Call for papers:

Proposals are sought for a volume of collected essays in English on the Spanish writer Carmen Martin Gaite. The aim of the collection is to unite in one volume a number of articles reflecting the current trends in Martin Gaite scholarship, and dealing ideally with the least explored areas of the writer’s production. The co-editors propose: (a) the application of new readings and theoretical models to the better-known works; (b) and/or to concentrate on liminal/peripheral texts, or visual textual material. Proposals are especially welcomed on aspects of her literary works published from 1990 onwards (Nubosidad variable (1992), La Reina de las Nieves (1994), Lo raro es vivir (1996), Irse de casa (1998), Los parentescos (2001), El libro de la fiebre (2007)), her children’s fiction (El Castillo de las tres murallas (1990)), and her “classical” texts (El balneario (1955), Entre visillos (1958), Retahílas (1974), El cuarto de atrás (1978), etc) as well as the collected short stories, favoring new approaches and ideas beyond the traditional feminist/postmodern ones.

Scholars working on her theory of narrative or on the recently published selections of her manuscripts, Cuadernos de todo (2002), as well as those studying her visual art and/or her film/tv collaborations, (Esta es mi tierra, Salamanca de TVE, Teresa de Jesús, Celia, etc.) are particularly encouraged to send their contributions, as well as those working on Martin Gaite’s extensive work as a translator, historian and essayist. Chapter may deal with questions of space, memoria/desmemoria, history, fairy tales, letters and diaries, visual collages, orality and communication, amongst others. We welcome all kinds of approaches, feminist, psychoanalytical, narrative theory, visual-textual interrelations, translation theory, etc. It is expected however to give special attention to interdisciplinary proposals, and to those ones investigating her visual work, and/or lesser known texts and approaches. The collection will aim at establishing a continuum throughout all textual aspects of Martin Gaite’s oeuvre, and it will be structured around this encompassing principle.

The project has been accepted for publication by Peter Lang (Oxford) in 2009. We are ideally expecting to receive proposals by 1st June 2008, first drafts by August/September 2009, and final drafts by January/February 2009.

Please send proposals (500 words) accompanied by a short bio to both co-editors:

Marian Womack () and Jennifer Wood ()"