Poetry Slam, Inc.

Policies & Procedures




Certification and Registration of Venues

Champion Benefits – iWPS

Champion Benefits – NPS

Champion Benefits – WOWps

Code of Conduct – Members, SlamMasters

Complaint and Advocacy Policy

Confidentiality Policy for EC Members

Conflict of Interest


Dates and Deadlines

EC – Duties

EC - Removal of EC Members
EC - Work at Events

Equal Opportunity and Accommodations for Disabilities


GrantBack Program & Policy


Hiring Staff – Executive Level


Hosting PSi Events


Mission Statement

Money Handling for Events


Nondiscrimination Policy


Organizational Chart


Recognition/Moment of Silence

Refund Policy
Reimbursement - EC and Event Personnel


Signatory Policies on PSi Accounts

Site Visits

SlamMaster Code of Conduct

Storm Poet Selection


Values Statement and Policy

Glossary of Terms

PSi’s P&P manual consists of explanations of actions taken, workflow parameters, and how we expect people to interact with our organization, events and products. It is not meant to replace the Bylaws; it is meant to enhance them. Employee specific expectations may be addressed in this document but are primarily found in the PSi Employee Handbook, or in specific contracts, codes or job descriptions. All contents and documents should continue to line up with PSi’s Mission Statement and Bylaws.

The model used consists of a specific policy for each item (based on bylaws, votes or tradition), followed by a procedure should it be deemed necessary. Some items may have cross-references to other policies and procedures.

It is a document codifying what we do and why we do it. Changes are to be expected (mostly at a procedural level, which should remain fluid, while policies should generally guide procedures and take effort to change) and all documents fall under the purview and vote of the EC. Majority vote is all that is needed to fix or change the items in this document.

Certification and Registration of Venues


Certified Poetry Slams have first access toPSi events: The National Poetry Slam (NPS), the Women of the World Poetry Slam (WOWps), and the Individual World Poetry Slam (iWPS). Further, Certified Poetry Slams are represented on the SlamMaster Council, with the ability to vote on tournament rules as well as elect the Executive Council. Certified Venues uphold the PSi Values Statement, Code of Conduct, and Equal Opportunity Statement. Registered venues have all the benefits of association with PSi, with the exception of first access to send representatives to PSi Events. Registered venues may participate in these events, depending on availability. Certified and Registered venues both have the opportunity to participate in the PSi GrantBack Program.


To certify a slam, one must become a member of PSi and agree to the PSi Values Statement, Code of Conduct, and Equal Opportunity Statement. Once this has been completed, the annual certification fee must be paid (rates may be found at Poetry Slams that are applying for new certification (or have allowed their certification to lapse) will submit at least six pieces of evidence to to verify their slam.

For information on what constitutes acceptable evidence to certify a poetry slam, please visit

Champion Benefits - iWPS


Winners of our international-level competitions should be rewarded for their work, abilities and savvy.


A–iWPS winners are awarded $1000 for first place, $400 for second place, $250 for third place and $150 for fourth place by PSi.

B – iWPS 1st place winners are awarded lifetime membership at the Basic level. They must still pay registration (with the exception of the year immediately following their win, for the same event).

C–The winner of iWPS is awarded the opportunity to compete in the iWPS immediately following their win. They receive paid registration the year immediately after their win. The paid membership is not transferable to another poet event, or year. They will be given 2 weeks from when registration opens to notify PSi of their intent to use it. If they do not state their intent within the first 2 weeks their application is considered in the same manner as all other applicants.

Champion Benefits - NPS


Winners of our national-level competitions should be rewarded for their work, abilities and savvy.


A – NPS team winners are awarded $2000 for first place, $1000 for second place, $600 for third place and $500 for fourth place by PSi.

B – NPS team winners receive paid registration the year immediately after their win. The paid membership is not transferable to another event, venue, or year. This waived registration fee stays with the slam venue, not with the individual poets on the team. They will be given 2 weeks from when registration opens to notify PSi of their intent to use it. If they do not state their intent within the first 2 weeks their application is considered in the same manner as all other applicants.

C – NPS team and group piece winners are awarded lifetime membership at the basic level. This membership applies exclusively to the competing members of the team.

D – NPS Group Piece winning teams are awarded $500 for first place, $400 for second place and $300 for third place by PSi.

Champion Benefits - WOWps


Winners of our international-level competitions should be rewarded for their work, abilities and savvy.


A – WOWps winners are awarded $1000 for first place, $400 for second place, $250 for third place and $150 for fourth place by PSi.

B – WOWps 1st place winners are awarded lifetime membership at the Basic level. They must still pay registration (with the exception of the year immediately following their win, for the same event).

C - The winner of WOWps is awarded the opportunity to compete in the WOWps immediately following their win. They receive paid registration the year immediately after their win. The paid membership is not transferable to another poet event, or year. They will be given 2 weeks from when registration opens to notify PSi of their intent to use it. If they do not state their intent within the first 2 weeks their application is considered in the same manner as all other applicants.

Poetry Slam, Inc. Code of Conduct

By being a member of Poetry Slam, Inc., I agree to the following statements:

I will know and understand the obligations stated in the PSi Values Statement and Policy, and the ideals expressed therein, and I will strive to incorporate them in my daily life.

I will respect the dignity of all persons; therefore, I will not physically, mentally, psychologically or sexually abuse any human being.

I understand that verbal harassment, physical aggression or intolerance are unacceptable in poetry slam.

I will comply with local, state and federal laws, especially those pertaining to individual civil rights and physical or sexual harassment.

I will revel in an environment in which freedom of speech, self-determination, and pursuit of creative excellence are inalienable rights.
I will participate in poetry slam events in a way that encourages, illuminates and supports established standards of good sportsmanship.

I refuse to allow the competitive challenge of the game to lead me to violence, interference, or direct threats.

I will allow all participants to pursue their craft peacefully and without censure, regardless of present team associations or past personal history.

I will abide by competition rules as defined by Poetry Slam, Inc., knowing that the consequences for breaking the rules exist and are upheld. Penalties will be determined by the severity of the infraction, and the ruling of the presiding Protest Committee and/or the PSI Executive Council.
I will be a fair poet – one who in competition is fair and generous, one who in any connection has recourse to nothing illegitimate; a poet who in defeat demonstrates grace and in victory magnanimity.

I understand that if I am found engaging in activities that are contrary to the values and code of conduct stated here, this Code of Conduct will be enforced. If necessary, actions leading to individual suspension or expulsion, or to the suspension or revocation of a venue’s certification, may be initiated to ensure compliance.

Remember: “The show and the show's effect upon the audience are more important than any one individual's contribution to it.”

- Marc Smith

Complaint and Advocacy Policy


Poetry Slam, Inc. will uphold and enforce its organizational values.


A member of PSi may, at any time, file an official complaint against another member (or relative entity) of PSi if they feel that a breach of PSi rules, codes, or policies has been committed. Official complaints are defined as breaches of rules that do not fall under normal tournament jurisdiction (which would be governed by the Protest Committee). They are brought to the attention of PSi’s Executive Council (EC) for resolution. Their ruling is final.

Any member who chooses to file an official complaint with PSi’s EC must do so in writing using the Official Complaint Form. This form may be submitted to any member of the EC or to the Executive Director (ED). The complainant will be assigned an EC contact person, usually the ED unless otherwise determined. The contact person is merely a conduit for information both ways, not an advocate.The Executive Council may investigate public allegation of wrongdoing that jeopardizes the safety of its community and may do so with out a formal written complaint.

The EC carries the complaint into Executive Session, during which all discussions and determinations are carried out separate from daily work and discussions. All matters within Executive Session are handled in strict confidence before, during and after processing. The EC will first determine if the concern does indeed fall under the purview of PSi. If it does, the EC will then determine, based on the nature of the concern, if their body can handle the issue immediately or if it requires a deeper level of investigation and/or representation. A deeper level of investigation may involve, but not be limited to: contacting the person or entity against which the complaint has been filed for information or documentation, and/or asking the complainant for further information.

If the EC determines that the issue requires no further investigation and/or advocacy, a ruling on the complaint can usually be issued within 14 days. However, it is sometimes necessary to escalate the depth of a concern to the EC to an advocacy process. This is used rarely, and only when the concern is particularly contentious, well outside the bounds of a tournament timeline or concern, or is overly sensitive in nature. However, any PSi member does reserve the right to ask the EC to utilize an advocacy process (laid out by the EC) if they feel their case will be better served by a more knowledgeable person acting on their behalf with the EC.

Confidentiality Policy for EC Members


Respecting the privacy of our members, donors, staff, and volunteers and of Poetry Slam, Inc. (PSi) itself is a basic value of PSi. Personal and financial information is confidential and should not be disclosed or discussed with anyone without authorization. Care shall also be taken to ensure that unauthorized individuals do not overhear any discussion of confidential information and that documents containing confidential information are not left in the open or inadvertently shared.

Employees, contractors and EC members of PSi may be exposed to information that is confidential and/or privileged and proprietary in nature. It is the policy of PSi that such information must be kept confidential both during and after employment or volunteer service. Staff, contractors, and volunteers, including EC members, are expected to return materials containing privileged or confidential information at the time of separation from employment or expiration of service. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential or privileged information is a serious violation of this policy and will subject the person(s) who made the unauthorized disclosure to appropriate discipline, including removal/dismissal.

All information concerning members, former members, our staff, volunteers, and financial data, and business records of PSi is confidential. No confidential information may be released without appropriate authorization from the EC. The EC, staff, and our members rely on paid and volunteer staff to conform to this rule of confidentiality. PSi expects you to respect the privacy of members and to maintain their personal and financial information as confidential. All records dealing with specific members must be treated as confidential. Staff and EC members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of information relating to other staff members and volunteers, in addition to members. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in corrective action. This policy is intended to protect you as well as PSi because in extreme cases, violations of this policy also may result in personal liability.

Staff, contractors, and volunteers, including EC members, are expected to return materials containing privileged or confidential information at the time of separation from employment or expiration of service. Accessing PSi forums or threads related to a position, or service after end of that service, or termination, is a violation of confidentiality.


All EC Members must agree to sign a copy of the Confidentiality Policy upon their appointment. If a violation should occur, the remaining members of the EC will meet in Executive Session to determine the appropriate action.

Conflict of Interest


No member of the Poetry Slam Inc. (PSi) Executive Council, or any of its Committees, shall derive any personal profit or gain, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her participation with PSi. Exception may be made to this policy in the instance of Event Coordinators. Each individual shall disclose to PSi any personal interest that he or she may have in any matter pending before PSi, and shall refrain from participation in any decision on such matter.

Any member of the EC, any Committee, or Staff shall identify his or her affiliation with contractors and/or potential contractors.


Employees, members of the Executive Council, and any Committee must declare their professional affiliations upon acceptance of their appointment.

Dates and Deadlines

New Venue certification – All year
Venue re-certification - October1 - December 31
Late Venue certification deadline – January 31 (after which venues must re-certify as new)

Membership renewal: Annual on date of original membership

WOWPS takes place in March

Registration opens (Certified Venues & Previous Year's Champion):
2nd Monday in December

Registration opens (Registered Venues/Storm):
1st Friday in January

Registration closes:
3rd Friday in January

Last day to cancel and receive any refund for WOWPS: 45+ days out =100% refund, 30+ days out = 50% refund, 29 days out =0% refund of tournament fees but not memberships dues.

NPS takes place in August
Registration opens (Certified Venues): 1st Monday in April
Registration opens (Registered Venues): 1st Monday in May
Registration closes: June 1
Last day to declare under 21 team at NPS (if NPS is 18+ that year): July 1

Last day to cancel and receive any refund for NPS: 45+ days out =100% refund, 30+ days out = 50% refund, 29 days out =0% refund of tournament fees but not memberships dues.

iWPS takes place in October
Registration opens (Certified Venues & Last Year’s Champion): 3rd Monday in July
Registration opens (Registered Venues/Storm): 2nd Monday in August
Registration closes: 3rd Friday in August

Cancellation deadline for iWPS: 45+ days out =100% refund, 30+ days out = 50% refund, 29 days out =0% refund of tournament fees but not memberships dues.

SlamMasters – WOWPS and NPS
Slam Family - NPS

W&YI season: October 1 – March 31

Equal Opportunity and Accommodations for Disabilities


Poetry Slam, Inc. is committed to hosting events that are accessible to all, including securing ADA-Compliant venues at our tournaments.


Potential host cities are asked about the ADA compliance of their available venues in the initial vetting forms. From there, the Event Coordinator, Host City Coordinator, and Tournament Director work together to ensure that each competitor’s needs are accommodated, with a focus on equal access and fairness to all of our members and participants.

Executive Council Duties of Officers

Officers of the EC are comprised of the following positions. Seats are filled by an internal election held by the newly installed EC two weeks after the annual EC election held at the spring SlamMasters meeting. These seats are filled for one-year terms except for the office of Treasurer, which due to the nature of the work is a two-year term.

This document is in addition to officer duties outlined in the PSi Bylaws (relevant parts included).

Duties are:



Article IV, Section 4. President. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation, and, subject to the direction and control of the Executive Council, shall manage the business of the corporation and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Executive Council are carried out. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Slam Family and Executive Council and shall have such other powers and duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Executive Council or Bylaws.


-Has access to all PSi executive-level committees as oversight.

-Opens, closes, facilitates and controls access to Executive Sessions.

-Updates and maintains bylaws.

-Drafts agendas for all meetings.

-Chairs meetings.

-Facilitates official complaints.

-Maintain Ongoing EC Business list.


Article IV, Section 5. Vice-President. During the absence or disability of the president, the vice-president, or, if there are more than one, the executive vice-president, shall possess all powers and functions of the president. Any vice-president may sign, with the secretary, certificates for membership in the corporation, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Executive Council or the Bylaws.