If you would like more information on any of the courses the ELTU offers contact:
English Language Teaching Unit
Readson House
96-98 Regent Road
University Of Leicester
0116 229 7859

/ English Language
Teaching Unit

English language for Media and Communication postgraduates

Term One October – December

Term Two January – March

This course is designed to help you succeed on your Master’s programme in the Department of Media and Communications.

The sessions aim to develop the necessary language and skills for

  • efficient and effective academic reading
  • confident participation in seminars
  • writing effective assignments

In addition there will be opportunities for you to expand your discipline specific and academic vocabulary.

Texts relevant to modules delivered within the Department of Media and Communications will be used as a springboard for discussion and language development.

You will have the opportunity to work with your own coursework and needs.

  • 8 x 2 hour lessons in a term
Academic Writing lectures
4 lectures in Style, Organisation, Referencing and Critical Thinking. This
course aims to quickly orientate you to the basics of academic English.
  • You can attend any or all lectures
  • There’s no need to register
  • Free to UoL students
  • Maximum 150

EL7040 Grammar for Academic English
This course will aim to explain key aspects of grammar which are frequent in academic English and which you will see in your reading and use in your writing.
EL7050 Academic Lecture Listening Skills
Classes will aim to explore aspects of listening which are frequent in academic lectures, and will help you cope with the lecture demands of your academic course.
EL7060 Academic Speaking Skills
This course will give you the opportunity to develop language and strategies to discuss academic ideas, and will help you to better express yourself in seminars.
  • 4 x 2 hour lessons
  • October, November, January & February start dates
  • You are expected to attend every lesson
  • Register online www2.le.ac.uk/offices/eltu/Insessional
  • Free to UoL students.
  • Maximum 20 students in every class.

Exam Preparation – FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, IELTS*
10 x 3 hour classes per term. These courses help you to improve your English language in all areas, not just academic English. The lessons have a strong grammar and vocabulary focus, and prepare you for the internationally recognised Cambridge Exam qualifications.
  • You have to register at Readson House
  • Fee for course. Fee for exam
  • Maximum 15 students in a class
  • Exams in December, March and June
*These course are subject to a minimum number of applications
Writing Consultations
A 20 minute tutorial with an experienced and qualified member of the ELTU staff, to discuss a draft of your academic work.