Minutes of the Parish Hall & Grounds Committee held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday22nd November 2016, at 7.15pm.

Present:Cllrs. Lockwood (Chair), Mrs. H Cumberpatch, Mrs. P. Cardwell,Mrs. C. McGann, R. McGann & D. Pringle.

Clerk:Mrs. A.K. Mitchell.


42/16.To receive apologies for absence.


43/16. Declaration of Members’ interests.


44/16.To note the minutes of previous meeting.

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th September 2016, were duly noted.

45/16.Matters arising from the minutes.

45/16.Emergency Lighting – recharge batteries.

It was noted that the lights were recharging during the meeting. All the units were functioning correctly.

46/16.Financial position to date.

It was RESOLVED to accept the latest financial statement as at 14th November 2016 & the Caretaker’s Salary Statement as at 20thNovember 2016. All in favour.

47/16.Caretaking Issues.

Security Patrol Issues – The Clerk advised Members that she is meeting with representatives of BBC on 30/11/16 to discuss this further & facilitate the drawing up of a written service level agreement. She was also able to report that the contract with Profile started in June 2016 & is for 3 years with another 3 optional years, meaning potentially it could be a 6 year contract. Clerk to action.

Clock in Memory of KB – The original clock has now been replaced with a battery operated, non-chiming clock. The Caretaker will now complete the mount for the dedication plaque. Once this is complete the clock will then be moved into the annexe. Caretaker to action.

Parish Hall Inventory Report – It was noted that this had been completed by the Caretaker & the Clerk over recent weeks. The Clerk has reviewed the report & had the following items to bring to Members’ attention.

Soap dispenser in gents wc – It was RESOLVED to order a replacement soap dispenser for the Gents wc. All in favour. Clerk to action.

Chairs – It was RESOLVED to purchase a minimum of 18 chairs to return stock levels to the 250 total maintained in accordance with the hall’s current licensing arrangements. All in favour. Clerk to action.

Wooden step ladder – It was RESOLVED that the Caretaker should take steps to dispose of this item. All in favour. Caretaker to action.

Cups –It was RESOLVED not to purchase any additional cups at this stage. All in favour.

Food Safety & Hygiene Regulations 2013 – It was noted that the Clerk has completed & returned a questionnaire on this subject which has been submitted by BBC.

48/16.Play Park Report.

Tree Guards – It was noted that necessary materials will be purchased shortly when the winter bedding for the hall planters is collected.

Clerk & Caretaker to action.

Replacement litter bin – This has been ordered & received. The Caretaker will install this as soon as the weather & other commitments allow.

Caretaker to action.

Proposed new signage – It was RESOLVED to accept the quote of £58.03 net of VAT from Signs Direct for the new playpark sign. All in favour.

Clerk to action.

Grounds Maintenance quotes – It was noted that 3 contractors have been sent specifications to submit quotations in time for the January meeting.

49/16.Fire Safety Regulations – progress report.

This is something that the Clerk will be discussing at her forthcoming meeting with DP. It is anticipated that this will now take place in the New Year.

DP & the Clerk to action.

50/16.Benchmarks for managing your Community Hall.

It was noted that this item has had to be deferred for the moment to deal with other matters. The Clerk will pick this up again as soon as she is able – it was noted that this project is a desirable aim but it is non-urgent.

Clerk to action.

51/16.Parish Hall Re-Ordering Project.

It was RESOLVED that the Committee should meet with DB before proceeding any further with this project. All in favour.

Clerk to action.

52/16.Internet Access – progress report.

It was noted that no issues had been raised by the Council’s insurers in this regard. It was then agreed that GL will look into this matter further to see what is available. It was felt that it would be most appropriate & prudent to employ a professional company to install the necessary hardware etc.

GL to action.

53/16.To amend the Parish Hall Hire agreement update.

It was RESOLVED to accept the amended hall booking form & the updated Parish Hall hire agreement with one minor amendment in relation to smoking. All in favour.

It was noted that neither of these amended documents will be brought into use until the issue of accepting card payments has been resolved.

Clerk to action.

54/16.Sanding & Re-sealing of Parish Hall Floor.

It was noted that the works have been ordered & arranged for February as previously agreed. The affected hirers have been advised. Granwood did visit the hall but to date no quote has been received.

55/16. 2017/2018 Budget Proposals Update – documents previously circulated.

It was noted that the Clerk had not received any queries on this issue prior to the meeting. Members were asked to note that additional information on this matter is due to be received from BBC in December.

56/16. 3 no. reserved car parking spaces.

Following a short discussion it was RESOLVED to purchase 6 no Titan Fold down steel bollards from Street Furniture Direct. All in favour.

It was agreed that the Clerk should, if possible request that all 6 bollards be keyed the same. Clerk to action.

57/16.To explore the possibility of using a third party payment system in order to expediate the parish hall booking and payment system – progress report.

GL requested that the Clerk send the relevant information to him for further consideration.

GL & Clerk to action.

58/16.Misc. items of repair, maint. etc.

Members were asked to note the content of the report as at 15th November 2016, which had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Security Alarm – It was noted that the new panel has been ordered & that the Clerk is now awaiting a response from the contractors in respect of installation.

Members were asked to consider a quote from Central Security which was available at this meeting to service both the security alarm & CCTV system twice annually.

Following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Central Security Systems Ltd at a cost of £380 plus VAT per annum. All in favour. Clerk to action.

Fire Extinguishers – annual service report

Members were asked to note that this years’ service had been carried out – 2 units & a fire blanket had been replaced due to their age.

Members were asked to consider a suggestion from DP to contact O.Heap to provide an alternative quote for this contract. It was agreed that the Clerk should act on this suggestion. Clerk to action.

59/16.To consider applications for hire – documents previously circulated by email.

The Clerk had not received any comments prior to the meeting

It was RESOLVED to accept applications with “bar” permission where requested. All in favour.

HS2 Exhibition Event – January 2017.

Following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to accept the booking to stage an HS2 exhibition at the Parish Hall in January 2017. 4 For, 1 Against. Motion carried.

The Clerk was asked to contact the relevant regular hirers to arrange the cancellations of their bookings for the date in question.

Clerk to action.

60/16.Clerk’s Report.

Car Park Lights – It was agreed that winter light up time for the Parish Hall car park lights should be 4pm. Clerk to action.

Christmas Lights – The Clerk was pleased to report that all the lights were ready for switch-on on Friday in unison with the village Christmas event taking place.

PGC congratulated the Clerk & Caretaker’s on the Christmas decorations at the hall & commented on how effective they look.

61/16.Date of next meeting–Tuesday31st January 2017.

The meeting closed at approximately 8.40pm.



PHGC Nov 2016