En Auvergne Name______

Use the following sites to answer these questions Due on Friday 4/14





You will have Monday 4/10 and Tuesday 4/11 to work in class.

Wednesday 4/12, we will discuss the trip with Natalie, Jordan and Kelsey.

If not finished on Tuesday, you have until Friday to finish. No exceptions---must be in on Friday Total 50 pts

This is also posted online at on the FL homepage—go to French 3 section—you can put copy it into a Word document and then fill it out online and print it out for me—or email it to me. ww2.kcd.org/ForLang/index.html

PART I Auvergne (20 pts)

1.What is the difference between a French Province and a department?

2. How many of each are there?

3. Where is the province of Auvergne?

4. What departments are included in the province of Auvergne . ( Look at the bulletin board in the back of the classroom—You will see Auvergne and the # of each of the departments within this province. On the page “www.discoverfrance.net--you can find out the names of the departments. )


5. Using www.mappy.fr

Under the heading “Plan” ---print out the maps for

1. Lycée Ste Thècle : address : 7, rue A. Mural, 63400 Chamalières, France

7. These famous people are linked with Auvergne.

Who are they? When did they live? Why are they important?


Valéry Giscard d’Estaing

George Pompidou

Jacques Chirac

8 What makes Auvergne so distinctive geographically?

9. Identify these cities in Auvergne. Importance etc.

Clermont-Ferrand (in department:______) How far is it from Paris? (miles and kimometers!)

Vichy (in department :______)

Le Puy de Dome ( in department: ______)


Vulcania is a park that recently opened in Auvergne and is very distinctive. Visit the site (sorry the English version is not working yet!) and answer the following questions. You will have to visit several links on the main page:


What two films are currently showing?

Name three activites that you could do there:

Name the different locations where can you eat at the park.

How much does it cost for someone your age to get in?

Try to take the virtual tour---you need Micromedia Flash Player

“Hommes et les Volcanes”

Read and summarize the legends about volcanoes at these sites

Crater Lake, USA

Devil’s Tower, USA

Le Lac Pavin, France

“Biographies:” Who are these men and what is their link to volcanoes:

Aristote (Aristotle)

David Johnston

Constant Prévost

René Déscartes

Tout sur les volcans : Give the French term and then your answer in English

What are the 3 layers (couches) of the earth?

What are 3 products of a volcanic eruption?

What is the definition of an “active” volcano?

“Autres Colères de la terre”

What are the 4 categories of natural disasters. Give French terms





“Petits Explorateurs”—use headphones---get them from the lab- and listen to the 3 short films presented

What is the theme of each / How do they explain the subject? (answer in French)




Under “Tout sur les volcans”—“Repères Volcaniques”—There are so interesting animations/ simulations towards the bottom of the page. See if you can get them to work.