Unit 1: Weathering and Erosion

Lesson: Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition


Due Date: ______

S6E5. Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed.
d. Describe processes that change rocks and the surface of the earth.
f. Explain the effects of physical processes (plate tectonics, erosion, deposition, volcanic eruption, gravity) on geological features including oceans (composition, currents, and tides).
Key Vocabulary
·  weathering
·  chemical weathering
·  abrasion
·  ice wedging
·  mechanical weathering
·  physical weathering
·  sea floor spreading
/ ·  runoff
·  glacier
·  delta
·  alluvial fan
§  flood plain

Pick 1

______1. Your company has just developed a remote quick-time-lapse camcorder that can go anywhere. It can also travel through time and record images. It records images on a computer that you are responsible for interpreting. “Quick time” means that you can record one year of changes in five seconds. Send your camera to one of the following places: a glacier, a streambed, the Grand Canyon, Providence, Georgia, a historical site (Mayan ruin, sphinx, or pyramids), or a marble building in your city or town. Set up the camera to record weathering and erosions changes over a long period of time. Describe the process of weathering and erosion at the place you chose. Describe the mechanical or chemical weathering that occurred while your camcorder was recording. Use scientific term in your writing. Please include several images to illustrate your description.

______2. You will investigate the surroundings near the schoolyard, their homes or their communities to find examples of wind and/or water erosion/deposition. You will journal information in your lab/log notebooks stating the following about the examples you site in your investigations: the “physical process” (weathering, wind/water transport) causing the erosion/deposition, the geological features” resulting from the physical process and “origination point” of the deposits they discover. You should also include basic definitions/ explanations about the terminology used in their lab/log reports.

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