Name ______

Exam 2 25 January 2006

You may NOT consult any sources. Answer each question in the space provided.

In which city is the Uffizi Museum located?

In which hilltop city did we view a church with virtually the entire fascade finished in low-relief sculpture and mosaics? (Hint: this city also has St. Patrick’s well.)

Which city is remarkable for the numerous surviving medieval towers?

In which city is orientation made easy by the placement of obelisks?

In which city is the Doge’s Palace located?

In which hilltop city is there evidence of Renaissance city planning in the piazza adjacent to a church with simple interior decoration as specified by a Piccilomini pope?

In which city is the Scrovegni Chapel (also know as the Arena Chapel) located?

In Florence, which church was patronized lavishly by the Medici family?

In which city is Brunelleschi’s dome located?

In which cities did we see buildings or facades designed by Andrea Palladio?

In Vicenza, what is innovative about the stage of Palladio’s Teatro Olimpico?

In which building did we see the Camera degli Sposi (Room of the Spouses) with Mantegna’s frescos depicting the announcement of the ruler’s son appointment as cardinal?

Name the city and the structure that houses the tomb of Rafael?

What is the art historical significance of the library of the Siena Cathedral?

What is the Palio delle Contrade? Which city hosts this event and what is the location of the event?

In which city and in which building does one find Lorenzetti’s frescos entitled “The Effects of Good and Bad Government?”

What is a duomo?

In which city is the Logia de Lanza and Palazzo Vecchio located?

In which city is the Ponte Rialto located?

How did the Medici family avoid contact with the citizens as they moved between the Palazzo Pitti and the Palazzo de la Signoria?

Was Donatello known mainly for painting or sculpture or architecture?

Who was commissioned to create the Moses statue now the San Peitro in Vincoli?

What happened to the bronze that once guilded the ceiling of the porch of the Pantheon?

In Vicenza, what is the name of the hilltop Palladian building we visited that has porches on all four sides?

Arrange the following terms in the correct chronological order:

Mannerism, proto-renaissance, high renaissance, medieval.

In which building (that we visited as a group) did we see a vivid example of sinopia?

Which museum has a room devoted three altarpieces by Cimabue, Giotto, and Duccio?

What is of great art historical significance in the Domincan Monastery of San Marco in Florence?

Which Florentine church has the monuments or tombs of Michelangelo, Machiavelli, and many others prominent Florentines that leads some to refer to this church as “the Pantheon of Florence?”

In which city is found the Piazza Navona that has Bernini’s “Fountain of the Four Rivers?”

Which church served as the residence of the Popes until they were finally relocated to St. Peter’s in Rome?

In which city is found Orsanmichele with statues in niches commissioned by the major guilds?

What event is depicted the annunciation?

What are the attributes can be used to identify of each of the following saints?

Saint Mark:

Saint John the Baptist:

Saint Peter:

Saint Peter Martyr:

Saint Laurence:

Saint Lucy:

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