Western PA CoC Board Meeting

January 12, 2016

Grove City, PA


The registration list is an attachment to the minutes.


The list is an attachment to the minutes.


  • Meeting was called to order at 10:35 am
  • Attendees introduced themselves.


On the motion by unanimous vote of the board members it was duly RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the October 1 Board Meeting minutes.

DCED REPORT – Harry Krot

  • Auditor General Reportreview was due to three themes - timeliness, lack of policy and procedures, and contracts. DCED already addressing issues in report.
  • Bryan Miller, IT Consultant, started back on January 11.
  • Diana T. Myers & Associates’ current contract is up on June 30. Future consultant contract will be put out on RFP.


  • Board presented three documents: FY2015 CoC Application Summary Report, Performance of Opening Doors Federal Strategic Plan Objectives, and the Performance Measures under HEARTH.
  • Strong HUD application: Based on Tiering structure, New Projects, and Planning Grant was non-competitive and did not come out of ARD.Received points for submitting early.
  • Tier 1: 85% of ARD for $6,854,448
    Tier 2: Another 15% competitive for $1,209,608 plus Bonus of $1.3 million for total of $2,521,779
    Planning Grant: $262,434
  • Strengths of CoC application: made progress in addressing goals of Opening Doors (see handout) and good CoC Performance Outcomes (see handout)
  • Chronic homeless reduced by 44 and 98% of beds prioritized for Chronic. CoC on track to meet goal of ending Chronic Homelessness by 2017 if new projects get funded and implementation of chronic prioritization.
  • Areas to address: CoC participation by youth serving agencies, DV agencies, and homeless/formerly homeless;
  • Performance measure under HEARTH: Measure 1: length of time persons remain homeless; Measure 2: returns to homelessness; Measure 3: number of homeless persons; Measure 4: employment and income growth for homeless persons in CoC program –funded projects; Measure 5: number of persons who become homeless for the first time; Measure 6: homeless prevention and housing placement for persons defined under category 3 (NA); Measure 7: success placement from street outreach or retention of permanent housing.
  • Debbie Hennon: Requested that the Board send letter to DCED requesting funding for Leigh for training to come on Thursday, March 3 to speak with DV agencies to understand CoC process.
  • Renewal/Ranking done objectively: Two RHABs coordinated process for the first-time and developed new regional projects to maximize flexibility. Next round needs more strategic planning for Tier 2.
  • Need to closely review strategies around TH and SSOs and constraints they are under and the scoring.
  • Implementation of Chronic Prioritization, in light of new definition, that documentation will be more critical.
  • Piloting of Coordinated Entry - need to show the progress. Goal is to be up and running by Oct. 1
  • While CoC has Housing First policy for PH – this year HUD asked about TH and SSO and many do not operate in accordance with Housing First.


  • Cumulative amount is 12 months.
  • Need to count length of time homeless. Document three distinct breaks (break is 7 days not homeless).
  • Archived webinar by HUD – goes over definition and rationale
  • Look at length of time homeless and vulnerability
  • Leigh & Barbara can put out scenarios or webinar for CoC


  • Copy of Board Membership list distributed – need to update to include 21 members. Amanda to update and resend out. Missing Tammy Knouse, Kathy Presnar, Fran Billen, and Dr. Joann Jankoski.
  • 1 year termsending March 2016: Dan Dodd, Sandy Harbor, Jennifer Johnson, Deb Hennon, Kevin Boozel, Kathy Presnar. Kathy, Deb, and Dan or substitute from his organization willing to continue for three year term.

On the motion by Kim Stucke, seconded by Dr. Joann Jankoski and by unanimous vote of all board members it was duly RESOLVED to accept Kathy Presnar, Deb Hennon, and Dan Dodd to a new three year term position.

  • Open positions: Membership Subcommittee to make connections or other recommendations for open positions.
  • Requirements to be CoC member - Meeting attendance was an issue.
  • Barbara to send instructions from HUD application. At that time, missing three categories: law enforcement and local jails, youth homeless nonfunded, and non CoC funded victim services. Dr. Joann Jankoski covers youth category, can stand for two different categories.
  • Membership sign-in sheets to include agency, name of person attending, and the county.
  • Dr. Joann Jankoski to speak with colleagues about tracking
  • Change to CoC Meeting bylaws: Identified agencies must be represented at 75% attendance at local meetings. Barbara to review rules.

An agency must attend of 50% of CoC Meetings.


  1. Policy
  • Will draft updates to Governance Charter and bring to full CoC meeting in April.
  • Reviewed work plan document handout:

Policy Committee Items: 1. Determine if a strategy is needed to prevent the Criminalization of homeless. 2. Full Implementation and reporting on chronic prioritization policy.3. How effective are our existing discharge policies around foster care, health care, mental health care, correctional facilities?

  • Need to recruit more people for Policy Committee
  1. Strategic Planning
  • Goals from work plan are: Focus on CoC wide system performance measures, develop a plan with timelines and measurable outcomes.
  • Work Plan Item: Establishing standard policies for providing assistance is ESG
  • Developing a CoC wide Housing First policy should goes to Board decision and then go to Policy Committee.
  • SW projects broken down by type of project, scatter site vs site based, overall cost, cost per housing, cost per service, and cost per client. Kim and Linda to put NW information on the same spreadsheet as SW and send to Tammy.
  1. Coordinated Entry
  • Standards at HUD’s TA, Two sections not completed: timing and standards not written yet because they were being developed.
  • Counties: Westmoreland, Washington, Butler, Lawrence, and Fayette.
  • Will need room locations for pilots to meet centrally.
  1. HMIS
  • Chair needed for HMIS Committee - DCED to take the lead.
  • HMIS to participate on several other committees
  • Have conference feature available due to travel restrictions
  • Funds from Washington/Westmoreland switched back to DCED but must be used by March 31. Explore if funds may be able to go to purchase license for client track for the DV providers.
  1. PIT
  • Need Board to approve PIT count methodology.
  • Gap analysis removed from application
  • NW & SW Chairs to make sure there is a contact person in each county and make sure they know what they are to do as well as coordinate information for Board.
  • PIT Committee change to Ad Hoc Committee instead of regular standing committee. This would be change in bylaws and Board needs to vote at the next regular CoC meeting. Information to be posted on to the website and included on the agenda.

On the motion by Deb Hennon, seconded by Dr. Joann Jankoski and by unanimous vote of all board members it was duly RESOLVED to accept the PIT Methodology.

  1. Resource Development
  • Five items of the work plan: 1.Develop a process to increase the number of PHAs with homeless preference. 2. Determine who in CoC is SOAR trained/benefits of utilizing SOAR training. 3. Increase Coordination with HOPWA, TANF, Head Start providers. 4. Increase CoC participation in the development of Con Plans, and if possible, resources dedicated to homeless. 5. Increase relationship between CoC and healthcare providers.
  1. Veteran
  • Veteran’s Challenge: Waiting on official announcement to be made publicly.
  • Vets@Home update: will be having meetings weekly. Kathy to send names of everyone on committee. Start conversation and representation with Butler and Altoona VA. As it stands, not able to claim functional 0 because of counts. Have Kathy keep board posted of providers not providing services as CoC does not have to support their renewal applications. Kathy to do master list for NW and Butler and Armstrong to assist with SW counties.
  1. Executive
  • Two areas of work plan are: 1. Discuss the ranking process. 2. Develop a system and guidelines for ongoing year-round monitoring and the identification of training and TA needs.
  • Add item for System for Tiering Strategy


  • Madra requesting an Ad Hoc committee that would work with DCED to have written policies and update guidelines to work with ESG across the state in coordination with the work that the CoC does and to update the ESG application (released in April/May).
  • See handout of Planning for ESG Subcommittee
  • Dr. Joann Jankoski volunteered to assist committee
  • CoC members can also designate staff who may be familiar with ESG
  • ESG Update: Awards are in and recommendations accepted. Letters being sent out. State received $5,435,602 million for 2015, $8,364,773 million in requests. Administration and HMIS funding must be taken out. No more than 60% can go to shelters. 45% allocated to rapid rehousing.


  • 2014 Budget: available $109,899 for the planning grant; $27,476 match funds; $103,000 in expenses. $34,165 balance available (funds for July-Sept.) Contract goes through September


  • Youth Subcommittee needed. Dr. Joann, Lynn, and Wendy interested in being on committee. Dr. Joann to convene first meeting and then chair will be decided at meeting.
  • Kim to send out notice to CoC member list for participation for this subcommittee.

On the motion by Deb Hennon, seconded by Dr. Joann Jankoski and by unanimous vote of all board members it was duly RESOLVED to create a new subcommittee for Youth.

  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act at federal level, full implementation by July 2016 and final plan at the state level due by March 3, 2016
  • Employment strategies focused on career link /investment center, youth, and homeless people with low skills prioritized. (See handout for federal and state plan.) At RHAB level, review draft of state plan, provide information about employment needs, and share basic information on how the CoC and workforce board systems work.
  • Webinar or training at spring meeting


  • Board and General Meeting (Spring Forum) on Tuesday, April 5. Location: SW region
  • Board Meeting on Tuesday, July 19 in Grove City
  • Board and General Meeting on Tuesday, October 4. Location: NW region
  • Location for Board and General Meetings in NW and SW, three location options will be submitted to the board for review and decision in each region.

The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.