2015-2016 Instructional/Non-Instructional Handbook

Robert W. Runcie

Superintendent of Broward County Schools

Mr. Alan Strauss

Cadre Director

Mrs. Lourdes Gonzalez



This Handbook is intended to provide each teacher at Hollywood Hills High School with information concerning county and school policies and regulations.

If there is any passage that may not be clear to you, please consult with your department chairperson or an administrator. From time to time throughout the year, bulletins may be issued about new school policies or regulations, changing old school policies or regulations, and interpreting existing ones. Please refer back to this handbook from time to time for updates.

This Handbook sets forth major guidelines to help us to function with unity and consistency. Faculty members will be held responsible for knowing the contents of this Handbook. Students or other unauthorized persons may not have access to the Handbook for obvious reasons.


The mission of Hollywood Hills High School is to meet the diversified educational needs of all students by actively engaging them in a balanced program offering in the areas of academic, technology, vocational education, and extra-curricular activities. We strive to produce lifelong learners, who will become responsible, contributing citizens.


The vision of Hollywood Hills High School is to graduate responsible, college and career ready citizens with strong critical thinking and academic skills by providing a rigorous, engaging, and comprehensive curriculum in partnership with parents and the community delivered by competent qualified staff in a safe and caring environment.



All employees of the School Board who have been issued contracts as provided by Florida statutes, or annual work agreements as provided by the Board, shall comply with the provisions of the Florida School Code, staff Board regulations, and regulations and policies of the Board.


Lourdes Gonzalez Principal

Maureen Lue Chief Assistant Principal

Jackie Smith Assistant Principal

Erin Brown Assistant Principal

Michael Warkentien Assistant Principal


Students wishing to speak to their counselor or the Brace Advisor must make an appointment with the guidance secretary. During the normal school hours, students will be admitted to Guidance only with a counselor’s pass or if their name appears on the daily appointment list.

Rosemary Miranda Guidance Director

Kathy Behl-Whiting Guidance Counselor

Marisol Holderby Guidance Counselor

Rilo Johnson Guidance Counselor

Nathaly Ramirez BRACE

Beth Winterholler ESE Specialist

Marion Edwards Registrar/Data Specialist




Angie Dickenson Vocational

Cathy Kontsis Unified Arts

Beth Winterholler Exceptional Student Education

Rosemary Miranda Guidance

Jorge Pophal Language Arts

Melvern Bowe Mathematics

Tracey Cummings Reading

Luis Espinoza Science

Cindy Pouca Social Studies

Commandant Devillez Military Academy

Monica Espinoza Forgiven Languages


In addition to regular teaching duties, the Department Head shall:

1. Coordinate instructional program and materials and monitor department functions to determine problems and needs and implement curriculum improvements.

2. Serve as instructional liaison between department employees and school administration and with all county levels, feeder school department representatives, area curriculum analysts, and county curriculum planners. Participate in formulating policy and procedures relating to curriculum.

3. Attend monthly / quarterly county department meetings

4. Develop effective alternative programs for identified underachieving students.

5. Evaluate the department's effectiveness through assessment of student progress and evaluation of teacher performance.

6. Coordinate inservice training for continuous professional improvement of department employees.

7. Assist the Principal in developing the department budget, purchasing and disseminating materials and supplies, and maintaining inventory.

8. Assist in the proper placement of students and effective scheduling of teachers in compliance with accreditation standards and Board Policy.

9. Examine and introduce instructional and professional materials to teachers.

10. Assist teachers in plans for substitute teachers.

11. Attend all applicable school and county-level meetings.

12. Perform other duties as assigned by the Principal.

13. Follow federal and state laws as well as School Board policies.


Beth Winterholler ESE Specialist

Stacy Farmer Media Specialist

Toan Huynh Technology Specialist

Lided Cerda Behavioral Specialist

Sara Pierce Literacy Coach

Sharon Sherman Support Facilitator

Eva Merrill Social Worker

Roberta Rea Family Counselor

Dawn Vella Family Counselor, ESE

Carmen Bauman ESOL Coordinator


The members of the instructional staff shall perform the following duties:

·  Teach efficiently using the books and materials required following the prescribed courses of study and employ approved methods.

·  Labor faithfully and earnestly for the advancement of the pupils in their studies, deportment and morals, and embrace every opportunity to inculcate by precept and example the principles of truth, honesty, and patriotism.

·  Treat pupils under their care kindly, considerately, and humanely, administering discipline in accordance with regulations of the state board and the School Board: provided that in no case cruel or inhuman punishment be administered to any child attending the public schools.

·  Require the pupils to observe personal cleanliness, neatness, order, promptness, and good manners, avoid vulgarity and profanity, and cultivate in them habits of industry and economy, a regard for the rights and feelings of others, and their own responsibilities and duties as citizens.

·  Attend parent conferences relating to education as may be required by law, by the Department of Education, or by the citizens.

·  Cooperate with the state, district, and local school officials in the enforcement of school laws and of state and district board regulations.

·  Keep such records and prepare and submit such reports as may be required by regulations of the state board, or of the employing school board. No member shall be entitled to receive any salary unless all such records and reports have been made.

·  Conform to all rules and regulations that may be prescribed by the State Board and by the School Board.

·  See that the school building, and all things pertaining thereto, are not unnecessarily defaced or damaged.

·  Give instruction in and hold under the direction of the school principal such fire and emergency drills as may be prescribed by law, by regulations of the state board and of the School Board, and as otherwise may be deemed necessary.

·  Deliver on closing or suspending school, all keys, records and reports, and account for all other school property to the principal of the school or to the Superintendent as may be prescribed by regulations of the state board and of the School Board.

·  Fulfill the terms of any written contract, unless released from the contract by the School Board.

·  Perform other duties as may be assigned by the principal or her designee.

·  Prepare appropriate lesson plans for all classes. Lesson plans are to be maintained electronically. Lesson plans should be prepared a minimum of two weeks in advance and should be available for review at all times. Requirements set forth in the School Improvement Plan should also be documented in your lesson plans. Additionally, the School Board of Broward County and the Superintendent of Schools require the teaching of Character Education. They are:

September: Cooperation January: Respect October: Responsibility February: Honesty

November: Citizenship March: Self-Control

December: Kindness April: Tolerance

CODE OF ETHICS/ Principles of Professional Conduct

(6B-1.001 Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida)

The educator values the worth and dignity of every person, the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, acquisition of knowledge, and the nurture of democratic citizenship. Essential to the achievement of these standards are the freedom to learn, to teach and the guarantee of equal opportunity for all.

The educator’s primary professional concern will always be for the student and for the development of the student’s potential. The educator will therefore strive for professional growth and will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity.

Aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues, of students, of parents, and of other members of the community, the educator strives to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.

Professional attire should be worn by all staff members. Please no flip flops, shorts (unless PE), sleeveless shirts, baggy pants worn low, leggings, and hats during school hours.

Specific Authority 229.053(1), 231.546(2)(b) FS. Law implemented 231.546(2)(b) FS. History - New 3/24/65, Amended 8/9/69, Repromulgated 12/5/74, Amended 8/12/81, 7/6/82, Formerly 6B-1.01.


Interaction with Students:

·  Maintain a professional barrier between you and students. You are the adult, the teacher, and the professional; act like the expert, not one of the kids.

·  Stand at your door between classes. Your presence will deter inappropriate behavior

·  Refer students to the appropriate resource person for counseling and/or discussions about personal matters.

·  Do not flirt with students.

·  Do not discuss your personal life or personal matters with students. Do not discuss your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, or dates with students.

·  When transporting students, coordinate transportation ahead of time, and use school or mass transportation if possible. If necessary, call a taxi for the student. If you must transport the student in your vehicle, ask a co-worker to accompany you.

·  Do not leave students unsupervised; have an alternative plan of action.

·  Keep your hands and other parts of your body to yourself.

·  Use verbal praise and reinforcement.

·  Do not use any form of corporal punishment. Establish and follow a consistent behavior plan. Treat each student with respect. Know the student’s rights.

·  Chaperone only school-sponsored functions. Do not socialize with students. If you chaperone a field trip, put in writing what your responsibilities will be.

·  Do not drink alcoholic beverages in front of students, on school grounds, during school functions/activities, or while acting in the capacity of an employee of the School Board of Broward County.

·  Do not take students home with you.

·  Do not make telephone calls, text message, or write notes of a personal nature to students.

·  Do not harass students; respect their differences.



1. Any evidence of defacement of the seats is to be reported.

2. Teachers will see that their students enter and leave the assembly as quickly and quietly as possible.

3. Teachers should instruct their students in proper behavior and courtesy during assembly programs.

4. Teachers will accompany their students to the assembly and sit with their students.


Hollywood Hills High will participate in football, basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, track, swimming, cross country, wrestling, volleyball, cheerleading, flag football, water polo and drill team competition under the jurisdiction of the Florida High School Activities Association.

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT - The student must meet standards of academic achievement as set up by the F.H.S.A.A. and Hollywood Hills High School. Minimum Grade Point Average - In order to represent a member school in inter-scholastic athletic competition, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0.

The school believes proper citizenship, should be demonstrated by student-athletes both on and off campus. Therefore, if a student is involved in any incident that would be in contrast to the goals of athletics, or that would cast unwholesome reflection on the school and student from the athletic program they will face immediate dismissal from the program.

Athletes must be in attendance one (1) period more than one-half (1/2) a day to be eligible to participate in practice or a game.




1. Attendance is to be taken every class period every day by every teacher in Pinnacle.

2. Students arriving late to class without an excused pass are to be marked tardy.


The teacher will use the following letter codes for reporting absences and tardies in Pinnacle:

AU = absent

P = present

TU = tardy

E1 = New Student (used only once)

The attendance office will use the following letter codes for reporting absences and tardies:

Full Day Unexcused Absence AU

Full Day Excused Absence AE (01-08)

Tardy Excused TE

Tardy Unexcused TU

Class Cut CC

Sign In TE (01-08)

Sign Out ER

External Suspension ES

Internal Suspension IS

Alternative Suspension AS

Hall Sweep HS

Exam Exemption EE

Note to teacher: If the attendance office does not change the AU, it is an unexcused absence. If the attendance office does not change the TU, it is an unexcused tardy. If the student attendance code is a CC, follow the procedure for issuing detentions and referrals.


Please do not call the grade level administrative secretaries with classroom changes (AU to TU). It is the teacher’s responsibility to make these changes. It is especially important to remember to change an AU to a TU when a student arrives tardy after attendance has been taken. All attendance must be entered by 2:00 PM on a daily basis.

If an attendance code has already been recorded for an absent student, please do not attempt to change it. Many times attendance office codes are entered prior to the teacher taking attendance.

If you mistakenly change an Attendance Code it will change back on the next download.

If you believe that a student has withdrawn from your class, but he/she still appears on your roster, please call his guidance counselor to verify and let Mrs. McLeese, micro tech know right away.


Instructional personnel are required by Florida law to work 196 days, 180 of which must be devoted to full-time instruction. According to School Board Policy 4008, all teachers are required to work 7.5 hours per day. The teacher workday begins at 7:15 A.M. and ends at 2:45 P.M. signing out for personal reasons before the end of the 7.5 hour work day will not give a teacher a full day’s work. Therefore, all teachers are encouraged to schedule all outside appointments after the school day ends, in order to prevent LOSS of earned sick/personal time. Reminder: Teachers must sign the log located in the front office prior to leaving campus early. Administrative approval is needed for all sign outs.