Open Graves, Open Minds: Vampires and the Undead in
Modern Culture
16/04/20 to 17/04/201
List of Panels with Papers
Friday 16 April 2010
10:00 14:00 Registration Foyer
12:15 12:30 Welcome Dr Sam George Lecture Hall N003
12:30 13:30 Plenary: Gothic Charm School, or, How Dr Catherine Lecture Hall N003
Vampires Learned to Sparkle Spooner
13:30 15:00 Panels of Papers (Panels 1, 2, 3)
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1 Appetites of the Undead Syndicate Room R034
1 "Glutted with Strangeness": Appetite, Art Dorothea Schuller (University of Göttingen, Germany)
and Otherness in Suzy McKee Charnas' The
Vampire Tapestry
2 "Vegetarian" Vampires: Morality of the Anti- Shanna Flaschka (University of Mississippi, USA)
Villains in Selected Vampire Novels
7 ‘You beautiful piece of dead meat…’: the Alex Tankard (University of Liverpool)
negotiation of intimacy and sexual
exploitation in Charlaine Harris’s Sookie
Stackhouse novels
2 Undead Victorians Syndicate Room R035
32 Reimagining the Victorian Vampire Leslie Ormandy (Clackamas Community College, USA)
39 Steampunk Vampire: The diffusion of Dr Brigid Cherry (St Mary’s University College) & Dr Maria
steampunk style across the vampire Mellins (Croydon Higher Education College )
65 Vampirism and Victorianism in Kim Dr Dorota Babilas (Department of English Studies, University of
Newman’s Anno Dracula Warsaw, Poland)
3 Bad Blood and Infection Lecture Hall N003
6 ‘Who Ordered the Hamburger with Aids?’: Xavier Aldana Reyes (Lancaster University)
Blood Anxiety in True Blood.
24 Manic Street Creatures: The Infected of 28 Andrew Patch (University of Exeter)
Days Later
42 Sullied Blood, Semen, and Skin: Vampires Kimberly Frohreich Gaydon (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
and the Specter of Miscegenation
15:00 15:30 Tea and Refreshments Foyer
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15:30 17:00 Panels of Papers (Panels 4, 5, 6)
4 Zombies
3 ‘Death is the New Pornography!’: Gay Darren Elliott-Smith (Royal Holloway (University of London))
Zombies and Fascist Hypermasculinity in
Queer Horror Film
30 Race and Otherness in Romero’s “Dead” Robert Neuding (Bowling Green State University, USA)
70 Zombies and Ninjas and Class, Oh My!: Julia S. Fullman (California State University, Fullerton, USA)
Marxist Paradigms in Pride and Prejudice
and Zombies
5 Undead Teens I
18 Female Representation in Teenagers' Leonor Ruiz-Ayúcar Bello (La Laguna University, Spain)
Vampire Fiction: Love with Fangs
48 The Eternal Teen: The Configuration of Simon Bacon (University of Roehampton)
Teenage Identity in the American Teen-
Vamp Film
49 The good, the gay, the glamorous: modern- Jagoda Szulia (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
day reinterpretations of the vampire myth in
young-adult fiction
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6 Politics of the Undead Chair: Bill Hughes
19 Fundamentalism, Hybridity and Remapping Dr Sorcha Ní Fhlainn (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
the Vampire body: Postmodern Vampirism
and the Presidency of George W. Bush
31 Reflecting Our Inhumanity: The Vampiric David McWilliam (University of Liverpool)
Other and Genocide in Ultraviolet (1998)
64 Vampiric Economies at the Anglo-African Jane Ford (University of Portsmouth)
Margin: Bertram Mitford’s Imperial Romance
17:00 18:45 Panels of Papers (Panels 7, 8, 9)
7 Undead Romance I
10 “You are the most dangerous creature I’ve Karen Graham (University of Dundee)
ever met.”: Female Sexuality as Monstrous
in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series
22 Love at Vampires' Time: Love & Sex in Guido Mastroianni (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy)
contemporary vampire literature
59 Undead, unwed, but not unread: vampire Dr Joanne Knowles (Liverpool John Moores University)
fiction and chick-lit
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8 Undead Teens II Chair: Dr Sam George
8 “Don’t Go into the Woods Alone”: The Rebecca Owen (Liverpool John Moores University)
Function of Rape Myths in Adolescent
Vampire Fiction
15 Coming of Age in Vampire Fiction. The Maria Verena Siebert (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
Maturation of a Sub-Genre
25 Monstrous Sex: The Sexualisation of Cecilia Rogers (Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia)
Girlhood in Young Adult Gothic
26 My Boyfriend is a Vampire! - Gender Roles Johanna Schorn (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
and Teen Dating
9 The Gay Undead Chair: Darren Elliott-Smith
37 Silent? Stalkers: Homophobic Combatants Karrie Clinkenbeard (California State University, Stanislaus,
in Vampire Literature and Film
45 The (Un)Death of the Queer Subject: Dying Shramko Elizabeth (Central European University, Hungary)
and Political Rebirth
58 True Blood, Real Life?: Religious J Ryan Parker (The Graduate Theological Union, USA)
Fundamentalism, Gay Rights,
(Non)Violence, and the American South in
62 Vampires as Otherness: The Vampire as Ian Scales (York St. John University)
Metaphor for the Homosexual in Poppy Z.
Brite’s Lost Souls
18:45 19:45 Plenary: ‘Cancer with a Purpose’: Putting Dr Stacey Abbott Lecture Hall N003
The Cinematic Vampire Under the
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19:45 20:15 Drinks reception Club de Havilland
20:15 Vampire-Themed Conference Dinner Comet Room, Club de Havilland
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Saturday 17 April 2010
09:00 10:30 Panels of Papers (Panels 10, 11, 12)
10 Undead in the New Media
21 He Walks Again: The Digital Translation of Larkin Romaneski (Florida State University, USA)
the Man’s Vampire in Legacy of Kain
29 Out of Character? Slashing Twilight Maria Lindgren Leavenworth (Umeå University, Sweden)
56 The Vampire in the Machine: exploring the Dr Ivan Phillips (University of Hertfordshire)
undead interface
11 Identity, Legality, and the Undead Chair: Dr Rowland Hughes
5 ‘Legally Recognised Undead’: Difference Bill Hughes (University of Sheffield)
and Assimilation in Contemporary Vampire
and Zombie Fiction (The Southern Vampire
series; the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter
series; and Generation Dead)
14 Charlaine’s Poor White Trash: Contemporary Nickianne Moody (Liverpool John Moores University)
Inhabitants of Paranormal Economies
60 Vampires and Southern Social Anxieties in Victoria Kearley (University of Southampton)
True Blood
12 Witchcraft and Folklore
34 Re-visioning the womb: Rethinking maternal Sara Williams (University of Hull)
knowledge and folklore in the works of Le
Fanu and Stoker
67 Whose curse is it? Both of us, of course! Domenec Mendez (LiveScripts, Spain)
69 Witch Craft, Black Magicians, Peers and Mr Waheed Mohiuddin (Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC))
Spiritual healers: Their place in literature
and society: A Case study of Pakistan.
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10:30 11:00 Coffee and Croissants Foyer
11:00 12:30 Panels of Papers (Panels 13, 14, 15)
13 Undead Romance II
35 Romance and Female Knight Errantry in the Tom Ue (McGill University, Canada)
Twilight Saga
36 Saki’s “The Open Window”: Summoning the Vahideh Sayedi (Ferdowsi University)
Undead, Moriendo Renascor, Birth of
44 That’s Why the Lady is a Vamp: The Dr Katie Edwards (University of Sheffield)
Resurgence of the Femme Fatale in
Contemporary Popular Culture
14 The Gothic Tradition and the Undead
38 Staking them Out: Shakespeare’s Vampires Danielle Rosvally (Rutgers-Newark, USA)
43 Tell-Tale Deaths and Monstrous Quests: Jacqueline de Giacomo (Technische Universität Berlin,
Being Human and Visions of Death in
Millennial Gothic Fictions
61 Vampires and the Gothic Rhizome Aishah Al-Shatti (Kuwait University, Kuwait)
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15 Undead Bodies
54 The Twilight Saga and the Pleasures of Dr Sarah Artt (Edinburgh Napier University) & Dr Sara-Patricia
Spectatorship: the Broken Body and the Wasson (Edinburgh Napier University)
Shining Body
63 Vampires vs. Creatures of Moonshine Dr Jacob Huntley (University of East Anglia)
68 Wildean Aesthetics and the Trope of Non- Dr Sam George (University of Hertfordshire)
reflection:vampiric bodiesfrom Mona Lisa
to Edward Cullen
12:30 13:30 Lunch Restaurant de Havilland
13:30 15:00 Panels of Papers (Panels 16, 17, 18)
16 Dracula Lives! Chair: Dr Andrew Maunder
13 Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the Sciences of Andrés Romero-Jódar (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
the Mind: Vampires as Products of Mental
20 Gender and Sexuality in Dracula Prof. Graham Holderness (University of Hertfordshire)
27 New Men and the New Chivalry in Bram Dr Sara Clayson (Open University)
Stoker’s Dracula
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17 Jagieollian University
28 Opened graves, singing dead and the Wojciech Kosior (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
bringing up from Sheol. Metaphors of life,
death and un-death in the Hebrew Bible
33 Remains of Freud: Souless bodies, bodiless Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
spirits and the spectre of the Enlightenment
46 The Anatomy of the Undead. Cognitive Katarzyna Bajka (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
approach to the study of nonhuman entities
18 Ethnicity and Nation among the
9 “Others” of Turkey in a Female Vampire Story Pelin Aslan (Boğaziçi University, Turkey)
11 A Fledgling Biopolitics of Vampire Frann Michel (Willamette University, USA)
47 The Brutal and Bloody: Representations of Prof. Suryendu Chakraborty (Krishnagar Women’s College,
the ChupaCabra in Rudolfo Anaya’s Curse
of the ChupaCabra
15:00 16:45 Panels of Papers (Panels 19, 20, 21)
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19 Crypts, Coffins, and Bad Language Chair: Dr Sam George
4 ‘I feel strong. I feel different’: Malgorzata Drewniok (Lancaster University )
Transformations, vampires and language in
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
12 Bloody hell. Sodding, blimey, shagging, Dr Charlotte Bosseaux (University of Edinburgh)
knickers, bollocks. Oh God, I’m English-
Translating Spike
52 The Tomb of Dracula: Horror Comics and Prof. Peter Hutchings (Northumbria University)
the reinvention of the Vampire in the 1970s
57 The Vampire: Only The Coffin Is That In Sian Lindsay Flinders (Monmouth University, USA)
Which It Fits
20 Film, TV, and the Undead Chair: Dr Rowland Hughes
17 Failed Vamps? Blood Ties, Moonlight and Dr Alison Peirse (University of Northumbria)
Canadian TV
41 Stoker’s Castle and Park’s New Clothes: The Zachary J Bellino (Louisiana State University, USA)
Political/Libidinal Economy of Desire in
Park Chan-Wook’s Thirst and Bram Stoker’s
50 The Humanization of the Undead: An Dr Antonio Sanna (University of Westminster)
Analysis of 2000s Films on Vampires, From
Queen of the Damned and The Little
Vampire to Perfect Creature and I Am
51 The Other as Undead: representations of Gábor Gergely (University of Exeter)
exilic bodies as already dead in 1930s
Hollywood cinema
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21 Gendering the Undead
16 Dark Ladies: Vampires, Lesbians, and Dr Victoria Amador (Heriot Watt University)
Women of Colour
23 Loving the Vampire. Masculinity, Judith Coffey (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Heteronormativity and Female Desire in
Twilight and True Blood
53 The Twilight of Anita Blake: Resistance and Luz María Gordillo (Washington State University Vancouver,
Submission in an Undead Postfeminist Era
66 When death is not enough: the return of the Hanène Kooli (University of Kairouan, Tunisia)
repressed in Morrison'sBeloved
16:45 17:15 Tea Foyer
17:15 18:15 Plenary: Breathing Life into the Undead: Marcus Sedgwick Lecture Hall N003
Writing Vampire Fiction
18:15 19:15 Book Signing Marcus Sedgwick Foyer
18:15 Conference drinks Club de Havilland
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