WRAT-E: Wide Range Achievement Test - Expanded

Ages: 5 through 24
Testing Time: 30 to 40 minutes
Administration: Individual or Group

The Wide Range Achievement Test Expanded edition (WRAT‹E) assesses reading comprehension, mathematics, listening comprehension, oral expression, and written language. A measure of nonverbal reasoning is also included. Results on the group and individually administered test forms can be compared resulting in a number of technical benefits to the user.


A special beginning reading section measures comprehension of words and sentences and recognition of dictated words. In Grades 2 and above, reading comprehension is assessed using passages with questions that test both literal and inferential reading skills. Passages include textbook, recreational, and functional reading selections.

WRAT-E assesses conceptual understanding and reasoning, with an emphasis on problem solving. Numeration and number sense, operations, measurement, geometry, data analysis and interpretation, probability and discrete mathematics, patterns and algebra are included. Beginning mathematical skills receive special emphasis.

Nonverbal Reasoning
This test measures the ability to reason with symbolic and figural content without the use of language. One figure or set of symbols in each item does not follow a rule linking the other elements in the item. It provides information useful in assessing the achievement of students whose oral and written language skills are deficient.


Group Form (FORM G)
The Group Form is available in five levels and is designed for Grades 2-12. Group Forms are administered by the classroom teacher to small groups of students in a classroom setting. Reading and Mathematics each require about 40 minutes and Nonverbal Reasoning about 30 minutes. Each Group Form contains three subtests: Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, and Nonverbal Reasoning. The Group Form is not available below Grade 2. The Reading, Mathematics, and Nonverbal Reasoning tests use multiple-choice items and can be scored easily and quickly. Form G was standardized during the 19971998 school year on a national stratified sample. Norms include age- and grade-based standard scores, percentile ranks, stanines, and grade equivalents.

Individual Form (FORM I)
Form I is designed for use with individuals aged 424 and contains: Pre-Reading Skills, Beginning Reading (word and sentence comprehension), Reading Comprehension, Beginning Mathematics, and Mathematics (Grade 2 and above). The tests in Form I are presented in specially designed Flipbooks to facilitate the individual administration of the test. Form I contains items covering a wide range of difficulty. The use of basal and ceiling rules tailors the tests to the ability of individual students. Norms include age and grade based standard scores, percentile ranks, stanines, and grade equivalents.


Joint or Separate Use of WRAT-Expanded Form G and Form I.

Form G may be used as the first stage in screening a class to determine students in need of in-depth assessment with Form I. The fact that results on Form G and Form I are comparable greatly facilitates the use of the tests in this way and overcomes a major obstacle faced when a group achievement battery is used to screen for follow-up assessment with an individually administered achievement test normed on an entirely different sample of students. The WRATExpanded Forms G and I are the only tests available with group individual test linkage resulting from having a common norming sample.

Complete WRAT–E Kit includes:Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Booklets and Forms (10 each); Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Manual; and Technical Supplement. (2001)