Delivered by:
Laura Alexander -Autism Resource Centre / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners
Nursery Staff who have less knowledge of Autism; or who are new in post, or who have not attended Autism Training in last 2 years.
•To increase knowledge of autism as a condition.
•To begin to understand how children with autism experience the world.
•To be able to apply knowledge and improve the quality of interactions with children with ASD.
•Have greater understanding of the issues for children with autism.
•Be better equipped in their role as leaders in learning for children with an ASD.
•Understand the needs of all children on the autism spectrum.
- Autism as a neurological condition
- The effect of social impairments on daily life
- Communication difficulties
- Sensory issues
- Theories
- Practical Strategies
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
This course provides a good basis for understanding and supporting young children in the early stages of receiving a diagnosis of autism.
02/10/17 / 09:15-3:15 / CBS FULL
18/01/18 / 09:15-3:15 / 12/12/17
05/03/18 / 09:15-3:15 / 05/01/18
Sensory Systems and Autism
Delivered by:
Laura Alexander Autism Resource Centre / Venue: Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners
The aims of this session are to:
- Have greater understanding of the issues for children with sensory processing difficulties and autism.
- Be able to source support for children experiencing sensory difficulties
- To increase understanding of the Sensory Systems
- To identify sensory issues relevant to children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- To increase awareness of how to support children with sensory issues
- The 7 Sensory systems
- Sensory Integration
- Sensory Processing
- Hyper/hypo sensitivity
- Sensory diets
- Resources
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
This course is a follow on to the Introduction to Autism, and will benefit those staff wishing to increase their knowledge of autism and related neurological conditions.
We are trying to get more sessions arranged.
30/10/17 / 09:15-12:15 / 02/10/17 -FULL
Joyful and Relaxed 2s
Delivered by:
Grounds For Learning / Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners / Venue: Session 1 – Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
Session 2 – Molendinar Family Learning Centre
Session 3 – Molendinar Family Learning Centre
The aims of this training are:
•to improve confidence and practice amongst staff working in Early Years settings within Glasgow
•to enable staff to use their outdoor space as a regular and productive play and learning environment.
This course will include:
•Going to outdoor spaces and taking part in practical ideas that can easily be replicated
•Relating outdoor play and its provision to relevant policies and guidance
•Demonstrating that provision of outdoor play and learning can be low cast and manageable
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
This course is run as a cohort of 3 sessions.
14/12/17 / 09:15-3:15 / 14/11/17
11/01/18 / 09:15-12:15
25/01/18 / 09:15-12:15
Outdoors Whatever the Weather
Delivered by:
Grounds For Learning / Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
- To develop participants’ commitment and enthusiasm for outdoor play whatever the weather.
- To introduce resources, preparation, ideas and adult roles for supporting children’s learning outdoors in all weathers
Participants will:
- Consider how the outdoor environment can be used all year, as a daily experience
- Audit their current provision for outdoor play and learning in all weathers
- Consider the preparation and organisation needed to enable outdoor play in all weathers
- Develop resources to make the most of various weather and seasonal conditions to enrich
- Consider their role as adults and how to engage parents’ support for outdoor play in all weather
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
18/09/17 / 09:15-3:15 / Full
29/01/18 / 09:15-3:15 / 11/12/17
NEW DATE / 09:15-3.15 / 21/01/18
Facilitating Schemas in the Outdoors
Delivered by:
Grounds For Learning / Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
- To extend participants understanding of schemas and why they are important.
- To recognise schematic behaviour and how to support this in an outdoor setting through practical ideas for resources and activities
Participants will:
·Understand the links in learning that schematic behaviour provides
·Increase their confidence in recognising and supporting schematic behaviour
·Become more confident in facilitating a variety of activities that can extend children’s learning through schemas
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
12/10/17 / 1 - 4 / 18/09/17
Forest Kindergarten
Delivered by:Marian Cairns, Forestry Commission / Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners / Venue:
Pollok House
Pollok Park
2060 Pollokshaws Rd
G43 1AT
This course will be delivered by Marian Cairns, Forest Kindergarten Officer for the Forestry Commission. The sessions are designed to support you in returning to your establishment to work with your team, parents and children to create a forest kindergarten using your local woodlands.
Day 1:
- Introduction to the course.
- Aims and objectives of training
- Links with Scottish curricular guidance
- Links with international research
- Hopes and Fears exercise
- Why Go to the Woods Exercise
- Benefits of Forest Kindergarten approach.
- Scottish Outdoor Access Code
- Appraising a site
- Safety Games and activities
- Visit to Forest Kindergarten ( transport provided if required)
- Engaging Others
- Risk Assessment
- The impact on nursery play area and outdoor environment
- The impact on nursery play area and outdoor environment
- Using Natural Materials
- Practical application of training
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:The course is delivered on 3 consecutive days. All participants must attend on the 3 days in order to receive their certificate of participation. The course will usually take place from 9.30-3.30 each day. Participants may need to attend earlier on Day 2 for the Forest Kindergarten observation visit. There will be a mid morning and lunch time break. Please be prepared to bring your own lunch if needed and be prepared to travel to the forest kindergarten observation site.
12/02/18 / 09.30-3.30 / 08/01/18
13/02/18 / 09.30-3.30
14/02/18 / 09.30-3.30
Early Reading
Target Audience:
Early Years Practitioners / Delivered by:
Leaders of Early Learning / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
- To raise awareness of Glasgow’s attainment Challenge and the ‘Ready to Read’ Scotland Campaign
- To examine children’s progression in Early Reading skills from 0-5 and factors which might be a barrier to this
- To highlight the experiences and environments that support children’s early reading skills and the role of the adult in supporting them
- To provide practical support around Planning, assessment and tracking of early reading
Practitioners will consider the features of a very stimulating early reading environment. They will learn about the progression of early reading skills from 0-5 and barriers to their development. The importance of the role of adult in supporting early reading skills will be discussed, including taking a problem solving approach to reading and the Three Read Approach. Practitioners will examine planning for, assessing and tracking skills and ways to support reading at home.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
25/10/17 / 09:15-12:15 / 26/09/17
14/03/18 / 09:15-12:15 / 14/02/18
Phonological Awareness
Target Audience:
Lead practitioners / Delivered by:
Leaders of Early Learning, Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service, English as an Additional Language Service / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
This session is in partnership with Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service and the English as an Additional Language Service.
In this session we aim to:
- Discuss key elements of Phonological Awareness
- Highlight features on effective practice
- Consider how to embed PA in an inclusive way
This interactive session will focus on advice from Building the Ambition around strategies for developing children’s phonological awareness skills (listening, syllable segmentation, rhyme and alliteration). We will look at embedding opportunities for the development of phonological awareness skills into daily practice and the learning environment and how to track the development of these skills in a ‘natural’ way.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
03/11/17 / 09:15-12:15 / 03/10/17
26/04/18 / 09:15-12:15 / 26/03/18
Creativity and Imagination
Target Audience:
Early Years practitioners / Delivered by:
Leaders of Early Learning / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
- To explore the concept of creativity and why it is important
- To analyse how our own thinking and the curriculum framework promote creativity
- Evaluate our provision in relation to promoting children’s creativity and communication
- Support creativity through our practice, experiences and the environment
Practitioners will explore the concept of creativity in order to analyse their current curriculum framework. They will be asked to consider the environment for learning and resources available in their setting, and how these support creativity skills. Practitioners will be challenged to think about themselves as ‘creative practitioners’ who open up opportunities for communication.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
01/02/18 / 09:15-12:15 / 08/01/18
15/02/18 / 09:15-12:15 / 15/01/18
Growth Mindset and Sustained Shared Thinking
Target Audience:
Early Years Practitioners / Delivered by:
Leaders of Early Learning / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
- To develop an understanding of the impact of a ‘growth mindset’ culture
- To consider how praising effort and perseverance helps children to become more resilient and motivated in learning
Practitioners will examine the work of Carol Dweck on growth mind-set, considering how children’s beliefs about themselves and their ‘ability’ can shape behaviour with a particular focus on communication. The role of sustained shared thinking in building children’s self-belief and agency will also be explored.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
06/12/17 / 09:15-12:15 / 06/11/17
Growing Good Citizens
Target Audience:
Leaders and champions / Delivered by:
Lesley Morrison / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
Aim(s): To support early years staff to deliver learning for sustainability.
Session 1
"Young people should have the right to an opinion and the right to be heard. Young people should be entitled to believe and to think what they want, unless that opinion can result in hurt or harm to others. Young people’s opinions should be taken seriously.”
Practitioners will explore:
- Rights Based Learning – brief outline of UNCRC Articles, Glasgow’s Charter and a particular focus on Article 12.
- Examples of EY practice that ensures Pupil Voice – empowering children to participate and contribute meaningfully to decision making in their own lives and that of their community.
- Taking Learning Outdoors to engage in all areas of CfE. “
- “Going Out To Learn” and exploring solutions to adult/child ratios.
- Share ideas for securing funding and cost free ways to access/acquire resources.
- Plan Challenging Active Learning Spaces led by Pupil Voice.
- Tracking progress and achievement within LfS – Advice and support to complete your establishment’s LfS Reflection Toolkit and move forward to achieve “Glasgow’s Growing Good Citizen’s” Accreditation.
- View examples of successful applications from other establishments.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
Please note - participants are expected to attend both sessions. Please bring with you a copy of Glasgow’s LfS Reflection Toolkit available to download from the LEL Blog. During each session participants will be able to seek advice or support to begin or add to the progress their individual establishment is making across areas of LfS. Participants are also asked to bring a USB stick to each session to capture resources which can be used to support RBL, Pupil Voice & LfS in their own establishments.
16/01/18 / 1 - 4 / 4/12/17
23/01/18 / 1 - 4
Human Rights Education Through Picture Books
Target Audience:
Early Years Practitioners / Delivered by:
Martine Leitch, DHT Knightswood Primary / Venue:
To explore ways in which young children can begin to develop an understanding of theUN Convention on the Rights of the Child and begin to develop a sense of themselves as active citizens, using picture books as a rich context for learning.
This workshop will explore the introduction of human rights education in the early years and early stages of first level. Participants will explore ways in which to introduce a wide range of articles from the UNCRCand embed these within practice.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
Please bring along a popular picture book
05/02/18 / 9 - 12 / 05/01/18
Exploring Complex Issues with Young Thinkers
Target Audience: / Delivered by:
Martine Leitch, DHT Knightswood Primary / Venue: STUC
To be confirmed.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
12/03/18 / 9 - 12 / 12/02/18
Financial Education – The Financially Capable Child
Target Audience: Early Years Practitioners / Delivered by:
Brenda Rockhead Financial Education Officer, Scottish Financial Education Group (SFEG) and Lesley Morrison, Headteacher, Westercraigs Nursery School / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
Aim(s): Support practitioners to
- develop children’s financial capability in the context of Curriculum for Excellence/IDL and careereducation.
- promote financial inclusion through enhanced partnership working
- develop children’s awareness of managing money through real life experiences
The workshop addresses financial inclusion and offers suggestions for
- active learning experiences
- ‘going out to learn’ in the local community
- running a money week/finance fortnight
- establishing an EY centre credit union
- parental/family involvement
- connections across learning
- be given the opportunity to discuss money activities that address the four aspects of financial capability and which help young people develop informed attitudes and behaviours about financial matters.
- be made aware of experiences that assist children and their families achieve economic, mental and emotional well-being and help the young people develop the financial attitudes, skills and knowledge they will need as they move into adulthood.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
Rescheduled for 1/11/17
Those registered asked to email confirmation of attendance on rescheduled date.
05/10/17 / 09:15- 12:15 / 18/09/17
Introduction to English as an Additional Language
Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners / Delivered by:
Laura Goff / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
The aim of this session is to:
- provide an introduction to working with children with English as an Additional Language.
- consider theory and possible misconceptions around bilingualism
- reflect on our own practice and consider how we support language development in our settings
In this session we will look at the work of Jim Cummins and his theory of language acquisition and will reflect on the key themes of the Learning in 2+ Languages document. We will consider the benefits of bilingualism and consider how to support children and families to develop both English and home language.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
28/09/17 / 09:15–12:15 / 18/09/17
16/11/17 / 09:15-12:15 / 25/09/17
11/01/18 / 09:15-12:15 / 04/12/17
10/05/18 / 09:15-12:15 / 29/03/18
Taking a closer look at English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners / Delivered by:
Laura Goff / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
These sessions are intended for those who wish to further develop their practice in supporting bilingual learners and who have attended the previous session - An introduction to English as an Additional Language (EAL). Practitioners will be asked to undertake a small initiative or development in their setting and discuss this with their group. In these sessions, we aim to:
- consider how to create an inclusive ethos which is supportive of bilingual learners and families and celebrates language diversity
- consider the impact of effective use of stories songs and chants in language development
- develop practice in our settings and discuss the challenges and successes you have encountered.
Session 1 – Developing an Inclusive Ethos
Session 2 –Using Stories, Songs and Chants
Session 3 – Feedback
Cohort 1
Dates / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
Participants should have previously attended the Introduction to English as an Additional Language course
02/11/17 / 09:15-12:15 / 02/10/17
23/11/17 / 09:15-12:15
01/12/17 / 09:15-12:15
Cohort 2 Dates / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
Participants should have previously attended the Introduction to English as an Additional Language course
19/01/18 / 09:15-12:15 / 11/12/17
09/02/18 / 09:15-12:15
02/03/18 / 09:15-12:15
Building the Ambition – An Introduction
Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners / Delivered by:
Leaders of Early Learning / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
The aim of this session is to raise awareness of building the ambition and how it can be used to evaluate your own provision, celebrate strengths and identify areas of improvement
Q.I s 1.3, 3.2, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3
This session is aimed at practitioners who have little or no knowledge of the Building the Ambition document and wish to become more familiar with it. There will be plenty of opportunities throughout the session to explore the key messages from the document and engage in professional dialogue with colleagues.
Date / Time / Live on Eventbrite / Notes:
19/09/17 / 09:15-12:15 / Full
NEW DATE / 09:15-12:15 / 25/09/17
NEW DATE / 09:15-12:15 / 23/10/17
Building the Ambition – Schematic Play
Target Audience:
Early Level Practitioners / Delivered by:
Leaders of Early Learning / Venue:
Leaders of Early Learning base
Gadburn Campus
70 Rockfield Road
G21 3DZ
The aims of this session are to:
- raise awareness of and develop understanding of schematic play
- discover how to recognise and support schemas and consider the importance of observation in meeting the needs of young learners
Schemas are “patters of repeated behaviour which can often be noticed in young children’s play’ (Hudson and Santer) Through schematic play, children become more involved in doing things for themselves and learning through their actions. The skilled practitioner is able to recognise that distinct patterns of behaviour are meaningful and accommodate opportunities for individual children. Building the Ambition (2014, p.40)