This agreement is to confirm that the below listed Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) has been successful in gaining project funds through the 2013/2014 CEAP funding round.

This funding agreement has been developed to ensure that all CDATs have received their funds, and are aware of the terms of their funding. To confirm that you have received funds, please sign at the bottom of the page, confirming that you agree to the conditions, as outlined.

Name of CDAT
Project Types
(as outlined in your
funding application) / Project Name: / Amount:
(if applicable) / $
Project 1 / $
Project 2 / $
Project 3 / $
Project 4 / $
Total / $

The above listed CDAT agrees that grants are awarded on the following conditions:

  • CDATs are to work closely with their Senior Community Development Officer in the planning and development of all projects.
  • CDATs are to undertake a project planning process, in the approved Australian Drug Foundation Project Plan, which includes a Risk Management Plan.
  • Funds are spent in accordance with the grant application with any amendments approved by the Australian Drug Foundation.
  • Funds are managed separately from other funds received and will be identifiable in financial statements and reports.
  • A Project Evaluation and Acquittal Form are to be completed prior to the end of 2014/2015 Financial Year. Please Note: Acquittals must be accompanied by copies of receipts / evidence of expenditure. (refer to the ‘Evaluation and Acquittal Form’)
  • Any unspent funds are to be returned to the Australian Drug Foundation if your CDAT does not have an approved revised project (please ask your Senior Community Development Officer about how to undertake this process).

Should you have any questions surrounding your grant, please contact us.

To confirm that your auspice body has received the CDAT funds, the Chair and a contact from the auspice body are required to sign below:

We, the undersigned, agree to the above conditions (funding agreement) and any other conditions as set out by the Australian Drug Foundation, NSW Health and/or my CDAT’s Senior Community Development Officer.

CDAT Chair (name)
Auspice Representative