Town of Whiteland Plan Commission

Application for Preliminary or Final Plat

Application Kit

Project Information

Type of Request: Preliminary Plat Final Plat Replat Plat Vacation

Address or location of the proposal:

Subdivision name:

Current Zoning: Site area (acres):

Proposed land use:

Proposed number of lots:Proposed number of sections:

(Or for final plats, the section number)

Applicant Information



Mailing address:

Phone: Email: (Or fax number. Email address is preferred. Either or bothare required.)

Property Owner Information

Name: (If different than applicant; also submit completed property owner consent affidavit.)


Mailing address:

Phone: Email: (Or fax number. Email address is preferred. Either or bothare required.)


Are any waivers being requested?

No Yes (if yes, specify which code sections):


I hereby certify that I have the authority to make the above application, and that the information, to my knowledge and belief, is true and correct.

Signature of applicantDate

Printed name and title

Checklist and Contacts

This form should be completed and filed with the Preliminary Plat application.

Submission Checklist

An application submission for a Preliminary Plat shall include the following items:

Completed application form

Legal description of the property

Proof of ownership (deed)

Property owner consent affidavit (if applicant is not the owner)

Eight (8) folded full-size copies of the proposed development plan

Note: an additional ten (10) 11x17” copies, two (2) folded full-size copies, and a CD of DWG

And PDF files of the revised plan are due on the revisions due date.

Traffic impact study (if required)

Findings of fact (if required for waiver requests)

Filing fee (checks made payable to Town of Whiteland)

Other materials:

Review Process Contacts

The following persons will be contacted regarding notices, additional filing requirements, and staff comments during the review process.

Check if owner and/or applicant will be contacted:Owner Applicant

Attorney or RepresentativeProject Engineer




Phone Number:Phone Number:


Please attach additional contacts if desired.


The Whiteland Plan Commission has the authority to review and approve subdivisions within the Town of Whiteland, subject to the requirements and regulations of Chapters 156 and 154, the Zoning Code and Subdivision Control Ordinance, respectively.

Filing Procedure and Petitioner’s Checklist

  • Application Form
  • Application must be completed in ink or typed, and the application must be completed in its entirety.
  • The application must be signed.
  • The complete application must be filed with the Commission Secretary by the filing deadline on the Plan Commission schedule (approximately 25 days prior to a scheduled meeting). Additionally, all supporting paperwork must be submitted no later than 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • A non-refundable filing fee is required with application submittal.
  • A signed, notarized letter of consent is required for any petition in which the applicant does not own the property involved.
  • Construction Plan Requirements
  • Eight (8) folded full-scale copies of the proposed preliminary plat are required at the time of filing.

The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor at a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch, and the sheets shall be numbered in sequence if more than one sheet is used. The preliminary plat shall show the following:

  • Profiles showing existing and proposed elevations along centerlines of all streets. Where a proposed street intersects and existing street or streets, the elevation along the centerline of the existing street or streets, within 100 feet of the intersection, shall be

shown. Approximate radii of all curves, lengths of tangents, and central angles on all streets;

  • Where steep slopes exist, and when required by the Commission, cross-sections of all proposed streets at 100-foot stations shall be show;
  • Plans and profiles showing the locations and typical cross-sections of street pavements, including curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drainage easements, servitude, rights-of-way, manholes, and catch basins; the locations of street trees, street lighting standards, and street signs; the location, size, and invert elevations of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, storm water drains, and fire hydrants, showing connection to any existing or proposed utility systems; and exact location and size of all water, gas, or other underground utilities or structures;
  • Location, size, elevation, and other appropriate description of any existing facilities or utilities, including, but not limited to, streets, sewers, drains, water mains, easements, water bodies, streams, flood plains, swamps, railroads, buildings, features noted on the Official Map or Comprehensive Plan, features at the point of connection to proposed facilities and utilities within the subdivision, and each tree with a diameter of eight inches or more, measured four feet above ground level. The water elevations of adjoining lakes or streams at the date of the survey, and the approximate high and low water elevations of such lakes or streams. All elevations shall be referenced to the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey datum plane. If the subdivision borders a lake, river or stream, the distances and bearings of a meander line established not less than 20 feet back from the ordinary high-water mark of such waterways shall be shown;
  • Topography at the same scale as the sketch plan with a contour interval of two feet, referenced to sea-level datum. All datums provided shall be latest applicable U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey datum and shall be so noted on the plan;
  • All specifications and references required by the town’s construction standards and specifications, including a site-grading plan for the entire subdivision;
  • Title, name, address, and signature of the professional engineer and/or surveyor, and date, including flood prone areas; and
  • Notation of approval, as follows:



Commission Date


  • Final Plat Requirements

The final plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor licensed by the State of Indiana at a convenient scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch, and the sheets shall be numbered in sequence if more than one sheet is used. The plat shall be presented in ink on reproducible mylar at an appropriate scale and contain the same information as the preliminary plan, along with any changes required by the conditions of preliminary approval, along with the following information:

  • Notation of any self-imposed restrictions, and locations of any building lines proposed to be established in this manner, if required by the Commission, in accordance with these regulations;
  • Endorsement of the County Health Department;
  • All monuments erected, and corner and other points, shall be noted at the representation thereof, or by legend. Metal monuments shall indicate type of metal, diameter, length, and weight per lineal foot of the monuments; and
  • A statement to the effect that the Town Council does not enforce subdivision covenants.
  • Technical Review Committee and Revisions
  • A Technical Review Committee meeting will be held on the date listed on the Plan Commission calendar. The applicant or representative will be made aware of the meeting time and place, and should be present.
  • The TRC will review and make comments on the submitted development plan.
  • If revisions are required to the plan, the revisions are due by the date listed on the calendar.
  • For distribution to the Plan Commission, an additional (10) ten 11x17” copies, 2 folded full-size copies, and a CD (or other digital medium) of DWG and PDF files of the revised development plan are due on the revisions due date.
  • Presentation/Displays
  • The petitioner or a representative of the petitioner must be present at the public hearing to present the application.
  • Visual aids or displays may be used during the presentation. Please contact the Secretary or planning staff for requirements. A copy of all materials presented is required be retained for the public file record of the case and cannot be returned.

Public Meetings

The Plan Commission will review the submitted construction plans and proposed final plat at the scheduled meeting. After presentation and discussion, the Commission will make a motion to approve, approve with modifications, or deny the request. A vote will be taken on the motion, which will be the final action.

Upon approval by the Plan Commission, the applicant may proceed to develop the subdivision in accordance with the construction plans.

After completion of the subdivision improvements or the submission of performance bonds securing the completion of improvements, the applicant will request approval of the final plat and review of the improvements and/or bonds by the Plan Commission at a regular meeting. If the Plan Commission approves the final plat, they shall forward the request to the Town Council for formal acceptance of the improvements and/or bonds. The approved and accepted final plat shall be signed by the accepting bodies and recorded prior to issuance of building/improvement location permits.

Rules of Procedure

The Plan Commission Rules of Procedure provide specific requirements regarding filings, Commission administration, hearing conduct, and other information. A copy of the Rules is available from the Secretary or Planning Director upon request.

Filing Fee

Final Plats$500 + $5/lot

Replats, before 2013 Fee ordinance$400

Replats, after 2013 Fee ordinance$250

Plat vacations$100

Calendar of Meetings

Meetings of the Whiteland Plan Commission begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Meeting Room of the Whiteland Town Hall, 549 Main Street, Whiteland, IN 46184.

All petitions must be filed with the Plan Commission Secretary (Whiteland Clerk-Treasurer) by the close of business on the filing deadline. Office hours of the Whiteland Clerk-Treasurer are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Phone: (317) 535-5531. Fax: (317) 535-8724.

Property Owner Affidavit and Consent

I (we) (and) after being first duly sworn, depose and say:

  1. that I/we are the owner(s) of the real estate located at (attached legal description), with a common address of .
  2. that I/we have read and examined the Applicant’s application for , and are familiar with its contents;
  3. that I/we have no objections to, and consent to such request as set forth in the application; and
  4. that such being made by the Applicant is [or] is not a condition to the sale or lease of the above-reference property.

, owner


, owner



) SS:


Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , .

My commission expires:

(Printed Name)

, Notary Public

County of Residence:(Signature)

Town of Whiteland Surety Requirements

  1. At the time when the Secondary Plat is placed on the Plan Commission agenda for their approval, the subdivider shall provide appropriate surety for the public improvements related to the subdivision (including both on and off-site improvements). All surety shall be filed with the Planning Director and maintained in the office of the Town’s Clerk-Treasurer.
  2. In the event that a developer finishes one section of the subdivision and chooses to seek secondary approval of the section while still working on future sections then a performance bond is required for the section that is being applied for secondary approval.
  3. A 125% Performance Bond is required based on an amount that is agreed upon that is sufficient to complete the improvements and installation in compliance with the Building Code. Proof of financial performance bon, or an escrow agreement, and must be approved by the Town’s Attorney.
  4. A Petitioner will be required to maintain all public improvements serving the subdivision development and provide for snow removal on all streets until acceptance of said public improvements by the Town. The petitioner will be required to file a maintenance bond with the Town Council, covering all public improvements serving the subdivision development, one week prior to acceptance of public improvements, in an amount not to exceed 10% of the cost of the public imporvements to be bonded, and in a form satisfactory to the Town’s Attorney.
  5. The Maintenance Bond is provided to assure satisfactory condition of the required public improvements for a period of three years after the date of acceptance by the Town Council. The Town Council may, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission Staff, increase the maintenance bond amount to 25% and/or the period to five years for improvements that have repeated failed inspections during installation.
  6. The Petitioner is required to provide as-built drawings of the public improvement and execute a maintenance agreement with the Town Council.
  7. Release of any bonds for any improvements, upon completion of the public improvements will require the petitioner to make a written request to the Town Planning Director for the release of the surety and the acceptance of public improvements. The requests shall include: A report from the subdivider’s engineer certifying that the improvements were completed consistent with all applicable requirements and standards, and that the improvements are free and clear of all liens and other encumbrances

2016 Plan Commission & BZA Filing Calendar

Plan Commission

Tech Review Notices mailed,

Meeting date Filing deadline meeting Revisions due published, posted

January 5 December 11, 2015 December 16* December 23* December 26

February 2 January 8 January 14 January 21 January 23

March 1 February 5 February 11 February 18 February 20

April 5 March 11 March 17 March 24 March 26

May 3 April 8 April 14 April 21 April 23

June 7 May 13 May 19 May 26 May 28

July 5 June 10 July 14 July 21 July 23

September 6 August 12 August 18 August 25 August 27

October 4 September 9 September 15 September 22 September 24

November 1 October 7 October 13 October 20 October 22

December 6 November 10* November 16* November 23* November 26

Board of Zoning Appeals

Notices mailed,

Meeting date Filing deadlinepublished, posted

January 7 December 11,2015December 28

February 4 January 8January 25

March 3 February 5February 22

April 7 March 11March 28

May 8 April 8April 25

June 2 May 6May 23

July 7 June 10June 27

August 4 July 8July 25

September 1 August 5August 22

October 6 September 9September 26

November 3 October 7October 24

December 1 November 4November 21

Those dates noted with * are adjusted from regularly scheduled dates due to the holidays.

Regular Commission and Board meetings are held at 7pm at Town Hall.

Technical Review Committee meetings are held at 2pm at Town Hall.


Town of Whiteland

549 Main Street, Whiteland, In 46184

(317) 535-5531