The information below details how we are planning to spend our “School Sport and P.E.” funding at Goring for 2013-2014
This information will be updated when appropriate.
Target Area / Cost Details / Potential Impact / Measured ImpactDistrict/County interschool competition.
Links with local schools and clubs.
Progression to district (level 2) and county/national (level 3) competitions.
KS2 to KS3 transition.
Opportunities for gifted and talented children. / Woodcote School Primary Sports
Level 2 competition.
Buy in £2000 Travel and associated staff costs £1000.
Qualification for level 2 and 3 competitions.
Travel and associated staff costs. £500
VWHPSFA –Girls and boys league and cup football across the region. Qualification for county and possible National Finals. Levels 2 and 3.
Entry fees, travel, associated staff costs
£1000. / Children will have the opportunity to enter a range of tournaments and leagues within the district, area and county.
Children will be motivated to continue their sport beyond school.
Children in KS2 are better prepared for moving to secondary school by taking part in sport with other KS2 children.
Shared good practice across Woodcote Partnership of schools through partnership meetings. / School have won local
Cluster year ¾ football,
Year 5/6 kwik cricket,
Year ¾ quadkids athletics qualifying for county finals.
Runners up in quadkids
Year 5/6 and year ¾ mini tennis, also qualifying for regional finals.
Girls football team won Vale of White Horse League, Oxfordshire County champions, South West England regional semi-finalists.
School football team won VOWH league losing in cup final.
We also competed at local level cross-country, swimming and indoor sportshall
58 KS2 children have represented the school in inter-school competition.
Links with local clubs.
Partnership agreements with Goring Robins Football club and Goring Cricket Club.
Tennis coaching through Goring Tennis Club. / Associated staff costs
£500. / Children join sports clubs out of school. Children continue with this involvement on a long-term basis. / In excess of 30 children now attend Goring Cricket Club Academy, many represent the club in weekend matches.
Approximately 90 children are members of Goring Robins Football Club, they train weekly and also play in competitive matches from the age of 8.
Many children who have now left the school are continuing to play for the local sports clubs.
Staff development / Staff CPD – training
£2000. / Staff will have the confidence to deliver high quality and effective P.E. lessons beyond the period of funding.
School will have a bank of skills that can be used to benefit children of all abilities. / KS2 have attended tennis training.
In Progress
Replace old/obsolete P.E. equipment with modern facilities that are fit for purpose. / Replace old and potentially unsafe P.E. Hall wallbars with new
Equipment. £2000. / Children will be able to safely perform a range of gymnastic techniques which are currently unavailable to them.
Staff will feel confident in giving quality teaching knowing that the equipment is fit for purpose. / In progress.
Extra curricular activities / Skipping workshop
Bikeability £500
Hockey £400
Dancing £300
Mathletics £700 / All children inspired to engage in extra activities on a regular basis. Improvement in overall fitness. / Mathletics has proved very popular, it has achieved the dual effect of improving mathematical performance with an increase in fitness.
A Wheatcroft, T Monk and M Clegg