Curriculum Vitae
Birthdate: September 7, 1944
Personal: US citizen; married (Professor Gail S. Goodman), two daughters (Danielle and Lauren)
Addresses and Phone Numbers:
Department of Psychology 3226 Grosbeak Court
University of California Davis, CA 95616-7510
One Shields Avenue Phone: 530-753-0310
Davis, CA 95616-8686 Fax: 530-753-0442
Phone: 530-752-1884
Fax: 530-752-2087
(E-mail: )
(Web site: http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/Shaver/lab.html)
B.A., Wesleyan University, 1966 (Psychology)
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1970 (Social Psychology)
Employment History:
1971-1975: Assistant Professor of Psychology, Columbia University
1975-1980: Associate Professor of Psychology, New York University
1978-1980: Coordinator, Doctoral Program in Personality and Social Psychology, New York University; Director of a National Institute of Mental Health Training Grant
1977-1982: President, Societal Data Corporation, New York City, a survey research firm
1980-1987: Associate Professor (1980-1984) and then Professor of Psychology, University of Denver
1987-1988: Head of the Experimental and Social Areas of the Psychology Department, University of Denver (Acting Department Chair in the summer of 1982)
(Summer): Visiting Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa
1988-1992: Professor of Psychology, State University of New York at Buffalo. Head of the Doctoral Program in Social and Organizational Psychology
1992- : Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis
2001-2006: Chair, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis
1998-2001, Head, Personality/Social Area, Department of Psychology, University of
2008- : California, Davis
2004- : Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis
Other Professional Experience:
1972-1975: Editorial board member, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
1972-1980: Editorial board member, Behavioral Science
1977- : Consulting review board member, Behavioral and Brain Sciences
1985-2009 : Editorial board member, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
1983-1986: Editor, Review of Personality and Social Psychology
1985-1990: Editorial Board Member, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
1986-1990: Member of the Human Development and Aging Study Section (HUD-1), Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health
2010- : Editorial Board Member, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
1990-1992: Member of the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Evaluation Panel
1994- : Faculty member in the NIMH-sponsored Bay Area Affective Science Training
1993-1994: Program Committee Chair, International Society for Research on Emotion;
Member of the Program Committee in 1995-1996
1994-1997: Member of the Executive Committee, International Society for Research on Emotion
1994-1997: Member of the Executive Committee, Society for Experimental Social Psychology; also, member of the Dissertation Awards Committee; in 1995, elected by the Executive Committee to serve as Secretary/Treasurer in 1996 and Executive Officer in 1997
1995-1996: Awards Committee Member, International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships
1995-1996: Member of the Social Psychology Grant Review Committee, National Science Foundation
1996-1998: Editorial board member, Psychological Bulletin
1997- : Editorial Board Member, Personal Relationships
1999- : Associate Editor, Attachment and Human Development
2001- : Member, NIMH Working Group on Close Relationships: Basic Science and
Clinical Translations
2001- : Consultant on bereavement research to the Center for the Advancement of
Health, Washington, DC
2001-2005: Member of the Research Committee, M.I.N.D. Institute, University of
California, Davis
2002- : Editorial board member, New Review of Social Psychology (Europe)
2002- : Research Associate, Ottawa Couple and Family Institute (Ottawa, Ontario,
2003- : Member, Advisory Board, Attachment and Human Development Center,
Washington School of Psychiatry
2004- : Member, Advisory Board, Institute for the Study of Consciousness, Santa
Barbara, CA
2006-2007: Vice-President, International Association for Relationship Research
2007-2008: President, International Association for Relationship Research
2006- : Editorial Board member, Emotion
2006-2009: Resident Scholar, UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain
2007- : International Advisory Board Member for the School of Psychology in the
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Hertzlia, Israel
2010- : Editorial Board member, Personality and Social Psychology Review
2007-2009: Member, Joint Federation/Senate Personnel Committee (UC Davis)
2008- : Member, University Planning and Budget Committee (UC Davis)
2010 : Member, Chancellor’s Blue Ribbon Committee on Research, UC Davis
2010 : Chair, Social Sciences Advisory Council, Division of Social Sciences, UC Davis
2010- : Member, Global Advisory Group, Economic and Social Research Council/Department for International Development Grant onAssessing Wellbeing in the Alleviation of Poverty, London, UK.
2010- : Member, Peer Review Panel for the University of Padua, Italy, in collaboration with consortium Cineca
2010- : Chair, Social Sciences Advisory Council, UC Davis
Professional Memberships:
American Psychological Association (Fellow, Divisions 8 and 9)
Association for Psychological Science (Founding Fellow)
Eastern Psychological Association (inactive)
Western Psychological Association (Fellow)
Association for Research in Personality
Society of Experimental Social Psychology
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
International Society for Justice Research
International Society for Research on Emotions
International Association for Relationship Research
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Sigma Xi
Honors Received:
National Merit scholar; graduated Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude, Wesleyan University; Woodrow Wilson and National Science Foundation graduate fellowships and membership in Phi Kappa Phi, University of Michigan; Sigma Xi, Columbia University; invited member, Society for Values in Higher Education, Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and International Society for Research on Emotions; recipient of research grants from several foundations and government agencies; served as editor and editorial board member for several publications; member of review panels and policy workshops for NIMH, NICHD, NSF, NIA, Center for the Advancement of Health (Washington, DC), and the M.I.N.D. Institute (University of California, Davis); Fellow of Divisions 8 and 9, American Psychological Association; Founding Fellow, Association for Psychological Society, elected to the Executive Committee of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, then to the offices of Secretary/Treasurer and Executive Officer; faculty member in the Bay Area Affective Science Postdoctoral Training Program, and its successor, the Bay Area Affective Science Predoctoral Training Program; invited to address conventions of the American Psychological Association, the Eastern Psychological Association, the Midwestern Psychological Association, the Southwestern Psychological Association, the Western Psychological Association, the Jean Piaget Society, the International Network on Personal Relationships, the International Association for Relationship Research, the Sydney Symposium on Social Psychology, and the Herzliya Symposia on Personality and Social Psychology. Invited on three occasions to contribute chapters to Advances in Personal Relationships; invited to contribute multiple target articles to Psychological Inquiry; invited to contribute chapters to Advances in Experimental Social Psychology and Annual Review of Psychology; 2002 winner of the Distinguished Career Award from the International Association for Relationship Research and 2010 winner of the Mentoring Award from the same organization. Awarded Distinguished Professorship at UC Davis, 2004. Authored one of the ten most cited articles in the history of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and was recognized several times for most “hits” on prepublication copies of various journal articles. My page on the Social Psychology Network’s website is among the most frequently visited by students. Invited to address the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India, 2004. Elected in 2006 to serve as Vice President, then President, then Past President of the International Association for Relationship Research (IARR). Received IARR’s Mentoring Award in 2010.Listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, Writers Directory, Directory of American Scholars, Dictionary of International Biography, 2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 21st Century,Who’s Who in the Social Sciences, Continental Who’s Who, Who’s Who of Worldclass Business Leaders, and several other such volumes. Several of my graduate and undergraduate students have won awards for dissertations and theses conducted under my supervision.
Research Support:
1972-1973: National Institute of Mental Health: “Social facilitation: Audience and drive variables,” principal investigator.
1973: Russell Sage Foundation: “Research on jury selection and jury decision making,” co-principal investigator with Richard Christie and others.
1975-1976: Spencer Foundation, “Fear of success and fear of failure,” principal investigator.
1975-1976: Russell Sage Foundation, “Design and evaluation of performance monitoring systems for New York City services,” principal investigator. (This work was done in collaboration with staff members at the Fund for the City of New York.)
1975-1980: Contracts with several general-circulation magazines to conduct reader surveys on a variety of topics (adult development, life satisfaction, couple compatability, religious beliefs and behavior).
1977-1979: Spencer Foundation: “Achievement conflicts and fear of success,” principal investigator.
1978-1979: New York University’s Challenge Fund: “Survey studies of loneliness in America,” principal investigator.
1978-1980: National Institute of Mental Health training grant to support New York University’s Doctoral Program in Personality and Social Psychology.
1980-1982: Biomedical Research Support Grant to study social aspects of the transition from high school to college, co-principal investigator with Wyndol Furman.
1982-1983: Biomedical Research Support Grant to study effects of divorce on children, principal investigator.
1983-1984: National Institute of Mental Health: “A prototype approach to emotion,” co-principal investigator with Judith Schwartz.
1986 : Developmental Psychobiology Research Fund, Colorado Health Sciences Center: “Measurement of adult attachment dynamics in married couples,” with Roger Kobak.
1987-1988: National Institute of Mental Health: “Interview and observational assessments of adult attachment,” with Roger Kobak.
1988-1991: National Science Foundation: “Measurement and investigation of adult attachment phenomena,” with Cindy Hazan.
1989-1993: National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect: “Prevalence and sources of allegations of ritualistic child abuse,” with Gail Goodman and Bette Bottoms.
1992-2001: Intramural research grants from the University of California, Davis.
1994-1997: Faculty member in the Emotion Research Postdoctoral Training Program funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, directed by Paul Ekman.
1998- : Faculty member in the Predoctoral Training Consortium in Affective Science, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, directed first by Robert Levenson and then by James Gross.
2000-2002: President’s Office, University of California, Pacific Rim Research Initiative: “Cross-cultural differences in the correlates and meaning of well-differentiated emotional experience,” with Sun-Mee Kang.
2001-2003: Fetzer Institute: “Attachment theory, compassion, and altruism,” with Mario Mikulincer.
2002-2003: Intramural grants from the University of California, Davis.
2003-2004: Marchionne Foundation: “Attachment style and long-term singlehood,” with Dory Schachner.
2003-2004: Positive Psychology Fund, University of Pennsylvania: “Attachment and Positive Psychology,” with Mario Mikulincer and Omri Gillath.
2004- : Institute for Research on Unlimited Love, Case Western Reserve University: “An Immersive Virtual Environment Approach to Measuring Compassion and Altruism,” with Jim Blascovich and Omri Gillath.
2004- : UC Davis Neuroimaging Center: “Functional MRI Assessment of Emotional Suppression as a Function of Adult Attachment Style,” with David Chun.
2006- : Amini Foundation. “Attachment Security and Authenticity: Mapping the Association and Exploring Ways to Enhance Authenticity” (Phillip Shaver, PI; Omri Gillath and David Chun, Co-PIs). $10,000 with no time limit.
2006-2008: Fetzer Institute. “The Shamatha Project: A Longitudinal, Randomized Waitlist Control Study of Cognitive, Emotional, and Neural Effects of Intensive Meditation Training.” (Clifford Saron, PI; Phillip Shaver, Co-PI) Total of $853,616 in two installments.
2008-2009: Fetzer Institute. “The Shamatha Project: A Longitudinal, Randomized Waitlist Control Study of Cognitive, Emotional, and Neural Effects of Intensive Meditation Training.” (Clifford Saron, PI; Phillip Shaver, Co-PI) $185,034 (competitive continuation funding).
2008-2009: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. “Summary of Research and Theory on Attachment Difficulties Created by Parental Incarceration.” (Contract to Phillip Shaver for $20,000).
2009-2012: Fetzer Institute. “The Shamatha Project: A Longitudinal, Randomized Waitlist Control Study of Cognitive, Emotional, and Neural Effects of Intensive Meditation Training.” (Clifford Saron, PI; Phillip Shaver, Co-PI) $450,000 (competitive continuation funding) and $122,000 to support two UC Davis doctoral students to work on the project.
2008-2012: United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation. “Trajectories and Underlying Mechanisms of Long-Term Mental Health Sequelae of War Captivity: An Attachment Perspective. (Zahava Solomon, PI; Phillip Shaver and Mario Mikulincer, Co-PIs). ($174,225 for four years).
2009-2012: Fetzer Institute. “Can Security-Enhancing Interventions Overcome Barriers to Compassion in Couple, Peer, and Intergroup Relationships?” (Phillip Shaver, PI; Mario Mikulincer, Co-PI) $215,424 for three years.
2008-2013: Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel. “Herzliya Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology.” (Mario Mikulincer, PI; Phillip Shaver, Co-PI). $200,000 gift from Ariel Reichman for five years.
Teaching Interests:
Introductory psychology, personality theories, social psychology, emotions, close relationships, attachment theory, social and affective neuroscience, writing in psychology, field research internship in psychology, and several other aspects of research methodology.
Shaver, P. R. (1971). Interference with spatial imagery during problem solving. Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan. Available through University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI: No. 71-23, 872. Abstracted, 1971, in Dissertation Abstracts International, 32, 1973.
Shaver, P. R., & Scheibe, K. E. (1967). Transformation of social identity. Journal of Psychology, 66, 19-37. Reprinted, 1969, in H. C. Lindgren (Ed.), Readings in personal development. New York: American Book Company.
Scheibe, K. E., Shaver, P. R., & Carrier, S. C. (1967). Color association values and response interference on variants of the Stroop test. Acta Psychologica, 26, 286-295.
Robinson, J. P., & Shaver, P. R. (1969). Measures of social psychological attitudes. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research. (Co-authored the introduction and wrote the chapters on self-esteem, authoritarianism, and religiosity.) Revised and reissued in 1973.
Brickman, P., Shaver, P. R., & Archibald, P. (1969). American tactics and American goals in Vietnam as perceived by social scientists. In W. Isaard (Ed.), Vietnam: Issues and alternatives. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman.
Athanasiou, R., Shaver, P. R., & Tavris, C. (1970). Results: Sexual attitudes and behavior. Psychology Today, 4, 37-52.
Shaver, P. R., French, J. R. P., Jr., & Cobb, S. (1970). Birth order of medical students and the occupational ambitions of their parents. International Journal of Psychology, 5, 197-207.
Athanasiou, R., & Shaver, P. R. (1971). Correlates of heterosexuals’ reactions to pornography. Journal of Sex Research, 7, 298-311.
Shaver, P. R. (1971). Review of Perception of people and events by P. B. Warr & C. Knapper. American Journal of Psychology, 84, 591-593.
Shaver, P. R., & Staines, G. (1971). Problems facing Campbell’s “experimenting society.” Urban Affairs Quarterly, 7, 173-186. An edited version of this paper appeared in 1972 as a “Comment” in American Psychologist, 27, 161-163.