Associate Membership

Associate membershipprovides a way for interested persons who cannot be represented legally by APSA, but who are none the less affected by the collective bargaining agreement between APSA and the Aerospace Corporation,to support APSA and to be informed of APSA's activities.

Included in Associate Membership

The associate membership category incorporates all individuals who arenot non-supervisory Members of the Technical Staff. Membership is open to individuals having the following employment affiliations with the Aerospace Corporation:


b)management (all, MTS and non-MTS),

c)administrative personnel (all, exempt and non-exempt), and

d)other, including non-employees.

APSA will maintain the confidentiality of all associate memberships.

Excluded from Associate Membership

Non-supervisory Members of the Technical Staff may not hold associate membership in APSA.

Benefits for Associate Members

APSA will provide the associate member with the following at their mailing address:

a)all APSA bulletins and flyers, and

b)other informational material related to employment and retirement benefits.

APSA cannot legally represent an associate member nor can the associate member vote on APSA business. However, APSA will accept and will indeed solicit mutually beneficial suggestions and ideas on subjects of common interest. Associate members are encouraged to provide suggestions and advice they may deem beneficial. APSA will keep the associate members informed to the same extent as regular members are informed.

Dues for Associate Members

Dues for Associate membership are $58.50 per year, or as voted by the Board, billed annually.

To join APSA as an Associate Member, please complete this membership application form and return it to APSA, Attn: Richard Mahoney at mail station M4/933, or to the address below. No immediate payment is required. Associate membership dues are $58.50 per year, or as voted by the Board,billed annually.


Aerospace Professional Staff Association (APSA)

P.O. Box 248, Hawthorne, California 90251-0248

I do hereby apply for associate membership in APSA and agree to pay dues at the rate of $58.50 per year or as voted by the Board. I certify that I am not a non-supervisory Member of the Technical Staff (MTS) at the Aerospace Corporation. I further understand that I am not a member of the collective bargaining unit represented by APSA and that associate membership does not convey any rights of representation by APSA.



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