To: Students and Parents of Lancaster High School JROTC Program

From: Sergeant First Class Lee O. Ferrell,Assistant Army Instructor

Date:August 24, 2015

Subject:Lancaster Army Junior ROTC Leadership Education andTraining (LET) II

(Intermediate Leadership and Character Development)

Course Syllabus School Year 2015-2016

1. The Lancaster High School JROTC Program will equip generations of students with skills to appreciate creativity, embrace diversity, achieve excellence, and internalize success.

2. The JROTC program is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self discipline. The program’s focus is reflected in its mission statement, “To motivate young people to become better citizens.” It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation.

3. Course Descriptions:

A. Second year LET II course includes classroom and laboratory instruction that expands on the skills taught in LET I. This course introduces equal opportunity and sexual harassment classes. It provides instruction on leadership styles and practical time to exercise leadership theories as well as the basic principles of management. It provides self assessments that help students determine their skill sets and opportunities to teach using accepted principles and methods of instruction. JROTC is not a recruiting program for the military services; we build character. The LET II cadet will study the following:

1. Making the Right Choices.

2. Goals and Goal Setting

3. Career: Labor of Love

4. Dietary Guidelines

5. Controlling Fat

6. Taking Care of Yourself

7. Understanding and Controlling Stress

8. Ready, Go…Crossing the Finish Line – Year 2

9. First Aid for Burns

10. First Aid for Poisons, Wounds, and Bruises

11, Cold Weather Injuries

12. Bites, Stings, and Poisonous Hazards

13. Drugs – Use and Effect

14. Tobacco – Use and Effect

15. Alcohol – Use and Effect

16. Substance Abuse Intervention

17. Substance Abuse Prevention

18. Introduction to Maps

19. Orienteering

20. Making Decision – Majority and Consensus

21. Establishing Ground Rules

22. Small Group Meetings

23. Representative Group Session

24. Revolution and Independence

25 Your Constitution – Its Purpose, Realty, and Use

26. The Organization and Power of Congress

27. The Executive Branch and Sources of Presidential Power

28. Political Parties, Voting and Elections

B. All LET II cadets will be required to participate in all parades. The JROTC cadets will march in the Homecoming, Martin Luther King and LancasterRotary Christmas parades. The parades events will count as two major test grades. The cadets will receive one grade for wearing the uniform and one for participation. Mandatory attendance unless student is leaving the state or prior arrangements made through the SAI.

C. All LET II cadets will be required to attend the Military Ball, which will cost approximately $45.00 per student. We will conduct funding raising events to reduce the financial impact on the family. You, and your son or daughter will be asked to participate in the various fundraisers.

4. Books, Supplies, and Materials:

A. JROTC textbooks and workbooks are furnished. A minimal charge is assessed for lost or damaged books.

B. Each cadet must purchase acomposition notebook. The notebook will be kept in the classroom each day and a daily grade will be given. Folder will also be inspected byall principals.

C. Each JROTC cadet will be issued a uniform. Cadets are responsible for care, cleaning (JACKET AND TROUSERS SHOULD BE DRY CLEAN ONLY) and safe guard of the uniform. The uniform cost $306.60, you and your son or daughter will be responsible for turning the uniform in or paying the replacement cost in the event the uniform is damaged or lossed.

  1. The following is the list of uniform items to be issued and there replacement cost.
  1. Belt-$3.75
  2. Buckle-$5.50
  3. Coat- $121.00
  4. Insignia- $2.75
  5. Neck Tab (Females) $5.15
  6. Tie (Males) $5.00
  7. Slacks (Females) $45.00
  8. Shoes- $65.20
  9. Slacks- $45.00
  10. Socks- $2.25

TOTAL = $306.60

JROTC uniform must be worn once a week and can not be worn with regular school


5. Cadet Expectations:

  1. Attend class and be on time.
  1. Be prepared to learn and perform your best
  1. Be respectful at all times
  1. Address all teachers and peers appropriately
  1. No use of profanity
  1. Learn the JROTC General Knowledge Questions required for the annual Inspection

G. Maintain a clean, pressed uniform and wear it when directed. We wear uniforms on Thursday’s of each week. The cadet will receive two test grades on uniform day. The cadet will receive one test grade for uniform inspection and one test grade for leadership lab.

5. Grading:

  1. Six week grade computation

(1)Major grades 40%

(a) Test

(b) Uniform Inspections

(c) Leadership lab performance

(d) Parades

(2)Daily grades 40%

(a) Class participation

(b) Quizzes

(3) Homework grades 20%

  1. Semester Grade computation

(1) Average of three six week grading periods

(2) Semester exam 10%

  1. Late Work:

(1). All late work will be minus 10 points the first day, 20 points the second day, and 30 points the third day. Work turned in after the third day will receive no less than a 50.

6. Parents or students that have any questions about information contained in this syllabus, please contact me at (972) 218-1800 Ext-5174. My email

Lee O. Ferrell

SergeantFirst Class

Army Instructor JROTC

U.S. Army (Retired)


TO: JROTC Instructor (SFC Lee O. Ferrell)

FROM: The Parent or Guardian of JROTC Cadet

I have read and understand the JROTC Course Syllabus.


(Student Signature)(Date)


(Parent/Guardian - Printed Name)(Parent/Guardian Signature)