

D.C. concerning healthcare legislative matters?

Just as it is important to have state representation, ASCLS represents our profession in Washington DC. ASCLS monitors what is happening in healthcare and with our profession through our lobbyist. Each year in March, ASCLS “grassroot” members participate in Legislative Days on Capitol Hill. We visit with our state representatives in the House and Senate to keep them informed on laboratory issues.

Do you value opportunities to network with other professionals in your field?

I know every time I go to a meeting I end up making new acquaintances andhearing inside information about other institutions with similar problems and I also learn of upcoming job opportunities that people know about even before they’re posted. Membership in ASCLS helps support educational meetings and networking opportunities.

Do you currently read or would like to read any publications such as journals/newsletters or Magazines related to your profession?

Our CLS Journal and ASCLS today help me to keep current on all the latest information and technology, plus all the society news and events. There’s so much rapid change in our field and this is one way I can keep up with technology. Stop by the Membership Booth in the Exhibit Hall or the Registration desk to see copies of these publications.

Closing Keynote
What can ASCLS do for you?

ASCLS serves as the VOICE, VALUE and VISION of our profession.

VOICE- ASCLS speaks for all with a single, unified VOICE.

VALUE- ASCLS promotes the value of laboratory services as an integral part of the healthcare team, a source of quality continuing education, and a source of information to our patients, other professionals and the public

VISION- ASCLS is active in defining the changing role of the laboratory, preparing us for exciting, new roles.

We invite you to join ASCLS and take advantage of our spring meeting special. Any new member who joins ASCLS at this meeting will receive an expiration date of July, 2013. This means that you will receive (15-17 months depending on the month your state has your spring meeting) of membership for the cost of a 12-month membership. The Membership booth is located --- and we look forward to meeting you there.

Sample Meeting Moderator statements

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3
Session 1 / What is ASCLS? / What is ASCLS? / What is ASCLS?
Session 2 / What does ASCLS do? / What membership tells says about you? / Journals & publications
Session 3 / Benefit 1 / Benefit 3 / Benefit 5
Session 4 / Benefit 2 / Benefit 4 / Benefit 6
Session 5 / Dues: Categories / Representation at Legs days / Dues: Categories
Session 6 / Attendance at regular meetings. / Networking / Voice – Value Vision