Minutes of the Board of Trustees’ Meeting May 9, 2002

Highline Community College District 9 Page 4




May 9, 2002


Tenure and Continuation of Probation

S & A Fee Budget Review

Policy Review

Faculty/Staff Searches

Foundation Board Liaison

Quarterly Financial Status Reports for 2001-02

2002-03 Budget Review


Call to Order

Elizabeth Chen, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Agenda Items

Elizabeth Chen announced that members of the audience were invited to speak to agenda items as they are considered by the Board and if members of the audience should have other topics they would like to bring before the Board, they were invited to do so under “New Business” later on the agenda. The Board, as and when deemed necessary, may call an Executive Session.

Roll Call

Members Present: Michael J. Allan

Elizabeth Chen

J. Michael Emerson

Member Absent: Arun Jhaveri

Attorney General Representative: Michael Shinn

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for April 11, 2002 were approved.


·  Dr. Bell recognized and congratulated the students who received the Washington Award for Vocational Excellence (WAVE). This award provides six quarters or four semesters of tuition, services and activities. Donna Rydberg from the Nursing Program introduced the two nursing students who received this award, Sue Cox and Kelly Matthaei. Sue will be attending the University of Washington next year. Kelly will continue her second year as a nursing student here at Highline. Both Sue and Kelly expressed their thanks for these scholarships. The Board and Dr. Bell extended their congratulations to them.

·  At the Federal Way Boys and Girls Club Breakfast on April 30, Ash Asrat was named the 2001 Youth of the Year and said that he wanted to attend Highline Community College but didn’t have the resources to go. Ron Crockett from Emerald Downs was so impressed with Ash that he announced at the breakfast that he was going to fund a full scholarship for Ash to attend Highline next year. The scholarship is being set up as the Federal Way Youth of the Year Scholarship with hopes that it will lead to further collaboration between the Foundation and Ron Crockett.

Associated Students of Highline Community College

Jewel Fitzgerald reported.

·  Student Government is in the process of the spring election, which takes place May 22-23. Out of five open positions, two are running unopposed indicating there may be more involvement with elections this year. The election ballot will also include a measure to raise the per credit fee towards the new Student Union Building. Online voting will also be available.

·  There will be an informational forum regarding the new Student Union Building on May 20 at 11:00 a.m. in Building 8.

·  Miranda Walker, Vice President of Administration, is working on the student awards ceremony coming up the end of May.

·  The S&A Budget Committee met this morning and will be meeting one more time to talk about the financial code.

·  As part of outreach, members of Student Government will be meeting with high school students as they come on campus tomorrow for the Spring Festival.

·  Student Government is working with the Foundation on getting some funding for the defibrillator on campus as well as working with the American Sign Language Club, Chess Club and Phi Theta Kappa.

Washington Public Employees Association

No report.

Highline College Education Association

Ruth Windhover reported.

·  HCEA continues to meet periodically with administration to discuss any campus issues.

·  Contract negotiations on a limited number of items are going well.

·  A committee has been formed to review bylaws and constitution. A membership meeting will take place later in the quarter to ratify the outcome of the bylaws and constitution.

Faculty Senate

No report.


Dr. Bell, having given due consideration to the recommendations of the Tenure Review Committee, recommended to the Board:

THAT Probation be continued for the following first-year probationers:

Ravinder Kang Amelia Phillips

and, THAT Tenure be granted for the following third-year probationers:

Ron Davidson Rebecca Sliger

It was moved by Michael Allan and seconded by Mike Emerson that the tenure recommendations as presented by Dr. Bell be approved.

Motion carried.

Student Union Building Architect Presentation - Opsis Architecture

James Meyers, with Opsis Architecture, presented designs for the new approximately 48,000 square foot Student Union Building which will be a three level retail multi-use facility including conferencing, dining, lounges, deli, study areas, bookstore and student program space. The lower level is primarily for food service, conferencing, dining and multi use spaces with meeting rooms. The upper level has been dedicated primarily to student programs, clubs, and sports. There are open lounges and reading rooms and a key piece in the design is that it gives students options of what they want to do in the Student Union, whether it be quiet reading or be in the midst of activity. The building is also designed to be very welcoming and pedestrian friendly and will act as a pathway and crossroad in the middle of campus so that students can pass through the building and it will not block movement around the campus.

Childcare Center Building Architect Presentations – Murphy/Varey Associates

Eric Alden and Craig Davenport with Murphy/Varey Associates, presented plans for the Childcare Center, which will begin construction next summer based on legislative approval of the construction plans. The site for the Childcare Center will be located at the southwest corner of campus. The center will be a 14,000 square foot facility housing infants through children up to five years old. Drop in day care will also be available off the circular drive so that parents can bring their children to the center without crossing a street or driveway. The center is based on an Italian design formation of a hillside village where families work together raising children. It is designed to be a village of pods that is built around a courtyard concept where groups come together and where education of these children come into common areas which are enclosed. There will be fencing around the building and service would be off the north side of the facility. At the reception area there will be social services offices, director of business offices, nursing station, staff lounge space, parent resource area, and full kitchen where two to three meals a day can be prepared. There will be an area for quick drop off for short-term care if a student needs to come on campus for an hour or two.

Joyce Riley, Director of the Childcare Center, complimented the architects and thanked them for taking all of the suggestions made by the Childcare staff into consideration and incorporated those suggestions into the design of the building.


Jack Bermingham reported.

·  Congratulations to Helen Burn from the Math Department, who was accepted to the University of Michigan into their doctoral program and awarded a Spencer Fellowship which pays tuition four years plus a research assistantship and funds a partial position during the summer.

·  Faculty are very busy either on tenure working committees finishing up the year with the tenure track positions or working on faculty searches in addition to their classroom responsibilities.

·  Highline was invited to participate at the national convention of the American Association of Community Colleges held in Seattle in April by making a presentation with the international project that is funded through USAID.

·  Three nursing interns have been hired to tenure track positions.

Student Services

Ivan Gorne reported.

·  Some of the staff in Student Services have been involved in leadership positions including Erik Tinkelstad being named president of the Career & Employment Services Council next year; Jim Field has been appointed as the technology advisor to the Washington Association of Post Secondary Education and Disability Board; and Toni Castro was recently appointed as a two year representative to the regional national Association of Student Personnel Administrators Group.

·  The Unity Through Diversity week was very successful with approximately 1070 attending events on campus.

·  The Athletic Department Golf Tournament will be June 14.

General Administration

Laura Saunders reported.

·  Discussion is continuing with Central Washington University on the Higher Education Center trying to resolve issues and the project is progressing. A design review with the architectural firms will be Friday May 17 and the Board is invited to attend and see the sketches of the building.

·  Lorna Ovena has been selected as the Executive Director of Human Resources. She is a former trustee at Tacoma Community College and was Director of Personnel for the Port of Tacoma and has been working as a consultant.

·  The auditors will soon be conducting exit interviews.

·  Four killdeer baby birds and a pair of junco birds nesting in the trees have been spotted on the west side of the campus. There are also three families of quail on campus.

Institutional Advancement

Lisa Skari reported.

·  The Communications and Marketing staff have spent time reorganizing and redesigning the summer quarterly to make it more useful for students. Since this is a periodical and information piece and not a marketing piece, the design has more color for promotional purposes, yet maintains the informative nature of the quarterly.

·  Dedication and ribbon cutting for Building 30 is on June 7 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Senators Tracey Eide and Karen Keiser, and Dean Cooper, Manager of Community and Technical College Relations from The Boeing Company will be speaking. Tours are planned and students will be demonstrating some projects on the computers.

·  Highline’s first business forum will be a morning breakfast event on June 19 from 7:00-9:00 a.m. Local business leaders have been invited and the purpose is to showcase Highline and discuss their business training needs as well as discuss partnership opportunities in economic development.

·  A record number of over 250 scholarship applications have been received through the Foundation office and those are in the process of being screened.

Unscheduled Business


New Business

The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m.

Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Board of Trustees

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees will be June 13, 2002.

8:00 a.m. Study Session Building 25, Room 411

10:00 a.m. Meeting Building 25, Board Room


Elizabeth Chen, Chair Priscilla J. Bell, Secretary