Highways Act 1980 (Section 139)
Applicant Details
Company Name:
(including postcode)
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Mobile number:
Emergency/out of hours telephone number:
E-Mail address:
Location of Skip
Street Name:
House No
Post Code
Exact Location of Skip (if different from above)
From what date is the skip required:
For how many days is the skip required:
(Max 14 Days)
Will the Skip be placed on: / (Answer Y or N) Yes/No
a. On a road where there are double white lines?
b. Within 25 metres of Traffic Signals?
c. Within 15 metres of a Road Junction?
d. In the Controlled Area of a Pedestrian Crossing?
e. On Yellow Zig Zag lines in front of a school?
f. At a Bus Stop?
g. Where there is a Parking Restriction?
h. Where the road is less than 4.5 metres wide?
I/We undertake and agree to deposit the said skip in all respects to the satisfaction of the Council (see conditions below), and in accordance with the terms and conditions, which I/we have read and understood. I/We understand that if damage has been caused to the public highway. Or any equipment thereon, I/We will pay for the cost of repairs.I/ We agree to pay the sum of £21 per skip permit application.
Skip Company Employee Making Applications Full Name:Contact Details for Assistance
Address: WMDC Highways & Engineering
PO Box 92
Newton Bar
Leeds Road
West Yorkshire
WF1 1XS / Contact Tele No: / 01924 306483
Contact Fax No: / 01924 306310
E-Mail Address: /
A Fax / E-Mail copy of this form will be accepted.
Conditions Relating to the Placement of Skips on the Public Highway
- Each skip shall be deposited and positioned on (the carriageway/the verge) as required by the Head of Engineering and so that it does not impede the surface water drainage of the Highway nor obstruct access to any manhole or the apparatus of any Statutory Undertaker, or of the District Council.
- Where more than one skip is on the Highway at any one time, the skips shall be positioned as closely as possible to each other, but not so close as to obstruct access to any premises unless the consent of the occupier of those premises has been obtained.
- Each skip shall not exceed 5 metres in length by 2 metres in width.
- Each skip or group of skips shall whilst on the Highway be marked (guarded) and lit in accordance with the following requirement.
(a)The end of each skip (that is to say, the sides of the skip facing the traffic in both directions when the skip is positioned as mentioned in condition 2 above) shall be painted yellow and there shall be attached to each end 2 vertical strips of materials comprised of red and yellow reflecting diagonal stripes which comply inn all respects with the requirements of the Builders Skips (Markings) regulations 1984.
(b)The painting and strips of material referred to in (a) above shall at all times be kept clean.
(c)(For inclusion when cones required). Each skip shall be guarded by at least 3 traffic cones placed on the Carriageway in an oblique line on the approach side of the skip. Where two or more skips are deposited in a row so that the distance between adjacent skips does not exceed 2 metres, the row shall be guarded as if it were one skip.
(d)At night (that is to say, between half-an-hour after sunset and half-an-hour before sunrise):-
(For a single skip or a row of skips on the verge or on the Carriageway where cones are not required). A lamp shall be placed against or attached to each corner of the skip or at the end corners of a row of skips where two or more skips are deposited in a row and the distance between adjacent skips does not exceed 2 metres.
(For a single skip or a row of skips on the Carriageway where cones are required). A lamp shall be placed against or attached to each corner of the skip or end corners of a row of skips where the distance between the skips does not exceed 2 metres and shall also be placed between each cone and the next. Lamps shall comply with the traffic signs Regulations and General Directions.
- No skip, when standing within the Highway shall contain any (inflammable) explosive, noxious or dangerous material which is likely to putrefy or which otherwise is, or is likely to become a nuisance to users of the Highway.
- No skip shall be used in such a way that any of its contents fall on to the Highway, or that there is an escape of dust from the contents of the skip when standing in the Highway.
- Each skip shall be removed for emptying as soon, as is practicable and in any case not later than 2 working days after it has been filled.
- No skip shall remain on the Highway pursuant to this permission after the period of this permission specified in paragraph 1 above has expired.
- All materials placed in each skip shall be properly disposed of and the Highway where the skip or skips have been deposited shall be left in a clean and tidy condition on the expiration of this permission and any damage caused to the verge or Carriageway shall be made good by The Council and the cost shall be recovered from the licensee.