6500 Clearfield St, Harrisburg, PA 17111

(717) 561-1990

Dr. Carol Johnson Deron Doi

Superintendent Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Your son/daughter has shown interest in joining the Rutherford Fifth Grade Chorus for the 2017 – 2018 school year. The chorus meets on cycle day 1s from 9:15-9:45 a.m. As a member of the chorus, your child will be expected to participate in our Winter Concert scheduled for Thursday, December 7 at 6:30 p.m. and our Spring Concert scheduled for Monday, May 7, also at 6:30 p.m. These performances are mandatory evening commitments and will be held at Rutherford Elementary School. Please put these dates and times on your calendars!

In order to be prepared and sing their best it is essential that students attend all day 1 rehearsals. Our time to practice is precious so students must be focused and demonstrate their best respectful and responsible behavior at all times. These expectations carry over to all “dress rehearsals” and performances as well. Students may not quit chorus at any point during the year unless I receive a signed parent note with the reason why the student does not wish to continue with chorus. If a student does not demonstrate respectful and responsible behavior during rehearsal, he or she will be given a chorus referral slip. If a student receives two chorus referral slips during the school year, he or she will be removed from chorus. Please discuss this commitment and responsibility with your son/daughter before signing and returning the slip at the bottom of the paper by Wednesday, September 13.

Thank you for your support! I am looking forward to making wonderful music with the Rutherford Fifth Grade Chorus. If you ever have any questions and need to get in contact with me, please email me at .


Mrs. Baker

Chorus and General Music Teacher


My child and I agree to the commitment involved in joining the Fifth Grade Chorus. I understand the performance dates are Thursday, December 7 and Monday, May 7 at 6:30 p.m. We also understand the expected behavior during chorus practices and concerts and are aware that removal from chorus could result if expectations are not met.


Print student name Room number/Teacher


Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature

Choose one: _____ I allow my child’s name to be printed in concert programs.

_____ Please do not print my child’s name in concert programs.