Action Strategy

Goal: T = TourismED = Entrepeneurial DevelopmentAIM = Amenity In-MigrantsAG = Value-Added AgricultureCI = Community ImprovementsOC = Organizational CapacityVCA = Volunteers & Community Attitude
Strategy T5 Regional Visitor Fishing Licenses and/or Snowmobiling Permits
Visitors to the Island park/West Yellowstone region must face the regulatory burden of a border community. They need different licenses to fish in Idaho and Montana and different permits/tags to snowmobile in the two states. Many of these visitors would gladly pay the full price for the convenience of a single process. A related issue is that the Gallatin and Targhee National Forests require two different permitting processes for guides to take visitors into these public lands. These border issues transcend Fremont County are experienced in the Lolo Pass area, the 4th of July pass area, and near Lake Pend'Oreille as well. This strategy is a long term effort to force some common sense regulatory reform for the sake fostering a better tourism environment. It may require legislation in both states to smooth this wrinkle, but this is a win-win proposition for both.
Ideally, a larger organization should take the lead on this issue, such as the Yellowstone Business Partnership or a state outdoor recreation task force, or Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association.
Potential Partners:
Idaho Fish & Game
Montana Fish & Game
Idaho Parks & Recreation
Montana Parks & Recreation
Targhee National Forest
Gallatin National Forest
Yellowstone-Teton Tourism Council
Potential Resources:
Ranking Score
Plausibility (To what degree will a success fix the problem? i.e. size of community reward) Score 1-10 / 2
Feasibility (Can we access the resources to succeed? i.e. probability of success) Score 1-10 / 4
Community Readiness (Score 1-5; 1=Not Ready, 5= Very Ready) / 1
Total Score = Plausibility x Feasibility x Community Readiness / 8
Action Steps
a.  Keep raising this issue before regional tourism and recreation groups / Not Done* = In ProgressX = DoneOn-going
b.  Keep on agenda for March 27 meeting to decide if this is an important enough issue to keep moving / Not Done* = In ProgressX = DoneOn-going
c.  / Not Done* = In ProgressX = DoneOn-Going
d.  / Not Done* = In ProgressX = DoneOn-going
e.  / Not Done* = In ProgressX = DoneOn-going
f.  / Not Done* = In ProgressX = DoneOn-going
g.  / Not Done* = In ProgressX = DoneOn-going