62 Friend Street
Amesbury, MA 01913
Ordinance Committee Minutes
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Town Hall Auditorium
7:00 p.m.
Councilor Lavoie called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Councilor Lavoie has been informed (not in writing) that Atty. Sheila Casey has been required by her other work load to resign from the Ordinance Committee. He will verify that with the City Clerk, and work with the President of the City Council to get an appointment through at the next Council meeting.
Present: Atty. Johnson, Councilor Lavoie, Councilor Kimball, and Councilor Kelcourse
Eric Gregoire is in the audience.
Atty. Johnson moved to accept the minutes of July 16, 2013; as submitted. Councilor Kelcourse seconded and it was voted unanimous (4) Atty. Johnson, Councilor Lavoie, Councilor Kimball, and Councilor Kelcourse
New Business:
2013-096- An Order to accept a subgrant in the amount of $100,000 from the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Regional Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Program - Mayor Kezer sponsor
Summary: The City of Amesbury has been awarded a non-matching subgrant in the amount of $100,000 from the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Regional Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Program to support the Amesbury Heritage Park environmental remediation project
Councilor Lavoie explained that the Finance administration filed additional materials for this, including an application and subgrant agreement. He is satisfied with the agreement. It is not matching and not tied to the loan program, and the basic business requirement is that if the City takes the money we have to find other funds to make sure 100 % of the cleanup occurs on Heritage Park.
Councilor Lavoie entertained a motion to recommend 2013-096 back to the Municipal Council with a recommendation that it be adopted as submitted. Councilor Kelcourse moved the motion. Councilor Kimball seconded. It was voted unanimous (4) Atty. Johnson, Councilor Lavoie, Councilor Kimball, and Councilor Kelcourse
2013-097- An Order that the City Council Authorize the Mayor to enter into an intermunicipal agreement for the acceptance of veteran's services from the City of Newburyport
Summary: This order will authorize the Mayor to enter into an intermunicipal agreement pursuant to the provisions of G.L. c.40, sec 4A for the provision of veterans' services, with the City of Newburyport acting as lead community and the Town of Salisbury, The Town of Merrimac and the Town of Newbury also as parties thereto.
2013-098- An Order relative to Legislation creating a new Regional Veterans' Services' District to include the City of Amesbury, the City of Newburyport, the Town of Salisbury, the Town of Newbury.
Summary: This order will authorize the Mayor to submit a Petition to the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to enact an Act creating a new regional veterans' services district including the City of Amesbury and one or more of its neighboring communities, which may include the City of Newburyport, the Town of Salisbury, the Town of Merrimac and the Town of Newbury
Eric Gregoire, Chief of Staff, said there were recent developments regarding 2013-097 and 2013-098. He asked that the Committee table these in advance of asking the Council to not act on them at the next meeting. This was due to Newbury opting to join another veteran’s services district. He also said that Salisbury has not adopted the IMA and the Home Rule Petition, and it has been tabled until their next meeting. He asked that it not be advanced at this time.
Councilor Kimball asked Eric Gregoire if they planned to resubmit. Gregoire replied yes.
Atty. Johnson asked if it would be a renewable contract. Gregoire replied it could potentially last for 25 years.
Councilor Lavoie entertained a motion to table 2013-097 and 2013-098. Councilor Kelcourse moved the motion. Atty. Johnson seconded. It was voted unanimous (4) Atty. Johnson, Councilor Lavoie, Councilor Kimball, and Councilor Kelcourse
Councilor Lavoie entertained a motion to adjourn. Councilor Kimball moved the motion. Councilor Kelcourse seconded ant it was voted unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawne Warren
Administrative Assistant
Office of the City Clerk