Patient Participation Group-Steering Committee Meeting
Held 16TH April 2015 at 10am in the Conference Room
Members Present: Priscilla Baines (Chair Woman), Dilys Cossey, Kemi Alagbala, Christine Tan, Yvonne Tul (CRN), Dr Mark Ashworth, Pam Elliott (Practice manager) and Cleopatra Kamale (Receptionist representative and minute taker)
Guest – Yvonne Tul from The Clinical Research Network (CRN), working in South London which is part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) nationally and locally, delivering research to make patients and the NHS better
Dr Ashworth’s made an announcement
CQC feedback & ratings re: PPG meetings – very good, #Outstanding! PPG members
Yvonne Tul
Introduces herself, hands out booklets on NIHR and takes us through their goals, what they do and our involvement at the Hurley. In summary, the institute will be inviting patients to be part of a series of research projects. PPG members will take part in inviting patients too and including it in future meetings with necessary information for the patients. Yvonne will set up a stall within the practice to reach out to the patients, invite them along and provide all information about the project.
Dilys makes a valid point re: Administration staff
There’s a big gap with administrators, their sieves for patients to reach the clinicians and they need more. We never hear about them and more needs to be done in that area.
Every practice does things differently; there is no model for all practices to follow. Instead of having different models, we should have one model for all GP’s to follow.
Question to Yvonne, do you do research depending on demographics or is it the same research everywhere?
Research team look for solutions to pick things up early i.e things that help the patients before it gets worse or before they develop. So researching patient’s primary care and helping before it gets to secondary care. Study team will approach NHS with research and they take action from there. Patients who are at the risk of any condition would take part in a screening to help them before secondary care.
People want to get involved in research because they feel their giving back and taking part. Patients are not subjects of the research their participants.
How you ask the question changes the nature of the outcome.
PPI – Patient Care and Public Involvement
There is Integrated Care; people have given up on this project. Cancer has been given a lot of attention. Other areas need attention, Clinical and Social Care.
Is it possible for NHS to adopt other areas that need attention like community care?
This study is a biomedical study and doesn’t apply to the social care aspect
I’m frustrated with the meetings about pt hubs. No clarity about what the hubs do.
It’s National Patients Awareness Week!
What is the research group looking for from us? Can you give us ideas on how we can raise people’s awareness on this research?
Pam, will work with Mark about putting information on website, regarding our research.
CCG has some money to spend.
Ask patients if they were involved in research, do they feel it was anything to do with them?
Get a pt who was involved to talk about it.
Wellogram - Life coaching for patients to manage their conditions. E.g. Diabetes, apply with their medication
Next Steering Committee on 25th of June at 10am
· Send text out for meeting (every two months)
· Contact the patients who don’t have emails
Healthy Eating
· Do we want a healthy eating event in July? Probably early July
· Please find the banners
· Christine to explore leap
· Check when Agueda is away
· 1st July for next Healthy Eating Morning
· BMA British Medical Association
· Ann Marie is no longer here
· We have admitted our QOF and Des report
· Prescribing and telephone audit will be ready in June, 80p per person
· Agueda finishes her training in July – September
· Gardens next to rooms?