Harrison Township Recreation Board and Citizens Advisory Committee Minutes

June 7, 2016

  1. Welcome and introductions by Chuck Dizard
  2. Board Members: Cecelia Lilly, Mike Cebula, Buff Nolen, Pat Walters, Natalie Cale, Jeff Pakulski (absent)
  3. Committee members present: Todd Stanzione, Joshua Nulph, Robin Bergstrom, Nathanael Nulph, John Babinsak, Kristie Babinsak, Margaret Rube, Blair Grube, Megan Zendarski
  4. Angelo Corso submitted his board resignation due to health reasons; the open position will be appointed at an upcoming commissioners meeting
  5. The revised Township ordinance for the Recreation Board and Recreation Citizens Advisory Committee was presented and reviewed
  6. Nominations
  7. Cecelia Lilly was elected Chairperson of the Recreation Board Committee (nominated by Buff Nolen and seconded by Pat Walters)
  8. Todd Stanzione was elected Chairperson of the Recreation Citizens Advisory Committee (nominated by Cecelia Lilly and seconded by Natalie Cale)
  9. Natalie Cale was elected Secretary of the Recreation Board Committee (nominated by Cecelia Lilly and seconded by Pat Walters)
  10. Movie Night
  11. Tentative date August 17, 2016
  12. Tentative location: grass field in front of Highlands High School
  13. Possible light refreshments
  14. School board will be contacted for approval; we still need projector, screen, cords, speakers
  15. Halloween
  16. Official Township-wide Trick or Treat night
  17. Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 5:00-7:00
  18. We need to advertise/communicate this date throughout Harrison Township to get all community members on board
  19. Local police and fire departments to be contacted to help with safety of kids (Mike Krezminski and Mike Kline)
  20. Christmas/Holiday Parade and Community Celebration
  21. Saturday, December 3, 2016 starting at 5:00
  22. Parade route to be determined with the end of the parade culminating into a community holiday celebration with possible hot chocolate, tree lighting, business light up night, holiday carols
  23. We are looking for organizations to participate in the parade; Highlands High School band to be contacted
  24. Todd Stanzione is contacting Tarentum to find out specifics of their Christmas snowflake lights and talking with Brackenridge about the possibility of Brackenridge and Harrison Township also having snowflake lights along Freeport Road along with Tarentum.
  25. Future Projects
  26. 5K run
  27. Bike races/safety class for kids
  28. Scavenger hunt
  29. Kickball/softball tournament
  30. Talent show
  31. Increasing our funds through grants, business donations, community member donations and request made of the Township Commissioners
  32. Recruit new members to the Recreation Citizens Advisory Committee
  33. Next Meeting June 28 at 7:00 at the Municipal Building