JUNE 2015



JULY 23 - 25, 2015


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2015 to THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2015


Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Conventional Machining as a Special Process(CMSP) Task Group (TG) was called to order by Chuck Beargie, acting Chairperson, at 8:02a m., 23-Jun-2015.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Ken / Abram / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Chuck / Beargie / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) / Chairperson
Alexandre / Bourgeois / Bombardier Aerospace
David / Day / GE Aviation
* / Vincent / Dutilh / SAFRAN Group
* / Ulf / Hampel / MTU Aero Engines
* / John / Pfeiffer / GE Aviation / Secretary
Michael / Riley / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)
Klaus / Schwarz / Honeywell International

Other Members/Participates Present (*Indicates Voting Member)

Sean / Carvalho / Strite Precision Machining Limited
Manuel / Alejando / Shellcast Foundries Inc.
* / Andrew / March / Hunting Dearborn Inc.
* / Andre / Mulyono / Absolute Technologies Inc.

PRI Staff Present

Andy / Statham

1.1The Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct rules were reviewed.

1.2The Antitrust Video was shown to all attendees.

1.3 The Agenda was reviewed.


(1)Based on a question from an audit finding the team discussed whether, when a machine speed is qualified, it should be at more than a single point (e.g. speed). The team will add handbook guidance.

(2)When a collet or other tooling has a recommended tightening value, a torque wrench is not required, and if a torque wrench is used it does not need to be calibrated.

(3)Assuming Chuck Beargie is nominated/accepted as Chairperson, due to Yann Jeffredo leaving the TG, a volunteer is needed for the position of Vice-Chairperson.


3.1 The team discussed how frequently auditor metrics should be reviewed and agreed that once a year during the summer meeting will be sufficient.

The team reviewed top findings:

AC7126 Rev B: 9.2.1 seems to be overly broad. Consider removing requirements to have documented procedures for toolholder and fixture inspection and maintenance.

ACTION ITEM: AndyStatham will add AC7126 9.2.1 to the DCS. (Due Date:09-Jul-2015)

Auditor Performance: Auditor metrics were reviewed. Discussion ensued regarding the consistency of auditors, particularly Auditor 3 who has the lowest average findings per reaccreditation and has not written a major finding over the past year. Auditor 5 has the second lowest average and has performed the highest number of audits. Between them, they performed 61% of the audits in the reporting period. These concerns will be factored into the development of auditor training for the October meeting in Pittsburgh. This discussion was continued under item 5.0.

ACTION ITEM: AndyStatham will request that the “NCR’s per day” chart be updated to include/indicate the total number of audits performed per auditor (it is impossible to de-cipher currently due to overlapping markers). (Due Date:9-Jul- 2015)

Currently projecting 73 audits for 2015. Chuck Beargieindicates that he expects some additions from UTAS suppliers.

Rick Sovich has taken a position outside of Performance Review Institute (PRI). Current auditor capacity stands at (4) U.S., (1) Europe, (1) Asia.

Staff Engineer performance was reviewed by the Task Group. Team consensus is that Andy Statham’s delegation status should be continued.

Audit Review Cycle Time: The Task Group is currently GREEN on this metric.

3.2 Scheduled Audits: Will be discussed as part of OP-1117

3.3 Observation Audits: Comments from Observation Audits performed since the Berlin meetings

were reviewed. The TG did not identify any comments that require action.


4.1 Chuck Beargieis acting as Chairperson, but needs to be nominated and voted in at the open

meeting. Klaus Schwarz volunteered for the position of Vice-Chairperson, but is not yet a voting

member of this TG. If his management agrees to allow him to serve, his nomination will be taken

up in Pittsburgh.

4.2 The Task Group reviewed the pending Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Coatings TG. The CMSP TG is not entirely

satisfied with the scope wording, which will be discussed at the joint meeting with the Coatings

TGon Wednesday.

5.0OP-0117 Data Review – CLOSED

Upcoming observation audits were reviewed and the milestone planupdated. There are still several auditors for whom we don’t have observations scheduled.

ACTION ITEM: AndyStatham will run the list of the upcoming audits and distribute to the team. (Due Date: 09-Jul-2015)

OP 0117 (nee NOP-012) was reviewed by the TG.

  • The TG did not identify any potential CMSP-specific additions to the Appendix t-frm-001.
  • The TG does not currently feel the need to develop Proficiency Assessments per 4.3.4

ACTION ITEM: AndyStatham has sent an e-mail to the auditors to see if they feel the need for mechanism(s) to allow them to communicate (per OP 1117 4.3.3). If the answer is “yes”, Andy will investigate potential opportunities to propose to the TG. (Due Date: 31-Jul-2015)

One suggested approach would be a feedback form auditors could submit after each audit.

The team reviewed and updated the Auditor Consistency Milestone Plan.

Andy Stathamhas posted the revised Auditor Consistency Milestone Plan on the eAuditNet Nadcap CMSP Forum.

Auditor Training for October meeting in Pittsburgh

  • Morning – subscriber-specific training (1 hour each: Honeywell, Goodrich, Safran, GE)
  • Afternoon –
  • Specific general training topics
  • Roundtable discussion

Specific topics for October Auditor Training:

  • Review of AndyStatham’s discussion with auditors regarding feedback/communication needs/improvements
  • Overview of TG metrics
  • Auditor Consistency. Provide a copy of the comparative auditor statistic graphs to the auditors. Each auditor would be told his own number to allow them to judge how they compare to the team
  • Develop a case-study session where auditors will review several recent findings to come to consensus as to whether they were properly classified (major vs. minor vs. no finding)
  • Expectations for job audits where there are not sufficient active parts to meet TG guidance – (One or no active jobs, development parts only, sequential audits where only “paper” job audits can be performed, others(?))
  • Customer-specificsite approval requirements/documents
  • Audit Effectiveness – probably as part of the Roundtable, since they will have received the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) pitch as part of their Nonconventional Machining & Surface Enhancement (NMSE) training,

ACTION ITEM: Each TG Member will review recent audits to identify one (or more) findings for the Case-study Auditor Training Session. (31-Jul-2015)

ACTION ITEM: Andy will clarify the expectations as to whether auditors need to fill out a second Audit Effectiveness Feedback Form for the CMSP TG. (31-Oct-2015)

6.0Closed Meeting Debrief – OPEN

Chuck Beargiegave an overview of the Closed Meeting. A discussion of machine qualification ensued.

Motion made byJohn Pfeiffer and KenAbram seconded toelect Chuck Beargie as the Chairperson. The motion passed.

Motion made byJohn Pfeifferand seconded by VincentDutilhto accept the Berlin meeting minutes as published, however noting that the items for which Andy Statham received an NCR (see below) were actually discussed at the Berlin meeting. The motion passed.

7.0CMSP Membership status – OPEN

7.1 The TG membership status was reviewed. No comments.

7.2 There were no new potential TG Voting Members to review.


8.1 General Task Group Metrics were reviewed

  • Audit metrics were briefly re-reviewed for the benefit of the Suppliers now present

8.2 Key Procedure and eAuditNet changes. There have been no significant changes to eAuditNet,

but the procedures have been completely changed. Andy Statham reviewed the Document

Transition Reference document (linked from the front page of eAuditNet) which lists the

relationship between past and current procedure designations.

8.3 Review of the RAIL

The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed and updated. For specific details, please see the current CMSP Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.


The Agendas were reviewed.


  • OP 1111 – Merit Program – Reviewed. There were several clarifying questions.
  • OP 1107 Post Accreditation Actions. There were no questions.


Andy March reviewed the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) activities:

  • SSC is carrying forward in the normal tradition (metrics, survey, Helpdesk, tutorial)
  • SSC is considering making the new supplier mentoring activity more formal

There was general discussion on the topic of the SSC mentoring program, which has been slow getting off the ground.


12.1 Review of draft of the Coatings AC7109/8.

The team discussed the slight changes to the draft AC7109/8 checklist negotiated between Chuck Beargieand the Coatings Task Group Staff Engineer, Justin Rausch. The TG agreed with the minor modifications.

12.2 Joint meeting with the Coatings Task Group – The two Task Groups met to discuss questions and review suggestions from the Coatings Task Group related to the draft checklist for grinding of coatings.


The Task Group began work on an interim version of the Handbook to include:

  • Changes consistent with Rev B of AC7126 (Base)
  • Changes to the General Information section of AC7126 (Base) proposed by Chuck Beargieand reviewed by the team

Note this interim version does not include changes related to the changes AC7126/1 and AC7126/5 soon to be balloted.

ACTION ITEM: Andy will add the guidance for AC7126 6.2.1, 7.2.1 to the DCS to be moved from the Handbook to the Checklist at the next revision. (09-Jul-2015).

The Task Group continued work on an interim version of the handbook:

  • The header information in the base document was reviewed and updated.
  • There continues to be an issue with suppliers signing up for AC7126/6 audits when no prime has mandated them to. It is suggested that primes contact their suppliers with guidance on this.The Task Group also requested that Andy Statham check to see if it is possible to add guidance somewhere in the registration process: “Verify with Customers that an AC7126/6 is required before registering”.
  • There are a number of questions in the Base /B that may need to have an N/A option added back in for grinding of Coatings audits – or to have the question reworded. Two short-term options were discussed:
  • Auditor selects “No” but then documents in the NCR screen that the question is not an NCR because there are no customer requirements
  • Auditor selects “Yes” but then adsan explanation to the comment field.The second option is preferred because it involves less work for the auditor. Chuck Beargiewill provide questionspecific guidance to the auditors during his prime-specific training session in Pittsburgh.

ACTION ITEM: Chuck Beargiewill add specific guidance on how to treat Y/N questions in the base when there is not an applicable requirement to his prime-specific auditor training. (Due Date: 31-Oct-2015)

ACTION ITEM: Andy Statham will add the definitions of process monitoring and cutting fluid to the Handbook and to the DCS for the next update of AC7126 (Base). (Due Date:9-Jul-2015)

ACTION ITEM: Andy Statham will upload the interim version of the handbook as a .pdf to eAuditNet. (Due Date:9-Jul-2015)

ACTION ITEM: All Mandating T.G. members will verify the latest version of Appendix A that Andy Statham forwarded is correct. Note that it should correspond to the latest changes to the Base (Rev B), but NOT the pending updates to /1 and /5. A lack of response will be interpreted as acceptance of the current version. (Due Date: 31-Jul-2015)

ACTION ITEM: Andy will check with Scheduling to see if it is possible to add an advisory comment to the registration process for AC7126/6 (Edge Treatment). (Due Date: 9-Jul-2015)


Chuck Beargiereported on his attendance at the Board of Director’s lunch. Discussion included:

  • Nadcap expansion to other industries
  • Counterfeit parts (esp. Electronics)

Chuck Beargiereported on the PlanningandOperations.Topics included:

  • Auditor Consistency
  • Risk Mitigation – encouraging better TG participation
  • There is a new form and software for Observation Audits
  • Instances where a site has consistently good Nadcap audit results, but significant issues are independently discovered by a prime. The NMC has launched a team to investigate/address
  • A new certification for vendors that provide pyrometry calibration

Chuck Beargievolunteered for a new committee to investigate the circumstances around accreditation of sites that do not yet have a subscribing customer.


Interim teleconferences will be held at 16:00 CET, 15:00 BST, 10:00 EDT, 09:00 CST, 08:00 AT

  • Monday 20-Jul-2015
  • Monday 17-Aug-2015
  • Monday 21-Sep-2015

The Pittsburgh 2015 meeting will run Tuesday, October 20 through Thursday October 22, with auditor training on Monday.

  • Tuesday will be closed
  • Team is NOT inclined to host a Supplier Symposium
  • Ballot resolution for /1 and /5 comments
  • Checklist updates for /2, /3, /4, /6.


The Parking Lot is contained in the RAIL. It was reviewed and updated.


ACTION ITEM: Andy will review the 2014 Pittsburgh Meeting minutes to identify Action Items that may have not been transferred to the RAIL due to the subsequent departure of the Commodity Service Representative (CSR). (09-Jul-2015)

Motion made byKen Abramand seconded by Vincent Dutilhto adjourn. The motion passed with a sense of accomplishment mixed with fatigue.

ADJOURNMENT – 26-Jun-2015 – Meeting was adjourned at 16:03

Minutes Prepared by: John Pfeiffer -

***** For PRI Staff use only: ******
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