/ Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council
Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold,
Gloucestershire GL54 1DW
Caroline Doran - Town Clerk and RFO

t. 01451 832 585

MinutesBurial Board Meeting

held on Thursday 9 July 2015 at 9.15am


Cllr. Mike Moseley
Cllr. Jenny Scarsbrook
Cllr.Colin Smalley
David Murphy / (MM)
(DM) / Derek Magsun
Rev Martin Short
Graham Golby
Caroline Doran / (DM)


Apologies were received and accepted from Val Davis

Declarations of Interest No interests were declared

Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the Burial Board Meeting held on 10 June 2015 were approved as a correct record signed by the Chairman. Proposed – CS, Seconded – JS, All in favour

Matters Arising

  1. Wrights of Campden who had been asked to quote for the headstone repairs have passed the details on to Graham Greenall, a Campden stone mason. Clerk to ask for quotes from Graham Greenall and also Thomas Cakebread from Banbury.
  2. Steve Harris has been asked to mend the gaps in the cemetery fence.
  1. Co - option

Resolved: Committee approved the co-option of David Murphy, Rev. Martin Short, Graham Golby, Derek Magson onto the Burial Board. Proposed JS, Seconded MM All in favour

  1. Proposed rewording of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations.

A draft copy had been circulated to members and comments and suggestions were received.

Clerk to produce a re- draft to be circulated for comments prior to presenting to council for approval.

It was acknowledged that the section on memorial sizes and designs might have to be amended when the sensory garden is created.

MM left – the meeting was no longer quorate.

  1. Strategic Plan

The plan (version 2) was discussed with reference to notes taken on the cemetery walkabout.

Priorities were identified:

  1. To resurface the paths
/ Quotes needed
  1. To repair the pillars and gate off Back Walls
/ Clerk to contact stonemasons for quotes
  1. To cut back the yew trees
/ Ask CGS for a quote
  1. To cut back the overhanging trees on the Bretton House boundary
/ Ask CGS for a quote
  1. To repair walls
/ Quotes needed
  1. To trim hedges
/ Ask CGS for a quote
  1. To create a sensory garden which includes removing the dogwood hedge, the ornamental planting, form a children’s memorial area and attractive ashes area(s)
/ Contact landscape colleges.
Contact garden centres.
Mention in Stow Times
  1. To tidy up the broken and fallen stones
/ Clerk to contact stonemasons for quotes
  1. To tidy up vegetation at far end of Victorian cemetery
/ Ask CGS for a quote
  1. Repair coping stone at the end of the Victorian cemetery
/ Clerk to contact stonemasons for quotes


  1. GG will continue with the push tests.
  2. A bench has been donated to the churchyard
  3. A request has been received for a handrail up to the church.

Signed ……………………………………

Date ………………………………………

Cllr.Colin Smalley

Chairman of Burial Board

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