ITA430 Solved Quizzes


An agent is a software program that is _____

Select correct option:

Triggers by human

Not capable of autonomous action.

Capable of autonomous action in its environment in order to meet its objectives


ASP runs best on ______.

Select correct option:

Internet information Software

Intranet Information Software

Intranet Information Server

Internet Information Server

What is/are the methods to track the customer.

Select correct option:



Hidden Fields


Large companies establish connections between their e-commerce software and their existing accounting system by using a type of software called


Select correct option:





Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 01:55:19 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Password attacks are basically a result of _____

Select correct option:

Back door



None of the Above

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 01:56:03 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Caching ______.

Select correct option:

have no effect on downloading of the page

saves the time of downloading the page

increase the time of downloading the page

None of Above

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 01:56:58 AM ) Total Marks: 1

. A program that performs a specific function such as creating invoices/bills or processing payment received from customers is called ______.

Select correct option:


Application program


Web Services

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 01:57:54 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Programs that work with the browser to enhance its capabilities.

Select correct option:




None of Above

Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 01:58:10 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Agents can be used for _____

Select correct option:



Web crawling


Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 01:58:53 AM ) Total Marks: 1

secure, dedicated point to point connection over the internet ______.

Select correct option:

Metropolitan area Network

Local area Network

Wide Area Network

Virtual Private Network

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 04:06:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Branch to headquarter network _____.
Select correct option:

ERP Stands for
Select correct option:
Entrepreneur Resource Planning
Enterprise Rescue Planning
Enterprise Resource Program
Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a concept that integrates all aspects of a business e.g, accounting, logistics, manufacturing, marketing, planning, project management etc. at a single place. An ERP system such as SAP is expensive. E-commerce sites/software has to fully integrate with ERP software, wherever it is used.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a concept
Select correct option:
That integrates some aspects of business, at many locations.
That integrates all aspects of a business at a single place.
That integrates some aspects of business, at some locations.
That integrates all aspects of business, at many locations.

Proxy Server can _____.
Select correct option:
Speed up the processing of http requests by caching web pages
Translate HTTP request between trusted and un trusted network
Can also act as a firewall filtering requests for certain web pages
All of Above

Extranet formed when ____.
Select correct option:
When two or more internet is connected to each other.
When two or more WAN are connected to each other.
When two or more intranets are connected to each other.
When two or more LAN is connected to each other.

secure, dedicated point to point connection over the internet ____.
Select correct option:

Metropolitan area Network
Local area Network
Wide Area Network
Virtual Private Network

Plug in is ______.
Select correct option:
Program that make the computer server.
Programs that work with the browser to enhance its capabilities.
Program that communicate with the client from the server.
None of Above

ERP example is __
Select correct option:

Performance of the web server measured in ___.
Select correct option:
A - Throughput
B - Response Time
A & B
None of Above

Throughput is ______.
Select correct option:
No of instruction a server execute in one second.
No of session a server handle.
No of http request that a web server can handle.
None of Above

Throughput, which is the number of http requests that a particular server hardware and

software can handle in the unit time; and

Select correct option:
Internet information Software
Intranet Information Software
Intranet Information Server
Internet Information Server

Agents can be used for ___
Select correct option:
Web crawling

An agent is a software program that is capable of autonomous action in its environment in order to meet its

objectives. Agents can be used for comparisons, filtering, web crawling, auctions etc. For example, there

may be buyer agents and seller agents each with their goals and constraints. They can negotiate deals on

behalf of the users. Agents can monitor health indicators and alert the individuals under given conditions.

Large companies establish connections between their e-commerce software and their existing accounting system by using a type of software called ______.
Select correct option:

Large companies establish connections between their e-commerce software and their existing acco
system by using a type of software called Middleware which is a part of e-commerce software package

CERT ______.
Select correct option:
Computer Elegant Response Time
Computer Emergency Response Time
Computer Efficient Response Time
Computer Enter Response Time

Computer Emergency Response Time (CERT)

Systems Administrator, Audit, Network and Security Institute (SANS Institute)

The best response that the experts have come up with to tackle the security issue is in terms of


SANS stands for _____.
Select correct option:
System Administration, Authentication, Network and Security Institute
Software Authentication, Audit, Network and Security Institute
Systems Administrator, Audit, Network and Security Institute
None of Above

Application gateway firewall operate at ____.
Select correct option:
A -Session Layer
B - Network Layer
A & B
None of Above

It operates at application layer of the OSI Model. It uses strong user authentication to verify identity of a

host attempting to connect to the network using application layer protocols such us FTP. In contrast to

packet filter firewall, it filters the requests rather than packets entering/leaving the network. It can block any

outgoing HTTP or FTP requests.

Select correct option:
Time a server take to process one request.
Time a server take to process all the request.
Time a server take to process some request.
Time a server take to process ten request

HTTP is a _____.
Select correct option:
State Oriented
None of Above

What is/are the methods to track the customer.
Select correct option:
Hidden Fields

DoS stand for ______.
Select correct option:

Disk Operating System
Denial of Services
Do or stand
Disk out System

What is web serve?

Select correct option:
Computer that delivers (serves up) web pages
Computer that is big
Computer that is Fast
None of Above

One Tier Architecture ______.
Select correct option:

The entire processing may take place at individual terminal.
The entire processing may take place at different terminal.
The entire processing may not take place at individual terminal.
None of Above

In 1-tier architecture, the entire processing takes place at a single place/zone.

Password attacks are basically a result of ___
Select correct option:
Back door
None of the Above

Such attacks are basically a result of eavesdropping through which the hacker is able to know the account ID or password of a particular user. Then using it the hacker gains access to the network and gather information such as user names, passwords, computer names, resources etc. That can lead to modification, deletion or rerouting of network data.

Self hosting ____.
Select correct option:
Companies may opt to run a server in house
Companies may not opt to run a server in house
Companies may opt rent server
None of Above

An agent is a software program that is ___
Select correct option:
Triggers by human
Not capable of autonomous action.
Capable of autonomous action in its environment in order to meet its objectives

An agent is a software program that is capable of autonomous action in its environment in order to meet its objectives. Agents can be used for comparisons, filtering, web crawling, auctions etc. For example, there may be buyer agents and seller agents each with their goals and constraints. They can negotiate deals on

behalf of the users. Agents can monitor health indicators and alert the individuals under given conditions.

IDS Stands for ______.
Select correct option:
Intrusion Defense System
Intervention Detection System
Intervention Defense System
Intrusion Detection System

In distributed denial of service attack, the compromised system itself is used as a source for further attacks. The use of firewalls and a proper Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can minimize

Can not block any outgoing HTTP or FTP requests
Can block any outgoing HTTP but not FTP requests
Can not block any outgoing HTTP but FTP requests
Can block any outgoing HTTP or FTP requests

Application gateway firewall

It operates at application layer of the OSI Model. It uses strong user authentication to verify identity of a

host attempting to connect to the network using application layer protocols such us FTP. In contrast to

packet filter firewall, it filters the requests rather than packets entering/leaving the network. It can block any

outgoing HTTP or FTP requests.

Caching ____.

Select correct option:
have no effect on downloading of the page
saves the time of downloading the page
increase the time of downloading the page
None of Above

Worms have the characteristics;
Select correct option:
Can replicate it
Have the capability to travel without any help or human action
Can spread from computer to computer

Branch to headquarter network _____.
Select correct option:

mote access capabilities to a compromised machine.
Select correct option:
Back Doors

Back Doors are those hostile programs which, when run on a machine, install hidden services in order to give attackers remote access capabilities to a compromised machine. Trojan horses are those programs that appear harmless but actually have some malicious purpose.

E-commerce Site must provide ______.
Select correct option:
Transaction processing
Shopping cart capabilities
A catalog display
All of the above

Circuit level firewall operate at the ______.
Select correct option:
Data Link

It is quite similar to the packet filter firewall. It also works on the basis of a set of rules for filtering packets but operates at the transport layer of the OSI Model so has greater functionality. As a rule, the higher the layer of OSI model where a firewall operates, the more sophisticated is the firewall. It can make packets sent from internal network to a destination outside the firewall appear as if they originated at the firewall. Thus information regarding hosts on the internal network remains secret. It can also determine whether TCP/IP connection between a host and a machine outside firewall has been properly established. Thus it can cut off any connection which has been hijacked by a hacker trying to pass through the firewall.

Those hostile programs which, when run on a machine, install hidden services in order to give attackers remote access capabilities to a compromised machine.
Select correct option:
Back Doors

Front end consist of ______.
Select correct option:
Information which invisible to the user and he can interact with the same through some interface.
Information which visible to the user and he can not interact with the same through some interface.
Information which visible to the user and he can interact with the same through some interface.
Information which is hidden.

Asp, JSP, PHP ?
Select correct option:
Server Side Scripts
Client Side Script
A & B
None of Above

SANS stands for ______.

Select correct option:

System Administration, Authentication, Network and Security Institute

Software Authentication, Audit, Network and Security Institute

Systems Administrator, Audit, Network and Security Institute

None of Above

Proxy Server can ______.

Select correct option:

Speed up the processing of http requests by caching web pages

Translate HTTP request between trusted and un trusted network

Can also act as a firewall filtering requests for certain web pages

All of Above

Response time ______.

Select correct option:

Time a server take to process one request.

Time a server take to process all the request.

Time a server take to process some request.

Time a server take to process ten request

attacks are basically a result of _____

Select correct option:

Back door



None of the Above

IDS Stands for ______.

Select correct option:

Intrusion Defense System

Intervention Detection System

Intervention Defense System

Intrusion Detection System

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 02:45:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1

ASP runs best on ______.

Select correct option:

Internet information Software

Intranet Information Software

Intranet Information Server

Internet Information Server

Plug in is ______.

Select correct option:

Program that make the computer server.

Programs that work with the browser to enhance its capabilities.

Program that communicate with the client from the server.

None of Above

Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 02:47:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

It occurs when a customer clicks at checkout or confirm order button and is subjected to some payment ______.

Select correct option:

Transaction Processing

E cash System

E Funds system

None of Above

In this type of attack the hacker has the ability to monitor network traffic using some kind of network monitoring software.
Select correct option:
All of Above

Eavesdropping/ sniffing/snooping

In this type of attack the hacker has the ability to monitor network traffic using some kind of networkmonitoring

software. For example, a hacker may install some backdoor or Trojan horse that can monitor