Annual Report 2015

The Trust, which set up in 1976 was reformed in September 2013 into a company limited by guarantee.

The objects of the Trust include: -

“To promote and develop the role of solicitors, and trainee solicitors employed in local government in legal, managerial and administrative capacities and to take appropriate action on all matters concerning their training professional development duties responsibilities remunerations and interests.”

“To pay or apply the trust fund at the absolute discretion of the Trustees to or for the benefit of solicitors and trainee solicitors in local government generally.”

Over the years, sponsorship and grant funding has been made available by the Trust for a number of initiatives. Support given in 2015 included:-

  • Bursaries towards the fees of a local government solicitor and trainees undertaking the Local Government Diploma and on occasions other courses relating to applicant’s local government work. All trainees and solicitors are eligible for support, currently up to 50% of the fees, provided they are working in local government at the time the application for grant is made to the Trust, and their application is supported by their employing local authority.
  • The Trust does not give grant support for attendance at the LLG Weekend Schoolnor for travel costs to courses.
  • During 2015 we received about a dozen enquiries and six bursaries were granted. The remainder either did not pursue an application or were not eligible for support. In total during 2015 we awarded £3,160 in bursaries.
  • A prize of £250 is awarded by the Local Government Legal Society Trust to the best candidate from local government who reaches a standard approved by the Course Tutors in all aspects of the Local Government Diploma Course. In 2015 the prize was awarded to Alexander Lawrence of Leicestershire County Council with our congratulations on his success and achievement.

Directors: Roger Bowden (Chair of Trustees), John Bremers (Company Secretary), Felicity Hildred (Director of Finance), and Paul Thomas.

The Local Government Legal Society Trust Ltd

(Company No: 08676003)

Registered Office: 9 Manor Close Hoghton PR5 0EN