Puffin Class (Year 3/4) Timetable 2011 Term 2 Week 2 (7th – 11th November 2011)


8.30 – 9.00 / 9.00 -10.00 / Assembly
Break time / 10.40 – 11.45 / 11.45 -12.15 / 12.15 – 12.45 Lunchtime
12.45 – 1.15 / 1.15 – 2.15 / 2.15 – 3.15
Monday / Jack BRP (LK)
Maths morning work
MK individual reading / 9.00 Abigail BRP (LT)
9.40 Shae-Anne BRP (LT)
Literacy (+LK +VD)
WALT write questions
Starter: Pass the parcel – guess book from clues
Main: Discuss front cover & blurb. Make predictions. Model writing question (with question mark).
Red & yellow: Write questions to ask George.
Blue & green: Write question words to complete questions. Make up more questions of their own.
Plenary: Hot seat George / Numeracy (+LK +VD)
Supply 10.35 – 11.15
WALT know 3x table
Triangle: 2x table sheets
Square/pentagon/hexagon: 3x table sheets
11.15 VD & LK to take groups to deliver leaflets to Vicarage Rd
VD – Samuel, Connor W, Reece, Shane, Elise, Ellie-Lou, Keira, Maddy
LK – Josh, Louis, Archie, Taylor, Lillie, Lucy, Ryleigh, Abigail / Jordan T BRP (LK)
Letters & Sounds (VD) Shae-Anne, Keira, Faith
Look at which words double end consonant when adding ‘ing’ or ‘ed’. / 1.00 Governor walkthrough
1.45 James Number box (KV)
1.30 McKenzie BRP (KH)
1.30 Connor W BRP (LN)
First join: in, mp, ly, dr, am, en, ip / 2.15 Abigail SALT (KV)
Guided reading
(+KH 2.00)
PM Benchmark assessments / 2.45 Abigail L&S (KV)
Model how to log in to Mathletics website. Use website to practise maths facts. / 3.00 Story
George’s Marvellous Medicine Ch. 1
Tuesday / Maths morning work
MK individual reading / 9.20 McKenzie SALT (LT)
9.40 Colby SALT (LT)
Numeracy (+LK +VD)
VD & LK to cover (MK Core visit)
WALT recognise odd and even numbers
Main: Recap what digits odd numbers end in
Activity: Colour odd numbers on sheet
Extension: Write odd or even numbers within given range (worksheet) / 10.40 Abigail BRP (LT)
11.20 Shae-Anne BRP (LT)
Literacy (+LK +VD)
VD & LK to cover (MK Core visit)
WALT order events
Main: Re-read beginning of extract about George making tea, with children from yellow group reading speech (one for George and one for grandma)
Activity: Copy sentences from sheet into book in order. Then do wordsearch, filling in missing words in sentences. / Spelling
VD & LK to cover (MK Core visit)
Practise spellings using look, cover, write, check.
Spelling wordsearch. / 1.45 James L&S (KV); 2.15 Abigail Number box (KV); 2.45 Abigail SALT (KV)
1.30 Connor W BRP (LN)
1.30 McKenzie BRP (KH)
PPA (+KH 1.30)
Wednesday / Maths morning work
MK individual reading / Numeracy (+LK +VD)
WALT add using partitioning
Starter: Use place value cards to partition numbers
Main: Model how to use Dienes to partition numbers and then combine tens together and ones together
Triangle & square: Use Dienes to solve addition calculations
Pentagon & hexagon: Solve addition calculations mentally or using place value cards
Plenary: Extend to examples where 10s boundary is crossed / Literacy (+LK +VD)
WALT identify words that describe a character
Starter: What is your Grandma like?
Main: Re-read Ch 1 and identify words that describe what grandma looks like, her personality & what she does
Red & yellow: Write words that describe Grandma. Add synonyms.
Blue & green: Write words that describe Grandma around picture.
Plenary: What do you think George will do next? / Jack BRP (LK)
Letters & Sounds (VD) Shae-Anne, Keira, Faith
Guided reading
PM Benchmark assessments / 1.30 McKenzie BRP (KH)
VCOP / 2.00 – 3.00 Multi-skills sports (+KH)
Premier Sports (MK leadership time) / 3.00 Story
Thursday / Jack BRP (LK)
Maths morning work
MK individual reading / 9.00 Abigail BRP (LT)
9.40 Shae-Anne BRP (LT)
Numeracy (+LK +VD)
WALT add using 100 square
Starter: Identify missing numbers in 100 square
Main: Model how to use 100 sq to add by moving down 10s and across for 1s
Triangle & square: Use 100 sq to add 10 or 20 to numbers
Pentagon & hexagon: Use 100 sq to add two 2-digit numbers
Plenary: Demonstrate how this is linked to yesterday’s method / 11.10 McKenzie SALT (LT)
11.30 Colby SALT (LT)
Literacy (+LK +VD)
WALT describe a character
Starter: How would you describe George’s grandma?
Main: Model beginning of description.
Red & yellow: Write as if they are George describing his grandma.
Blue & green: Write a description of grandma, using sentence openers.
Plenary: Share examples. / Jordan T BRP (LK)
Letters & Sounds (VD) Shae-Anne, Keira, Faith
Guided reading
PM Benchmark assessments / 1.45 James L&S (KV); 2.15 James Number box (KV)
1.30 Connor W BRP (LN)
2.45 Abigail L&S (KV)
2.00-2.30 Recorders
Supply to plan (MK perf. mgmt. & catch up missed PPA)
Friday / Parents morning work / Numeracy (+LK)
WALT solve addition word problems
Starter: Counting stick (in 4s)
Main: Model how to solve addition word problems, drawing diagrams to visualise.
Triangle & square: Addition word problems (1 digit nos)
Pentagon & hexagon: Addition word problems (2 digit nos)
Plenary: Which problem was not addition? How do we know? / 10.00 Puppet show
Literacy (+LK +VD)
WALT write in role
Starter: What might George be thinking (Ch. 2)?
Main: Model diary entry.
Activity: Write diary entry as George (independently – to use for assessment).
Plenary: Finish reading Ch. 2 / Jordan T BRP (LK)
Letters & Sounds (VD) Shae-Anne, Keira, Faith
Guided reading
PM Benchmark assessments / VCOP / Spelling (+KH 2.00) / 2.30 Golden time (+KH)
Instruments / 3.00 Story
George’s Marvellous Medicine Ch. 3

Break duties: Alternate weekly Week 1 Melanie & Tricia playground / Emma & Louise assembly (Vicky playground every week for JBR)