Aug. 11, 2014

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:Authentic learning keeps them wondering on the bus ride home. (courtesy of Mrs. Hill)

CARDINAL SHOUT OUT:to Andy Felipe Domino, Austin Worley, Jonathan Gregory and Tanner Sexton for their leadership and willingness to help in the lunchroom on Friday!!!!GO CARDS!!!!

  • TEACHERS, If you will please go over the following cafeteria guidelines at the end of your 3rd period class for 6th and 7th and then at the end of 4th period for 8thtoday just to let our students know this is the expectation.

Cafeteria Procedures

1. Student enter and exit quietly

2. Students are to remain in their seat and are not to get up unless the raise their hand and have permission. This includes dumping their tray this year! Trays will be dumped as the class exits the cafeteria.

3. Students are to ask for permission to get up for any reason.

4. Students are to line up single file when called by Mr. Huffaker or staff.

5. Also, remindstudents to get a fork and napkin as many students forgot this today.

6. Please remindstudents to make sure their area is clean before they leave as well.

7. Please ask students to close their milk cartons before throwing their trays away.

LUNCH TODAY:Herb & Garlic Chicken or Philly Beef Pizza, Wild Brown Rice, Rosemary Redskin Potatoes, Pineapple, Apple Juice

  • LUNCH TUESDAY:Soft Taco or Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza, Corn, Refried Beans, Pears, Orange Juice

PICTURE DAY:will be Tues., August 26th. The only day for make-ups will be Fri., September 12th.

  • FlowerFund:We will be having a flower fund, if you choose to participate, please turn your form and money into Mrs. Darlene as soon as possible. Certified will be $10 and classified will be $5. (Please see e-mail attachment from Mrs. Darlene for more info.)
  • WCMS’s REMIND 101:Please sign up for WCMS’s Remind 101 to receive important text messages from Mrs. Gossage.Instructions:To: 385-345-4470Message: @wcmss
  • TEACHERS:Please continue to go over “Expectations” and continue to be consistent in implementing them. Also, remind students that we will be strictly enforcing Tardies, Dress Code and all other areas of the Handbook TODAY.
  • Reminder:If you wish to donate money to help Patty Bell, please see Mrs. Katherine Kidd or e-mail her and she will come to you. If you wish to donate a sick day, please call Janet Keith at Central Office. Address for Patty is: Patty Bell, 179 Ray Souders Road, Monticello, KY 42633. Most of all ~ PRAY!
  • CHARACTER EDword of the month is:RESPONSIBILITY. Please be watching for students and staff that exemplify the character trait. Mrs. Lori and Mrs. Cindy will be letting you know soon on how the nominations will be run this year since we now have TEAMS. If you have suggestions, please e-mail or see one of them soon.
  • Mission Statement ideas are due Friday, Aug. 15th to Mrs. Gossage.
  • From the Office:Continue to collect papers from students and turn in promptly to the front office.
  • 6th Grade Students:You MUST turn in your shot record and physical NO LATER than Aug. 31st! If you do not, you will not be allowed to return to school.

From Mrs. Hill:Homeroom Teachers: In your mailbox you will find a folder that contains the log in usernames and passwords for all the students in your team.(Please see Friday’s e-mail from Mrs. Hill for more info.)Encourage students NOT to SHARE their usernames and passwords for safety reasons!

  • Our Weight Watchersgroup is still going at Wayne County Schools. Meeting are Thursdays, weigh in starts at 3:45. We meet at Walker in the back pods/mobile classroom. You can join us for the next 7 weeks for $91 with free E-Tools.
  • WAYNE COUNTY BASS CLUB:meeting in Mr. Decker’s room at 4:00 TODAY for current and new members wishing to join or learn more about the team.
  • FCA:will be meeting on Monday’s and Friday’s in the Gym beginning @ 7:45. Everyone is welcome.
  • CROSS COUNTRY:Any student that is interested in cross country/track, please meet at the HS gym today after school until 5:00. Please make sure you wear proper running attire.
  • YOUTH LEAGUE FOOTBALL:make-up sign-ups will be today, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 6:00 – 7:00 @ Football Field. Price - $20 per student and 2 students for $35.
  • GO CARDS FRIDAY! : Starting this Friday, everyone is encouraged to wear our school colors or Wayne County Cardinal clothing! This will continue all year!