Pending approval at October 24th Senate Meeting
Minutes approved at October 24th Senate Meeting.
October 10, 2005
Senators Present:Susan Ballard, Kimberly Bates, Chris Buttram, Toby Dogwiler, Darrell Downs, Mark Engen, Pat Ferden, Tim Gegg-Harrison, Matthew Hyle, Mary Kesler, Cindy Killion, Jean Leicester, Vernon Leighton, Dan Lintin, Bill Ng, Christine Pilon-Kacir (ITV-Roch), Roger Riley, Jo Stejskal (ITV-Roch), Cathy Summa, Bruce Svingen.
Senators Absent:Sara Barbor, Tamara Berg, David Bratt, Emilie Falc, Kelly Herold, James Reineke.
Faculty/Staff:Ann Rethlefsen, Kendall Larson.
Agenda Scheduled before Senate meeting:
I.Call to Order
II.Approval of minutes of 9/26/05
III.Agenda Additions and Approval
IV.President's Report
V. Review of Meet and Confer Notes of 10/3/05
VI.Committee Reports
A. A2C2 (COMA)
B. Graduate Council
C. Government Relations
D. Personnel Policies and Grievances
E. Committee on Committees
F. Negotiations
G. Elections Committee
H. Action Committee
VII.Old Business
A.Director of Library Search (OBA)
B.Career Service Advisory Committee
VIII.New Business
A.Task Force to Review Committees (NBA)
B.Vice President for Academic Affairs Search (NBB)
C.Desire 2 Learn Update
D.National Scholarship Applications Review Committee (NBD)
E.Chief Information Officer Discussion
F.Parking Issues
I.Call to Order
M. Kesler (MSK) called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
II.Approval of minutes of 9/26/05
C. Killion/B. Svingen moved to approve Senate minutes of 9/26/05.
Motion Carried.
III.Agenda Additions and Approval:
Delete NB-F.
B. Svingen/J. Leicester moved to approve agenda as modified.
Motion Carried.
IV.President’s Report
Mary Kesler reported:
1.D2L has become a focus of State M&C meetings. Chancellor McCormick admitted that D2L encountered a major meltdown several weeks ago. Many more meetings will be happening to address D2L performance issues.
2.MSK will be replacing Nancy Black at this week’s state-level meeting pertaining to Centers of Excellence.
C. Killion stated that more L21 Listening sessions would be forthcoming. The meetings will be announced via e-mail. The last meeting had about 30 attendees.
V.Review of Meet and Confer Notes of 10/3/05
Item 15, WSUFA comments/responses #5 add “Deans will talk to chairs about historical room preferences.”
Meet and Confer Notes received by Faculty Senate.
VI.Committee Reports
COM-A. A2C2 (document in Senate packet)
A2C2 Chair Ann Rethlefsen presented the following items from the October 5, 2005 A2C2 meeting:
I.Course & Program Proposals
A.New Courses
1. PER 206: Teaching Elementary P.E. for Majors
2. ECON 390: Economics of the Middle East
B.Revised Courses: None
C.New Programs: None
D.Revised Programs: None
II.University Studies
A. Course Proposals: None
B. Flag Proposals
1. Oral Flag
a. BIOL 315:
2. Writing Flag: None
3. Critical Analysis and Mathematics/Statistics: None
C. USP Director's Term
1.The current USP director's position expires at the end of this academic year. USS asked that A2C2 forward to Faculty Senate a request to initiate a search or renewal process for 2006 2009.
2.A2C2 chose to nominate J. Paul Johnson to continue in this position. During discussion it was suggested that the USP director search/nomination/continuation procedure be clarified for future terms.
III.Notifications (Information Only)
A. ACCT 471: Change in Title and Description: Auditing I to Auditing
B. ACCT 472: Change in Title and Description: Auditing II to Advanced Auditing
C. PER 134: Change in Title from Skiing to Downhill Skiing
IV.Message to Departments: Please check any course outside of your department but required by your department to ensure it is still being offered by another department prior to the catalogue change due date. There has been some confusion in this area.
A.USS: Sara Hein (20052008)
a.Kihyun Kim
b.Roger Riley
c.Fred Lee
d.Linda Smith
e.Ed Thompson
f.Eve Caudill
g.Phil Appicelli
h.Chris Malone
i.One member not approved pending clarification of membership eligibility for CPPS
B. Svingen/C. Killion moved to separate Item II-C.2 sentence 2 (“During discussion it was suggested that the USP director search/nomination/continuation procedure be clarified for future terms.”)
Motion Carried.
Faculty Senate approved courses listed in Items I and II and the nomination of J Paul Johnson as USP director for 2006-2009. (Unanimously approval)
Faculty Senate received notifications.
COM-B. Graduate Council
No report.
COM-C. Government Relations
D. Downs reported:
1.A fund-raiser was held last Friday at House Speaker Sviggum’s farm.
2.Faculty can make suggestions for legislative goals.
COM-D. Personnel Policies and Grievances
No report.
COM-E. Committee on Committees
V. Leighton provided the following faculty names for Senate consideration:
Committee NameRecommended CandidateDepartment
All University
Advising Council
Gaedy, ElizabethMathematics and Statistics
Athletic and Hall of Fame Committee
Brown, Thomas JAthletics
Commencement and Honorary Degrees Committee
Grimm, GailHealth, Exercise and Rehab
Gender Issues Committee
Harrison, ElizabethNursing
Institutional Racism Task Force
Faruque, Cathy JoSocial Work
Subhani, SohailMgmt Info Systems Op
Warwick, AcaciaArt
Long Range Planning and Assessment Committee
Leicester, JeanEducation
Nowosielski, RodneyArt
Subhani, SohailMgmt Info Systems Op
Lyceum Committee
Peters, ErinBiology
Wiseman, Mary Jane (Guy)Educational Leadership
Parking Appeals/Policy and Regulations Committee
Grimm, GailHealth, Exercise and Rehab
Registration Workgroup
Anderson, JeffreyMathematics and Statistics
Bork, CindyNursing
Reap, MelanieEducation
ROTC Task Force
Lintin, DanielCommunication Studies
Miller, RandolphHealth, Exercise and Rehab
Scholarship Committee
Faruque, Cathy JoSocial Work
Sesquicentennial Planning Committee
Forsyth, DianeNursing
Space Utilization Committee
Grimm, GailHealth, Exercise and Rehab
Student Services Committee
Bates, KimberlyBiology
Technology Committee
Reineke, JamesEducation
Travel Study Advisory Committee
Berg, TamaraWomen’s Studies
Bratt, DavidTheatre and Dance
Charles, RuthSocial Work
Olson, LorenePhysical Education and
Ramos, LilianForeign Languages
Wellness Committee
Anderson, DawnHealth, Exercise and Rehab
Ferden, PatriciaCounseling Center
Nowosielski, RodneyArt
Sternberg, PeterHealth, Exercise and Rehab
Academic Information Technology Committee
Subhani, SohailMgmt Info Systems Op
Center for Teaching and Learning Steering
Summa, CatherineGeoscience
D2L Advisory Committee (Desire2Learn)
Lundak, Eugene RComputer Science
Committee NameRecommended CandidateDepartment
A2C2 Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee
Aldrich, Brian Sociology
Allard, Stephen Geoscience
Appicelli, Phillip AHealth, Exercise &Rehab Alt.
Bergin, LarryAccounting
Boseker, BarbaraSpecial Education
Bratt, DavidTheatre and Dance
Caudill, EveMarketing Alt.
Charles, RuthSocial Work
Dogwiler, TobyGeoscience Alt.
Elcombe, RonaldMass CommunicationFawcett, Mary Counselor Education
Fernandez-Iglesias, JuanForeign Languages
Ferstl, Andrew DPhysics Alt.
Guernica, EdwardPolitical Science
Hein, SaraChemistry
Hermodson, AmyCommunication Studies Alt.
Herold, KellyCommunication Studies Alt.
Iyengar, SudharsanComputer Science Alt.
Jackson, JoeLibrary Alt.
Johnson, J PaulEnglish
Kauffman, DanielEconomics and Finance
Kim, KihyunMgmt Info Systems Op Alt.
Kobolt, JamesSociology Alt.
Lee, FrederickPolitical Science Alt.
Lee, MyoungChemistry
Lefebvre, LukeCommunication Studies
MacDonald, RichardMusic
Malone, ChristopherMathematics and Statistics
McConnell, RebeccaMathematics and Statistics Alt.
Miene, PeterPsychology
Miller, RandolphHealth, Exercise and Rehab
Mohr, DeanneMusic
Murphy, J. WilliamMarketing
Nelson, ShellieHealth, Exercise and Rehab
Nosek, CatherineNursing
Nowosielski, RodneyArt
Paulson, PatrickMgmt Info Systems Op
Possin, KevinPhilosophy
Price, TerryMathematics and Statistics
Quam, AllisonLibrary
Reap, MelanieEducation
Reidy, JamesPhysical Education and
Ricciotti, DominicArt Alt.
Sannerud, PeggyTheatre and Dance Alt.
Schmidt, GregoryHistory
Schneider, RichardAccounting Alt.
Schumacher, PaulComputer Science
Sefkow, SusanPsychology
Shields, RichardPhysics
Slowik, Edward SPhilosophy
Summa, CatherineGeoscience Alt.
Thompson, EdwardBiology
Committee NameRecommended CandidateDepartment
Budget Committee
Eriksen, Mark JohnLibrary
Center for Mississippi River Studies Committee
Downs, DarrellPolitical Science
FA Scholarship Committee
Eriksen, Mark JohnLibrary
Faruque, Cathy JoSocial Work
GLBTA Issues Committee
Nowosielski, RodneyArt
Global Studies Council
Iyengar, SudharsanComputer Science
Governmental Relations Committee
Seppanen, LindaNursing
Grade Appeals Committee
Nowosielski, RodneyArt
Wilson, Edward (Ted)Biology
Graduate Council
Borror, GayliaCounselor Education
Hayes, DouglasEnglish
McBreen, WilliamNursing
Rocco, FrankSpecial Education
Sherman, ThomasEducation
Wiseman, Mary Jane (Guy)Educational Leadership
Instructional Technology Committee
Iyengar, SudharsanComputer Science
Subhani, SohailMgmt Info Systems Op
Xu, JinCommunication Studies
Library Committee
Marmolejo, GloriaPsychology
OCED Advisory Council
Forsyth, DianeNursing
Iyengar, SudharsanComputer Science
Sullivan, KathrynLibrary
Online Education Committee
Paulson, PatrickMgmt Info Systems Op
Rand, DanielMathematics and Statistics
Xu, JinCommunication Studies
Social Science Education Advisory Committee
Johanson, JohnPsychology
Miller, Celeste AnnEducation
Specialty Studies Advisory Council
Ramos, LilianForeign Languages
Schneider, Jamie LynnChemistry
Student Affairs Committee
Eriksen, Mark JohnLibrary
University Studies Program Assessment Plan -- Natural Sciences
Schneider, Jamie LynnChemistry
University Studies Program Assessment Plan -- Social Sciences
Johanson, JohnPsychology
Faculty Senate approved the above faculty appointments.
MSK noted that the Program Review Task Force needs at least one more member. She requested senators to help solicit a faculty member.
COM-F. Negotiations
M. Hyle reported:
1. There will be a meeting this week and another the week before Thanksgiving break.
2. Some administrators have been misinformed about details of offers. Faculty should go to the IFO website to find the facts.
3. So far, at least one-step for everyone each year, at least 4% across the biennium.
COM-G. Elections Committee
B. Svingen reported:
1. Some people requested paper ballots. Election results will not be known until they are collected and counted.
2. 105 electronic votes were registered, which is a very good turnout.
B. Svingen suggested that Senate ratified the election results via e-mail. Faculty Senate agreed.
COM-H. Action Committee
M. Engen stated that Kathy Schott will be distributing wristbands to faculty.
VII. Old Business
OB-A. Director of Library Search (document in Senate packet)
From the 10/03/05 Meet and Confer (Item 5), the administration stated the position is long term but is unsure about the title of the position and the personnel responsibilities. After the Meet and Confer, the administration also suggested that the title be changed from Library Director to University Librarian, something that is happening at other libraries. Tess Kruger also has suggested this as an alternative that rises above the status issue of Dean vs. Director. The administration has also stated that having four librarians would make the committee too large to operate.
The following composition was proposed for the Search Committee:
7 Faculty (5 colleges, 1 non-teaching, 1 Rochester)
1 Student
1 Council of Administrator (Christine Barajas)
B. Svingen/D. Downs moved that the faculty membership include 2 librarians (with the understanding that the non-teaching could also be a librarian) for a total of 9 faculty.
Motion Carried.
OB-B. Career Service Advisory Committee
From the 10/03/05 Meet and Confer (Item 3), Vicki Decker addressed WSUFA questions from the previous Meet and Confer and stated that the role of faculty is that of advisory capacity, would like to have 1-3 reps from each college and 1 from Rochester, the detail of committee work is still in the evolutionary stage. The purpose is to provide feedback to Career Services and see how the program can work better for/with faculty. She also agreed that 15 members would be too large. One rep. from each college could be enough but she didn’t want to limit faculty participation either.
Senate comments/questions:
1. Senators are satisfied with Vicki Decker’s responses and felt we should proceed with formation of committee.
2. Shouldn’t faculty from the Counseling Center be on the composition? [Counseling Center is not part of any programs or College.]
B. Svingen/C. Killion moved to forward to Committee on Committees for membership solicitation.
Motion Carried.
[Will ask at next Meet and Confer about representation from Counseling Center, though solicitation should begin soon.]
VIII. New Business
NB-A. Task Force to Review Committees (document in Senate packet)
From the 10/03/05 Meet and Confer (Item 9), the administration proposed the formation of a Task Force to review WSU’s All-University Committee structure for its operating effectiveness and efficiency. VPAA-Gorman will be taking the lead. The document listed present committees and proposed charges, and composition of VPAA, Council of Administrators (1) Presidents (or designee) of: ASF, AFSCME, IFO, MAPE, Student Senate. The administration would like to review charges of each committee and perhaps reduce total by a third. Upon suggestion from the WSUFA, the Task Force will also review operating protocols.
B. Svingen/C. Summa moved to approve creation of Task Force to Review Committees and forward to Committee on Committees for membership solicitation.
Motion Carried.
NB-B. Vice President for Academic Affairs Search (document in Senate packet)
From the 10/03/05 Meet and Confer (Item 10), the administration announced and provided the search composition of 7 faculty (5 colleges, 1 non-teaching, 1 Rochester), 2 ASF, 1 MAPE, 1 AFSCME, 1 Student, 1 Cabinet, 2 Deans’ Council (Dean Gaspar and Dean Rokusek) for the position of Vice President of Academic Affairs. The administration might consider hiring a consulting firm for the search.
B. Svingen/C. Killion moved to send to Committee on Committees for membership solicitation.
Motion Carried.
NB-C. Desire 2 Learn Update
At the 10/03/05 Meet and Confer (Item 11), upon query by the WSUFA, the administration stated they would try to keep the BB license as long as necessary until a viable substitution can be found. So far D2L has been shown to be quite unstable.
K. Graetz was present to address Senate:
1. K. Graetz has recently e-mailed B. Svingen a brief document comparing BB and D2L. B. Svingen will be posting the information on the BB site for faculty perusal.
2. BB cost $80k for 2 (more) years. This came with a substantial discount (i.e. more than doubled without discount). D2L cost is more difficult to calculate. MnSCU used ~$300k from the $5 student fee money to purchase D2L. The student fee came from MN-On-line courses. D2L costs ~$24k for two year.
3. Performance problems with D2L include intermittent slowdowns; slowdowns that get progressively worse as the day proceeds and would sometimes appear to be dead during later afternoons. Slowdown problems have usually been resolved in about an hour, though after several hours of dead time. This is obviously an unacceptable situation.
4. A string of a few good days for D2L cannot count as a stable system.
- It might be true that BB or Web-CT cannot handle all MnSCU databases.
6. D2L tech’s believed that one of the problems had to do with D2L not having any procedure in place to purge old data. Whenever anything is put in D2L, the data gets counted/stored and everything in the database has to be searched every time, therefore stalling the D2L system. D2L experts are not sure if D2L can break up its database into separate portions. Major problem with D2L is scalability, but D2L people are not sure how to answer scalability issues.
7. MnSCU has not committed to any upgrading of D2L until the summer. However, doing upgrading during the summer could create huge problems since there will be any mass test time before classes begin in the fall.
8. Long-term and short-term goals need to be addressed.
9. A state group/committee will be reviewing BB and D2L and make recommendations to MnSCU.
10. BB has individual servers on different campuses, but D2L has not address this scenario.
11. It could also be difficult for either BB or Web-CT in scaling up its usability. Right now, each campus can run its own BB software on its own server.
12. Perhaps different MnSCU campuses (i.e. 4 years versus 2 years) can host D2L individually?
13. E-learning is talking to faculty and students about BB and D2L issues. Hope to have data by the end of fall semester.
14. Current BB license runs out on July 1, 2006.
15. If faculty is planning a quiz/test (using either BB or D2L) during class time, they should consult E-learning to monitor traffic flow.
Senate comments/questions:
1. Although D2L appears to cost less, it would cost WSU a lot more if WSU installs its own D2L on its own server.
2. Faculty reported that quiz done with D2L was stalled in the middle of class, thereby causing lost of data and quiz.
3. Students exposed to use of both D2L and BB have expressed issues with D2L.
4. Shouldn’t MnSCU be more careful in selecting system-wide software?
NB-D. National Scholarship Applications Review Committee (document in Senate packet)
At the 10/03/05 Meet and Confer (Item 13), the administration stated WSU should provide better opportunities for WSU students to pursue National Scholarships. They proposed the creation of a Student National Scholarship Applications Review Committee to promote and coordinate the administration of scholarship application process. A document was provided detailing the committee charge and proposed membership of 6 faculty (at least one from each college and one from Rochester), 1 Dean, and Director of Grants and Sponsored Projects (ex-officio). The committee would help identify students and provide directions for those students to apply for national scholarships, such as Fulbright, Marshall, Rhodes, Truman, etc. WSU could have some strong candidates and it’s about time that WSU get involved. Also suggested that faculty appointments are multiple year and staggered
Senate comments/questions:
1. Because of some (scholarship’s) early fall deadlines, faculty on this committee could be asked to work before fall classes (duty-days) begins. If there is summer work, will there be compensation for faculty participation on committee?
2. Compensation must be provided (in the form of extra duty-days) if faculty is asked to work in the summer.
M. Hyle/D. Downs moved to approve formation of National Scholarship Applications Review Committee with forwarding to Committee on Committees for membership solicitation.
Motion Carried.
Will take Senate comments on faculty summer work to next Meet and Confer.
NB-E. Chief Information Officer Discussion
At the 10/03/05 Meet and Confer (Item 16), President Ramaley stated that she is still not sure about how IT issues will be handled by a Chief Information Officer (CIO) position. She would like faculty input on how present and future technology usage can affect the CIO position. Perhaps Oct. 14 could be used to provide such a forum to facilitate discussion. Would like to involve faculty technology experts and E-learning staff. A document on CIO has been sent to MSK. MSK will be distributing the document to faculty.