
The Treasure of Lemon Brown: Post-Reading Comprehension Questions

Directions: Complete the following questions. Cite page numbers for your answers.

  1. In the beginning of the story, describe the initial conflict between Greg and his father and the type of conflict.
  1. How does the weather serve as a metaphor for Greg’s mood?
  1. Why does Greg choose to go to the tenement?
  1. Describe Greg and Lemon Brown’s initial meeting. What prior knowledge does Greg have of Lemon Brown?
  1. Why do Lemon Brown and Greg Ridley climb the stairs in the apartment?
  1. Describe the conflict Greg and Lemon Brown face and the type of conflict.
  1. Describe the climax of the story.
  1. Describe Lemon Brown’s treasure. Why is it so important to him? Use textual evidence.
  1. Describe the conflicts Lemon Brown has endured in his life.
  1. How did Greg’s opinion of Lemon Brown change throughout the story?
  1. Why is Lemon Brown’s treasure an example of irony?
  1. Give an example of dialect from the story.
  1. Write an example of a flashback in the story.
  1. Describe an example of direct characterization from the story.
  1. Describe an example of indirect characterization from the story.
  1. What is the theme of this story?
  1. What is the main idea of this story?
  1. What type of character is Greg? What type of character is Lemon Brown?
  1. What is the main conflict in the story? How is it solved?
  1. What is your treasure? Why is it important to you? What does this say about who you are and what you want to become?
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