Franchise PowerPoint

Project Overview

v  In groups of two, you are to construct a PowerPoint project concerning a type of franchise

v  There will be a maximum of three groups per franchise

v  It will be based on a first come first serve basis

v  The franchise options can be selected from the list below or ask the teacher to approve another option of your choice:

Ø  McDonald’s

Ø  Tim Horton’s

Ø  Wendy’s

Ø  Subway

Ø  Burger King

PowerPoint Set-Up

ü  Your presentation must consists of a minimum of 8 slides

ü  Your presentation must include a title slide with your franchise, a picture of the franchise, and your group members

ü  You must have a bibliography page with a minimum of three resources

ü  The bibliography can be APA or MLA style in format

Needed Information

v  History of the Franchise

Ø  How long has it been around

Ø  Who started the franchise

Ø  How many are there in the world

v  Associated Franchise Costs

Ø  Initial Franchise Fee

Ø  Start Up Fees

Ø  Copyright or other related fees

v  Product Purchasing Issues

Ø  How do you purchase their products

Ø  Minimum costs associated with these purchase

v  How To Select Locations

Ø  Who determines location

Ø  What factors go into this location

Ø  Who gets first choice of location

Possible Questions

Below is a list of questions that should help you generate the required information regarding your franchise. These questions are not to be answered directly, but they are designed to help you gather the important information.

ü  Who are the key individuals associated with the franchisor including all shareholders, officers and directors?

ü  How many years has the franchisor been operating?

ü  How many franchises does the franchisor have?

ü  How does the franchisor select prospective franchisees?

ü  How does the franchisor monitor franchisee operations? Does the franchisor periodically inspect all of the franchisees?

ü  How much is the initial franchise fee?

ü  Is there a deposit? How much is refundable? Under what circumstances?

ü  What products must be purchased from the franchisor or designated supplier?

ü  Is your franchise territory exclusive? If not exclusive, is there any territorial protection?

ü  Will the franchisor choose the site or assist you in selecting the appropriate one for your business.

ü  Does the franchisor build the premises? If not, does the franchisor specify the design of the premise’s layout and displays?

ü  What continuing management assistance will you receive?

ü  Has your franchise received a platinum or gold rating?

Project Submission

ü  Save your presentation the an appropriate name

ü  The presentation must be submitted on the website in the correct submission location

ü  Due Date: February 23, 2015


Franchise Project Evaluation


The presentation has a clear and distinct title /2

The presentation outlines both group members /2

The presentation has the minimum number of slides /8

The presentation has a bibliography with the minimum number of resources /3

The bibliography is APA/MLA style in format /3

Total /18


The presentation discusses the history of the franchise /5

The presentation outlines the costs associated with the start up of the franchise /5

The presentation outlines product purchasing issues /5

The presentation outlines how locations for the sites are selected /5

The presentation outlines information different from the question list /10

Total /30


The presentation does not have any grammatical or spelling errors /5

The presentation is saved using an appropriate file name /2

The colours used in the presentation are easy on the eyes /3

Total /10