2006-07 British Films Project
At the due date, this assignment must be completed along with the Movie Information Brief. This is worth 100 points. Here are your seven project choices. Choose one.
Project #1 Make a Film
Recreate a 5-10 minute section from your movie. Refilm it with your own actors. Try to follow the same dialogue, the same camera angles, the same everything as best you can. You may not refilm a part of the movie that is inappropriate for school. You should be creative and well prepared. Try to choose a part of the movie that is important to the story or is memorable, but above all, appropriate. Your finished product should as closely resemble the original as possible. Scoring: A+ = 100, A=95, A- = 90, B+ = 88, etc. You will be evaluated on accuracy, adaptability, and apparent effort.
Project #2 Write a Review
Write a review of your movie. Your review must be at least 2 full pages, 12 point font, double spaced. Your review should summarize the story without giving away the ending. Your review should evaluate the acting, the filming, and the story. You should discuss the main points of the movie and the overall theme and effectiveness of the film. Your audience is the potential moviegoer who may be considering seeing this film. Scoring: A+ = 100, A=95, A- = 90, B+ = 88, etc. You will be evaluated on accuracy, communication of your ideas, and overall writing standards.
Project #3 Oral Report
Give an oral report about your film of no shorter than 3 and no longer than 6 minutes. Your report should do many of the same things that a movie review would do. Focus more on the story and your opinions of the story and the acting. You may use a clip from the movie of no more than 30 seconds to help your report. Your clip must be school appropriate. Scoring: A+ = 100, A=95, A- = 90, B+ = 88, etc. You will be evaluated on accuracy, verbal communication of your ideas, and proper speaking technique.
A+ = 100 A = 95 A- = 90 B+ = 88 B = 85 B- = 80
C+ = 78 C = 75 C- = 72 D = 70 F = 65
Due Date:
Project #4 Compare/Contrast
Write 2 full pages, 12 point font, Double-Spaced compare and contrast paper. C/C your film to any piece of literature you’ve read. Both pieces, your film and the literature, should be thematically related. The paper should focus on ways that either the characters or the themes or both are similar and different. What ideas do the similarities reinforce? What ideas do the differences illustrate?
Project #5 Storyboarding (art)
Create storyboards for any 5-10 minute section of the film. Storyboards are multi-panel, comic-style posterboards that directors often make before filming to give them a visual sense of the story. Your storyboards must be on posterboards with at least 12 panels per board. You do not need to use color and only minimal dialogue on the boards. You are artistically rendering the way the film will look.
Project #6 Musical Score
Perform and/or Record your own version of what the music for a scene in your movie would sound like if you had done the score (5-10 minutes). We will hear the performance in class while the section in question is played without the original sound. Your music should coincide with the film.
Project #7 Your Choice
Come up with your own project idea. You must explain it to me and get pre-approval.
A+ = 100 A = 95 A- = 90 B+ = 88 B = 85 B- = 80
C+ = 78 C = 75 C- = 72 D = 70 F = 65
Due Date: