Fall Make Up Test ANSWER KEY

1.The economic theory of mercantilism would be consistent with which of the following statements? (A) economies will prosper most when trade is restricted as little as possible (B) a government should seek to direct the economy so as to maximize exports (C) it is vital that a country import more than it exports (D) tariff barriers should be avoided as much as possible.

2.The Mayflower Compact was (A) a plan of government rule (B) agreed upon before the Pilgrims set sail from England (C) a step toward self government (D) all of these.

3.The House of Burgesses and the New England Town Meeting were similar in that both (A) originated in New England (B) were forms of self government (C) were established by the Articles of Confederation (D) were free from vetoes by the colonial governor.

4.Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson helped establish the principle of (A) freedom of the press (B) representative government (C) freedom of religion (D) free public education.

5. Which was the principal reason why England desired colonies during most of the colonial period? (A) To furnish the raw materials which she herself could not provide (B) To provide a place for the investment of surplus capital (C) To secure finished goods not manufactured in England (D) To secure an outlet for surplus population.

6. The rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon was caused by: (A) trade restrictions imposed by the British government (B) unfair taxation (C) neglect of the problems of the inland settlers (D) desire to be governed by the French, rather than the British government.

7. The outcome of the French and Indian War is important in the history of America because it meant the: (A) opening of the West to settlement by the English (B) substitution of a unified French government for the lax English control (C) final subjugation of the Indians (D) rise of French sea power.

8. The Great Awakening in the American colonies in the mid-eighteenth century had all of the following consequences except (A) separatism and secession from established churches, due to the democratizing effect of more accessible forms of piety (B) the renewed persecution of witches, because of the heightened interest in the supernatural (C) the growth of institutions of higher learning to fulfill the need for more ministers to spread the gospel (D) a flourishing of the missionary spirit as an outgrowth of more intensive religious devotion and assurance (E) the lessening of doctrinal rigor and a greater appreciation for the more direct experiences of faith.

9. The British in issuing the Proclamation of 1763

(A) organized the Ohio territory for settlement.

(B) forbid settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.

(C) adopted the same laws for Quebec and New England.

(D) alienated their Native American allies.

(E) were deliberately provoking a war with the country they had just defeated, France.

10. All of the following are true regarding the Stamp Act and the American colonies EXCEPT

(A) before passing it British officials consulted with colonial leaders like Benjamin Franklin who indicated it would not be a problem.

(B)by their actions the people defeated the Stamp Act before it was able to go into effect.

(C)the use of non-importation and non-consumption caused the British merchants to pressure their

government for repeal.

(D)the mobs were able to intimidate the stamp masters so no stamps were issued.

(E)after the main tax was repealed the British kept taxes on alcohol and tobacco which the colonist accepted.

11.The roots of the American Revolution which can be traced back to the founding of the first permanent English settlement, took hold and grew for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

(A) distance tends to weaken authority as was proven by the policy of salutary neglect.

(B)with the absence of a foreign threat the colonials no longer felt they needed protection by Great Britain

(C)America’s lonely wilderness stimulated ideas of independence.

(D) the influences of tradition and class were weakened in the New World environment.

(E).the settlers lacked any political system of self government

12. Which of the following is the correct order of passage of legislation affecting the colonies?

(A) Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Townshend Acts.

(B) Declaratory Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Coercive Acts.

(C) Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act, Declaratory Act, Stamp Act.

(D) Townshend Acts, Declaratory Act, Stamp Act, Sugar Act.

(E) Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Declaratory Act.

13. Before 1763 the mercantile laws (Navigation Acts) were no real burden, especially for Boston merchants like John Hancock, because?

(A) Smuggling was profitable and easy.

(B) French and Spanish ships regularly visited colonial harbors with cheap goods.

(C) Exporting only raw materials still brought great wealth to the colonies.

(D) Limited population growth meantlimited need for imported manufactured goods.

(E) Colonial frugality and "make do" attitudes overcame shortages of goods.

14.“On December 16, 1773, some sixty men, thinly disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded…ships.” This quotation describe the event known as the

(A) Declaratory Act (B) Boston Massacre(C) Boston Tea Party

(D) Battle of Lexington (E) Battle of Ticonderoga

15.Most colonists felt that the British tax laws were unfair because

(A) the Indians did not have to pay taxes

(B) the colonists were paying higher taxes than the people in Great Britain

(C) the colonists had no representatives of their own in Parliament

(D) the French and Indian War was over.

16. One result of the French and Indian War was that

(A) Great Britain tried to raise taxes in the colonies to pay for the war

(B) Great Britain lost its Canadian lands to France

(C) the British colonies went broke because they had paid most of the cost of the war

(D) all of the British colonists lost their loyalty to Great Britain.

17. All of the following descriptions of the Articles of Confederation are correct EXCEPT?

(A). Congress was denied the power to engage in direct taxation.

(B). Congress would serve as the chief agency of government with no executive.

(C). Amendment of the Articles required unanimous consent of the states.

(D). Federal judges were appointed to limited terms and could not be reappointed.

(E). Regulation of commerce was left to the authority of the states.

18. Which of the following was the signal accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation as a political institution?

(A). Held the states together long enough for leaders to realize the need for a more powerful central government.

(B). Using careful fiscal policy, Congress paid off the Revolutionary War debt within ten years.

(C). By careful appointments, established great respect for the new central government judiciary that later evolved into the Supreme Court.

(D). Worked closely with state governments to maintain a harmonious state-national relationship that serve national unity very well.

(E). Congress established a well-organized army and navy with an efficient officer corps and good training academies for junior officers.

19. The new concept of "republican motherhood" led all of the following changes to the position of women EXCEPT?

(A). Status of women was elevated.

(B). Educational opportunities for women increased.

(C). Most important role for women became the moral education of the young.

(D). Majority of women continued to do traditional women's work.

(E). Women began to demand political and economic rights.

20. Why did Spain's control over the port of New Orleans in the old Louisiana province create a problem for the United States under the Articles?

(A). New Orleans posed a significant military threat to the valuable southern ports of Savannah and Charleston.

(B). Spain refused to control pirates who regularly operated out of that port to raid American shipping.

(C). Kentucky and Tennessee farmers could not ship their crops to market without using that port.

(D). U.S. government had designs upon Louisiana for national expansion.

(E). Anti-government American conspirators headquartered in New Orleans and scheme overthrown of the U.S. government.

21. Document Analysis: "...march directly to [town name], plunder it, and then... destroy the nest of devils, who by their influence, make the Court enact what they please, burn it and lay the town... in ashes." Capt. Daniel Shay, 1787

The anger and hostility behind the goals announced in this statement in 1787 was caused by which of the following circumstances?

(A). Farmers losing their land to mortgage foreclosure and delinquent taxes.

(B). Anger over failure of state government to control hostile frontier Indians.

(C). National excise taxes on farm produce that was draining farmers' profits.

(D). Refusal of states to allow the manufactures and farm products of another state to cross state borders.

(E). Unpaid Continental soldiers demanding their money after years of neglect by Congress.

22. The participants in Shays' Rebellion demanded which of the following concessions from their state government?

(A). Cheap paper money, lower taxes, suspension of mortgage foreclosures.

(B). Expulsion of all Indian tribes on the frontier.

(C). Back pay and bonuses for their service in the Continental army.

(D). Congress ban all states from taxes on commerce across state lines.

(E). National funding of industrial expansion and cheap land prices on frontier.

23. The "large-state plan" pushing the idea that representation in Congress under the new Constitution should be based solely upon population size was?

(A). Massachusetts. (B). Connecticut. (C). New Jersey. (D). Pennsylvania (E). Virginia

24. The "Great Compromise" contained which of the following agreements?

(A). Congress would have two houses with the lower house basing representation upon population.

(B). A bill of rights would be contained in the Constitution to protect liberties.

(C). The executive could not be elected to more than two terms of office.

(D). Tax bills raising revenue would begin in the upper house of Congress.

(E). Supreme Court would have nine justices serving life terms.

25.Jefferson's election and first term as president in 1800 was notable for all of the following characteristics EXCEPT?

(A). Jefferson's victory was a narrow one; indeed, a few votes in New York could have turned the result around.

(B). First orderly transfer of power from one party to another.

(C). Adams would be the last Federalist president to sit in office.

(D). First president to massively use the "spoils system."

(E). Though Jefferson was expected to be radical, he proved to be moderate.

26. The real hero in providing reasons for Napoleon to dump the Louisiana Territory into American hands was which of the following?

(A). French Canadians whose rebellion against Britain failed disrupting Napoleon's plans to unify Canada with Louisiana.

(B). Robert Livingston, U.S. envoy, used personality, bribes, and blackmail to gain access to Napoleon and negotiate the treaty.

(C). Independent, rebellious Acadians in Louisiana who threatened France's possession of that territory.

(D). Rebel ex-slaves who attempted to overthrow French control of Santo Domingo.

(E). A hostile British foreign minister, George Canning. who was maneuvering his nation into a war that France did not want.

27. What was accomplished in the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809?

(A). U.S. ports closed to all nations of the world.

(B). Opened nation to world trade except with Britain and France.

(C). Offered to trade with whichever nation, Britain or France, promised to recognize U.S. neutral rights.

(D). Reopened trade with all nations

(E). Allowed only the export of non-manufactured goods.

28.The American cause in the War of 1812 at the beginning was handicapped by which of the following decisions?

(A). Focused American military strength in coastal defense and rebuilding the navy.

(B). Instead of a powerful dagger thrust into the nerve center of Canada, U.S. military power was divided into a three-pronged invasion.

(C). Refused an alliance with Tecumseh's Indian confederacy.

(D). Spent their efforts on capturing British merchant prizes.

(E). Placed all military power in a defensive barrier around Washington.

29. What was the most important outcome of the Hartford Convention of 1814/1815?

(A). Rise of the Democratic party.

(B). Madison's reelection as president.

(C). Destruction of the Federalist party.

(D). Daniel Webster indicted for treason, but not tried.

(E). Federalist sweep the elections of 1814.

30. The American System envisioned all of the following elements EXCEPT?

(A). Protectionist tariff encouraging American manufacturing growth.

(B). Use of immigrants and slaves as a cheap labor source.

(C). Strong national banking system.

(D). Network of national roads, canals, and highways.

(E). Economic interdependence of the South, West, and the North.

31. The Panic of 1819 occurred primarily because of which reason?

(A). Poor investments in railroads and canals which collapsed.

(B). Crash in stock market investments.

(C). Failure of the national banking system.

(D). Too great of dependence upon foreign investors.

(E). Overspeculation in western land values.

32.As proclaimed by Monroe in his message of 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted that

(A) only the United States had a right to intervene to promote democracy in Latin America

(B) the British and Americans would act together to prevent Russian expansion on the Pacific Coast

(C) the United States would not tolerate further European intervention or colonization in the Americas

(D) the United States would support the Greeks in their fight for independence against Turkey.

33. Which of the following statements is true regarding the John Q. Adams administration?

A. Adams' cabinet was one of the most capable and harmonious on record.

B. The nationalistic goals of the Adams administration to further education, industrial development, and transportation were in line with the wishes of Congress.

C. Adams was able to win over with personality those with whom he had no political control.

D. Except for the Corrupt Bargain incident, the Adams administration was noted for a lack of controversy or strife.

E. Adams refused to use the spoils system and dismiss public servants to fill their jobs with political supporters.

34. The essential problem that Westerners like Jackson had with the Bank of the United States is best described by which of the following statements?

A. It was a privately controlled institution with tremendous power over public affairs, especially the economy

B. It poured most of its investment money into eastern manufacturing interests; ignoring the West.

C. It was a government depository for all federal revenues, but it did not pay interest to the government on those funds which it then freely used for profit.

D. It was investing federal funds in overseas projects instead of American ventures.

E. Its policies were damaging the national economy while making a few elite individuals very wealthy.

35. The collective group known as the Whig party contained all of the following groups EXCEPT?

A. Western farmers wanting easier land price policies.

B. States' righters angry over Jackson's reaction to nullification.

C. Supporters of Clay's American System.

D. Evangelical Protestants allied with the Anti-Mason party.

E. Wealthy planters in the South; rich manufacturers in the North.

36. Specie Circular supported by Andrew Jackson

(A) required that federal deposits be removed from the national bank

(B) required payment for public lands in gold and silver or otherwise--hard money

(C) declared only gold and silver were legal money

(D) raised the minimum specie deposits for banks

(E) advocated the idea of manifest destiny

37. What was the decision of the Massachusetts supreme court in the case of Commonwealth v. Hunt?

A. State did not have authority to regulate interstate commerce.

B. Labor unions were not illegal conspiracies.

C. Legislature could establish regulations governing railroads.

D. Workers became liable if they broke their contracts with employers.

E. State issued patents carried same legal weight as federal patents.

38. The abolitionist movement

(A) condemned slavery but refused to endorse racial equality

(B) coupled a condemnation of slavery with support for colonization movement

(C) devised a program for gradual, compensated emancipation

(D) insisted that slavery was foremost a question of moral evil

(E) condemned slaver because it hurt whites

39. Transcendentalism

(A) appealed to a small group of intellectuals around Boston

(B) was the basis of the revivals of the Second Great Awakening

(C) was based upon the ideas of Charles Grandison Finney

(D) rejected individualism in favor of conformity

(E) was the spark of divine revelation in mid-nineteenth century religion

40. What was the "Gag Resolution?"

A. Northern state legislatures ordered the closing of radical abolitionist publishers like Garrison.

B. Displayed determination of southerners to end all abolitionist discussion in the South.

C. U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case.

D. Rule adopted by House of Representatives tabling all antislavery appeals without discussion.

E. Federal government decision to halt the delivery of abolitionist materials by the U.S. mail.

41. The Aroostook War involved which of the following issues?

(A.) Impressment of U.S. merchant sailors on the high seas.

(B.) Unpaid debts to British merchants by American creditors.

(C.) Border dispute on the Maine-Canada bountry.

(D.) Navigation of the Great Lakes.

(E.) Tariffs on good shipped from Canada to U.S.

42. Why was it the issue of annexation for the Republic of Texas so controversial?

(A.) Potential war with Mexico.

(B.) Expansion of slavery.

(C.) Opposition from Britain.

(D.) Fear of racial pollution because of Mexican residents.

(E.) Cost of defense of Texas.

43. As President Polk developed a four point program of goals that included all of the following EXCEPT?

(A.) Acquisition of California.

(B.) Lower national tariff.

(C.) Restoration of Independent Treasury.

(D.) Immediate annexation of Texas.

(E.) Settling the Oregon boundary question.

44. All of the following were terms contained within the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) EXCEPT?

(A.) U.S. title to Texas is confirmed by Mexico.

(B.) California is transferred to the U.S.

(C.) Territory between Texas and California up to Oregon transferred to U.S.

(D.) U.S. pays Mexico $15 million.

(E.) Mexico must pay the $3 million in claims held against it by U.S. citizens.

45. Documents:
"Mexico is to us the forbidden fruit, the penalty of eating it would be political death," John C. Calhoun. "Mexico to us is poison..." Ralph Waldo Emerson.
The concerns expressed by both Calhoun and Emerson centered around what other issue related to the war with Mexico?