Leading Learning and Teaching - Some Recommended Reading

Learning and Learning Theories

Blythe,T and associates (1998) The Teaching for Understanding Guide. San Fransisco: Jossey Bass ISBN 0 7879 0993 9

Moore , A. (2000) Teaching and Learning: Pedagogy, Curriculum and Culture: Pedagogy, Curriculum and Culture. London : Routledge Falmer

Pritchard, A. (2005) Ways of Learning: Learning Theories and Learning Styles in the Classroom London: David Fulton

Pollard, A. (2005) 2nd edition. Reflective Teaching: Evidence-Informed Professional Practice. London:Continuum


Wray, D. (1994) Literacy and Awareness. UKRA

Managing Change and School Improvement

Clarke,P. (ed) ((2005) Improving Schools in Difficulty London:Continuum

Fullan, M. (2006) Turnaround Leadership. London: Jossey Bass Wiley

Fullan,M., Hill,,P. and Crevola, C. (2006) Breakthrough. London: Sage

Fullan, M. and Hargreaves A. (1991) What’s Worth Fighting for in Your School? Buckingham : OUP

Fullan, M. 2003 Change Forces with a Vengeance. London:Routledge Falmer

Hargreaves,A. (2003) ‘Teaching for the knowledge society:education in the age of insecurity’ Maidenhead: OUP

Hoban, G. (2002) Teacher Learning for Educational Change Buckingham:OUP

Lingard,B. Mills,M. and Hayes,D. (2006) Enabling and aligning assessment for learning: some research and policy lessons from Queensland. International Studies in Sociology of Education 16(2) 83 -10

McGilchrist,B. Reed,J and Myers,K (2004) 2nd edition The Intelligent School London:Sage

McLean,A. ((2003) The Motivated School London: Paul Chapman

Stoll, L., Fink,D. and Earl, L.M. (2004) Learning: What's in It for Schools? London:Routledge Falmer

Thrupp,M. ((2005) School Improvement An Unofficial Approach London:Continuum

White R.C. (2000) The School of Tomorrow values and vision Buckingham:OUP

Teacher Leadership/ Distributed Leadership/School Leadership

Brooke-Smith,R. (2003) Leading Learners, Leading Schools London:Routledge Falmer

Bush,T. (2003) 3rd edition Theories of Educational Leadership and Management London: Sage

Davies, B. (ed) (2005) The essentials of school leadership. London: Paul Chapman

Davies, B. and Ellison, L. (2003) The New Strategic Direction and Development of the School. London:Routledge Falmer

Davies, B., Ellison, L.and Bowring- Carr,C. (2005) 2nd edition School Leadership London : Routledge Falmer

Durrant,J and Holden G (2006) Teachers Leading Change: Doing research for School Improvement . London : Paul Chapman

Fink,D. ((2005) Leadership for Mortals London: Paul Chapman

Gunter,H. (2005) Leading Teachers London:Continuum

Hargreaves,A. and Fink,D. (2005) Sustainable Leadership London: Jossey- Bass Wiley

Harris,A. Day,C., Hopkins,D Ellison L and Hadfield,M. (2003) Effective Leadership for School Improvement London:Continuum

Rudduck,J and Flutter,J. (2004) How To Improve Your School: Giving Pupils a Voice. London:Continuum

Harris ,A and Muijs,D. (2005) Improving Schools Though Teacher Leadership. Maidenhead:OUP

McBeath,J. and Myers,K. (1999) Effective School Leaders Harlow: Pearson Education

McLean,A. (2003) The Motivated School London: Paul Chapman

Preedy, M., Glatter, R., and Wise C. (eds) (2003) Strategic Leadership and Educational Improvement . London: Paul Chapman

Sachs,J. (2003) The Activist Teaching Profession. Buckingham : OUP

Systematic Evaluation of Impact

Guskey, T.R. (2000) Evaluating Professional Development London:Corwin Press

Hopkins, D. (2002) 3rd edition. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research

Burton,D. and Bartlett,S. (2005) Practitioner Research for Teachers. London : Paul Chapman


Ball,S. (2003) The teacher’s soul and the terrors of performativity.Journal of Education Policy,18(2) pp215-228

Burbules,N.C. and Torres, C.A. (eds) (2000) globalisation and education critical perspectives London:sage

Day,C.(1999) Devloping Teachers : The Challenge of Lifelong Learning London:Falmer Press

Day, C. (2004) A Passion for Teaching. London:Routledge Falmer

Wallace,M. and Wray,A. 2006 Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates. London:Sage