Evaluation Form – Food Chain Fortnight

PLEASE fill in and send this form back to or Richard Hines, Friends of the Earth, 26-28 Underwood Street, London, N1 7JQ. We want to know if the Food Chain Fortnight worked for you, and what we could improve for future actions. We also need to know which MPs have been targeted and what they said.

Which group are you from? ______

Which MP/MPs did you target through your Food Chain Fortnight?


What did you do, and how did it go?

1)  Which actions did your group take? (please tick all that apply)

-  We did the piñata media stunt (please send us photos!) □

-  We lobbied our MP on the Manifesto demands □

-  We did a different media stunt (please tell us briefly what you did and send us photos) □

-  We wrote letters to our local media □

-  We organized a film night □

-  We organized a public meeting □

-  We organized a local food evening □

-  We did one or more activities from the Summer of Action guide (please tell us which ones) □

-  We did something else (please tell us briefly what you did) □

2)  Please tell us briefly what the outcome of your action(s) was, in terms of securing (or not) your MP’s commitment to our Manifesto demands:

3)  Did you get any media coverage for your actions? Please tell us what you got (and send us any clippings or links you might have):

4)  Please use this space to tell us anything else about what your group did, or how it went:

How well did we support you?

5)  How useful did you find the Food Chain Fortnight Action Guide? (please circle)

(very useful) 1 2 3 4 5 6 (not useful at all)

Please tell us anything you would like to about how we could improve our future action guides:

6)  Did you need any further support beyond the Action Guide? Please tell us what support you had:

7)  Please tell us anything else we could have done to support you before or during your Food Chain Fortnight:

How did your group find Food Chain Fortnight?

8)  How many members of your group got involved in Food Chain Fortnight in some way? ______

9)  Do you think Food Chain Fortnight helped to develop your group in any way? For example, did you raise your profile, gain new skills, gain new members? Please tell us how you think your group benefitted.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

10)  Please use this space to make tell us anything else about Food Chain Fortnight that you would like us to know:

Finally, if you would be happy for us to get back to you for more information about anything you’ve included in this form (including more details of media coverage or MP comments) please provide us with a contact name for your group, and an email and phone number. Thank you!




PLEASE fill in and send this form back to or Richard Hines, Friends of the Earth, 26-28 Underwood Street, London, N1 7JQ.