of January 16, 2006, #25, Bishkek, Government House.

On Approval of the National Plan of the KyrgyzRepublic on Response to Pandemia of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

With the aim to prevention the threat of aggravation of the situation with the avian influenza, and bringing and spread of highly dangerous infections in the KyrgyzRepublic the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic is resolving:

  1. To approve the attached National Plan of the KyrgyzRepublic on Response to Pandemia of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.
  2. For the ministries, state committees, administrative agencies, local state administrations and local self-government bodies to accept for execution the National Plan of the KyrgyzRepublic on Response to Pandemia of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.
  3. To delegate the general co-ordination of implementation of the National Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic on Response to Pandemia of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza to the Republican Emergency Antiepidemic and Antiepizootic Commission under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  4. To allow the Republican Emergency Antiepidemic and Antiepizootic Commission under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to make amendments and supplements to the National Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic on Response to Pandemia of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in accordance with international rules and emerging operative situation.
  5. To delegate control over execution of this resolution to the Department of Social and Cultural Development of the Office of the Prime-Minister of the KyrgyzRepublic.

F. Kulov, Prime-Minister.

Approved by the Resolution of the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic of January 16, 2006, # 25.

The National Plan of the KyrgyzRepublic on Response to Pandemia of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

The pandemia of the influenza is characterized by high morbidity rate, high mortality rate and social and economic shocks. In the XX century the mankind has suffered three heavy pandemias of influenza. The influenza pandemia of 1918 –1920 (“Spanish Influenza”) has swept off 40 mln. lives. In 1957 2 mln. people and in 1968 more than 1 mln.people died of pandemia of “Asian Influenza”. Each time the pandemic influenza was caused by a new type of the flue virus which occurred in the process of genetic transformation. All virus strains having caused the pandemia, originated from the avian influenza.

Currently the world is again imposed to the grounded concern. In 2004 the avian influenza outbreak caused by the extremely for a human being pathogenic viurs, has occurred on a significant part of Asia. The virus has overcome the interspecific barrier and caused hard diseases among people with high mortality rate. Within 2004 and first half of 2005 in Vietnam and Thailand 80 people were infected by the avian influenza and 50 of them died.

Monitoring of the situation initiated by WHO has identified many signs of the oncoming pandemia.

In 2004 the WHO management has taken a number of specific activities which made the governments and population of the world better prepare for the coming pandemia, irrespective of where it will start and which virus caused by.

The KyrgyzRepublic does not have sufficient amount of antivirals therefore it is necessary to strengthen and improve non-specific ways of protection – organisational, quarantine and population social protection activities.

The political support by the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic is expressed in full understanding of the need to undertake timely and adequate measures aimed at prevention of occurrence and spread of the avian influenza among animals and people.

The goal of the the National Plan of the KyrgyzRepublic on Response to Pandemia of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (hereinafter – the National Plan) is strengthening capacity of the KyrgyzRepublic on response to the pandemia of the highly pathogenic avian influenza.


  1. To develop the system of preparedness and operative response by state bodies, agencies, local state administrations and population to the pamdemia of the avian influenza;
  2. To provide adequate response measures in case of spread of the avian influenza in the KyrgyzRepublic.

Order of interaction of the interested ministries and agencies, state bodies on ensuring of preparedness and emergency response to occurrence and spread of the avian influenza:

  1. For the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic to allocate the funds in accordance with decisions of the Republican Emergency Antiepidemic and Antiepizootic Commission under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (REAAC), within the national and departmental plans of response to the avian influenza.
  2. For the Ministry of Emergencies of the KyrgyzRepublic if there is a threat of aggravation of the situation on the avian influenza to activate the emergency situations response plans and actuate the departmental plans of response to pandemia of the avian influenza.

To provide operative information of the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic, interested ministries and agencies and state administrations on the situation with the avian influenza.

To undertake operative measures on co-ordination of actions and ensuring evacuation and liquidation of the infected birds.

  1. To establish that the regimes of observation are imposed by authorised ministries, the quarantine regime is imposed by the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic and local state administrations.
  2. For the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the KyrgyzRepublic to develop measures to ensure public order and implementation of the observation-quarantine measures.
  3. For the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing Industry of the KyrgyzRepublic to establish the procedure of destruction and compensation to the population for the destructed poultry.
  4. For the Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Kyrgyz Republic to provide necessary vehicles for execution of the National plan, continuous communication and allocation of additional channels of communication with the regions.

To take measures on development of technical partnership with donor and international organisations in the area of implementation of the National plan.

  1. For the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in all cases of the avian influenza infected persons or suspects to inform the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, local state administrations, local self-government bodies, as well as international organisations (regional centres of WHO, OIE, FAO).

To assess the risks and provide practical consultative and methodological aid to invite the experts of specialised international organisations.

  1. To confirm and identify the separated viral isolates of the avian influenza to sign agreements with the virologic centres co-operating with WHO in Moscow, with the Influenza Institute in St.Petersberg, Russian Federation and other foreign research centers. To consider the issues of transportation of samples for confirmation and identification in the research centers.
  2. For the emergency Antiepidemic and Antiepizootic Commission under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to develop a plan of actions in the conditions of increasing tension and occurrence of several hotbeds of the disease.
  3. The National plan mabe amended and supplemented as agreed upon with the Emergency Antiepidemic and Antiepizootic Commission under the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic and in accordance with the requirements of international rules and proposals of members of international working groups in cases of emergencies.



















This contingency plan was prepared for specifying the national measures required to maintain a high level of avian influenza disease awareness and preparedness on pandemia of highly pathogenic AI and (hereinafter - AI), and for environmental protection. The plan is to be implemented in the event of an outbreak of AI.


Legal Power for the control of AI are contained in following legislation of the KyrgyzRepublic:

- Law of the KyrgyzRepublic on Veterinary

- Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz republic on “Emergency situation“

- Decree of the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic dated March 11, 2004 #138 R

Currently in accordance with Articles 42 and 47 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Veterinary the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing Industry is developing draft Resolutions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Measures of prevention and non-transmission of extremely dangerous animal diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic for the years 2006-2010” and “On the list of the animal diseases diagnoses on which diagnostic examination and vaccination should be financed from the Republican budget” which envisage measures of prevention of pandemic of high pathogenic AI and powers of state bodies.

1.1. Notification of AI

Chapter 6 Articles 34, 35, 36 and 37 of the Law of the KyrgyzRepublic on Veterinary “Provide protection from appearing and transmission of extremely dangerous animal diseases including those that are common both for human and animals and food poisoning”. Chapter 7 Article 42-47 “Diagnosis and immunoprophylaxis of infection diseases among animals” Articles stipulate notification of a disease or death of animals by an unknown disease.

1.2. veterinary and sanitarian measures to be taken at the outbreak area

-Cordon (Quarantine)

-Movement control


-Forced killing and destruction of animals

-Cleansing and disinfection

Chapter 6 Articles 34, 35 of the Law of the KyrgyzRepublic on Veterinary envisages the above mentioned special measures to be taken.

1.3. Compensation

There is a special provision for compensation of losses to owners of animals in the Law of the KyrgyzRepublic on Veterinary in the Chapter 6, Article 34. However the special regulations and mechanisms of compensation payment are not in place.

1.4. Aid from the militia and other entities

There is a Department of militia for the boundary veterinary control within the structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing Industry (MAWRPI) and Ministry of Internal Affairs of KR (MIA). In case of emergency, staff of this Department will be involved in antiepizootic measures to be taken at the outbreak area and area under the threat.


Government of the KyrgyzRepublic addressed to donor organizations (including the World Bank and FAO) with the request for technical and financial assistance for implementation of the Program aimed at prevention and control of Avian Influenza. Supplementary costs covering the staff travel expenses, purchase of equipment and consumables, operational expenses, slaughtering, destruction of carcasses and contaminated materials, sanitation, emergency vaccination (if necessary), compensations and training of specialists will be estimated separately and submitted to the Government of KR for approval.


3.1. MAWRPI is responsible for the control of AI. It delegates the direction of control strategies for AI to the State Veterinary Department (SVD).

3.2. General Director of SVD - Chief State Veterinary Inspector (CSVI) delegates the AI contingency plan to the officer in charge from the National Commission for Prevention and Control of Avian Influence (NCPCAI, hereinafter the National Commission) (247 Budenny str. Bishkek, KyrgyzRepublic. State Veterinary Department. Tel.: 28-07-18; 63-14-42; 63-14-39; 63-14-45. Fax: 63-14-45. E-mail: ).

3.3. In case of suspicion or outbreak of AI in the KyrgyzRepublic, the National Commission will co-ordinate the national strategy, under the over-all direction of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the KyrgyzRepublic.

3.4. At the levels of raions and cities accordingly local commissions for Prevention and Control of Avian Influence will be created (hereinafter Local Commissions). Chief State Veterinarian Inspectors of the raions and cities will be in charge of those commissions and will act under control of the Chairman of the National Commission, Chief State Veterinarian Inspector of KR

3.5. The National commission will coordinate all activities related to the national response measures from the MAWRPI.


4.1.Chairman of the National Commission insures an effective decision making to conduct the special emergency veterinary measures and coordination of which is ensured by the Deputy General Director of SVD

The NCPCAI is responsible for:

-Maintaining disease preparedness and awareness during “peacetime”;

-maintenance of checklist for people, equipment and facilities;

-directing and monitoring of operations of Local Commissions and ensuring compliance with instructions;

-liaising with the Republican Central State Veterinarian Laboratory (RCSVL) and Kyrgyz Research Institute of Livestock, Veterinary and Pastures (KRILVP);

-liaising with agricultural and trading bodies, and the media;

-arranging financial provisions for the contingency plan;

-arranging training programmes;

-regular testing of the current preparedness plan, including testing of commands’ implementation;

-arranging of disease awareness campaigns;

-strengthening of veterinary controls at BIPs

Coordination of activities of the national strategy in the event of suspicion or an outbreak of disease:

-emergency session of the National Commission;

-direction, monitoring and supervision of operations of Local commissions;

-designing the overall guidelines on the AI pandemic control strategies using advice of national experts;

-deploying staff and other resources to the Local commissions;

-collecting all information and data from Local commissions, local experts and RCSVL and forwarding them to the national expert group to be analyzed;

-providing information to OIE, FAO, EU, neighbouring countries authorities;

-organising an emergency vaccination campaign and also the delimitation of vaccination zones;

-Liasing with competent authorities to coordinate the actions on veterinary and environmental safety;

-managing farmer awareness and general publicity programmes, including press releases with participation of MAWRPI;

-arranging training programmes;

-arranging financial provision;

-maintaining up-to-date lists of available personnel and other resources, and details of where further resources may be obtained;

-Liaison with the Local Commissions in the establishment of protection zone (PZ) and surveillance zone (SZ) and vaccination zones (VZ) if necessary;

-ordering and dispersing essential supplies, including vaccines if they are to be used;

-laising with other groups involved in the emergency response.

4.2. Members of the National Commission:

Chair: Chief State Veterinary Inspector (CSVI) of the KyrgyzRepublic

Deputy Chair: FirstDeputy ChiefState Veterinary Inspector (CSVI) of the KyrgyzRepublic

Members of the National Commission:

Head of Epizootic Unit,

Head of Militia Department for Quarantine Veterinary Border Service,

Head of the State Veterinary Inspection Unit,

Director of the CentralState Veterinary Laboratory (CSVL),

Representative of Private Veterinarian Association,

Specialist of MAWRPI’s Press and Public Relations Unit,

Representative from Kyrgyz Research Institute of Livestock, Veterinary and Pastures (KRILVP) ,

Representative of Budget Department from the MAWRPI,

Head of the veterinary management unit of SVD,

Representative of Ministry of Internal Affairs,

Representative of the Ministry of Health of the KyrgyzRepublic.


AI preparedness and operational control at the local level are under responsibility of the Raion Units of State Veterinary.

5.1. Activities and Function:

a) Responsibilities and tasks to ensure preparedness

maintaining disease awareness and preparedness within the area, as instructed by the NCPCAIs;

arranging disease control exercises locally and participating in the national simulation exercise;

maintaining links with other governmental departments for availability of equipment and personnel, and removal and disposal of carcasses;

identifying the total poultry stock

b)The “real-time” responsibilities and tasks in certain situations include:

directing and implementing the control strategy in the event of an outbreak, in consultation with the National Commission ;

arranging immediate investigation of reported suspect disease and the transport of samples to the RCSVL in accordance with standing instructions

urgent notifying reports of disease suspect to the National Commission

liaising with the National Expert Group

liaising with the National Commission to determine the extent of the PZ and SZ and demarcation of the zones

carrying out immediate census of animals on holdings within the PZ and SZ,

supervising procedures on the Infected Premises - quarantine of premises, valuation of susceptibility of livestock, slaughter and disposal of carcasses, cleansing and disinfection

closing markets within the PZ and SZ and liaison with the local authorities and militia to ensure control of livestock movements

liaising with the Local Expert Group to identify livestock units where risk of disease is highest and make recommendations to the National Commission for slaughter of potentially infected animals

carrying out surveillance on livestock units in the PZ and SZ. All animals in the PZ must be inspected as soon as possible after confirmation of the disease.

recording data collected during the epizootic investigations, movement licences issued, staff and equipment used, diary of events on infected holdings

liaising with local authorities, regarding disposal of carcasses and control of disinfectant run-off to minimise negative effects on the environment.

5.2. Members of the Local Commission

Chair of the Local Commission: Deputy Head of the Local Government of the oblast, rayon, city.

Deputy Chair of the Local Commission: Chief State Vet Inspector of oblasts, rayon or city.

Members of the Local Commission:

Director of rayon (zonal) Vet Laboratory

Representative of Rayon or city state administration.

Head of Rayon Finance Division

Representative of security services

Head of rayon department of Internal Affairs

Representative of Farmers Association

Representative of Private Veterinary Association


6.1. National Expert Group:

National expert group exists during “peacetime”. The group has skills and technical knowledge of diagnostics, prevention and eradication of AI .

To keep the relevant knowledge and experience of the expert group up to date regular training courses are organized:The group comprises:

1 epizootologist from SVD

1 specialist from the KRILVP.

1 general virologist from the RCSVL

1 expert on carcasses disposal from SVD

1 pathologist from RCSVL

1 ornithologist- migration routs specialist

In case of suspicion report of AI, the National Expert Group must undertake to following measures:

  • evaluate the clinical picture and the epizootic situation
  • give advice regarding sampling and analyses needed in diagnosing AI

In case of an outbreak of AI the National Expert Group will be responsible for conducting an evaluation of the clinical picture and an analysis of the epizootic inquiry in order to collect the necessary data on: