May 10, 2012

In attendance:

Joanne Allen, Rebecca George, Amy Glascott, Beth Jesiolowski, Tary Leonard, Ella Marsh, and Beth Jesiolowski


Ø  Tary Leonard reviewed minutes from prior meeting. She recorded the minutes from last meeting but there was no printed copy to be distributed. Minutes were reviewed. Rebecca made a motion to approve the minutes. Ella 2nd the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.

Ø  Ella indicated that the Wrestling team was planning a fund raising event for May 19th. It will be a coin toss/bake sale at the Turkey Hill. Since the prior meeting minutes reviewed upcoming fund raisers and this wasn’t included.


Ø  Amy Glascott reviewed the Treasurer’s Report:

o  Current Checking Account Balance…………………….. 4,313.08

o  Money Market Account Balance………………………… 5,038.20

o  Committed to Outstanding Invoices…………………… 1,740.00

o  Scholarship Plaque Expense……………………………….. 120.00

o  Real Balance of Checking Acct after Adjustments…….2,573.08

o  Snack Stand income for Spring Sports………………… 2,776.46

A discussion pursued regarding the “Start-Up” funds required for the Fall Season. It was suggested that the Money Market account be used to save the Start-Up” funds for the new year that starts the beginning of the school year. It was decided that this should be the new procedure. This assures the funds will be available and not viewed in checking acct as funds that are available to use. The standard amount that is needed for start-up is $5,000.

Ø  The following items were pre-approved at prior meeting and have been paid out .

o  Wrestling…………………………… $1,250

o  Girls Basketball………………….. $1,250

o  Basketball All-Start…………….. 50

o  Walter T. Rohrer Awards (50%)….. $ 600

o  Baketball Summer League………….. $1,000

Ø  May 23rd is the Sr. Awards Night. Roseanne T. will present the Walter T. Rohrer.

Ø  Treasurer Report was approved by members at large. Motion to approve was made by Beth Jesiolowski and seconded by Joanne Allen.

Ø  A funding request was submitted by Rebecca George on behalf of Boys Soccer. They are requesting $450 to play in a summer soccer league. This request was discussed. There was concern as to whether this approval will prevent equality of distribution of funds regarding Title IX. It was determined that this should cause the distribution to be unbalance.

Ella made the motion to approve the request by boys soccer and Amy seconded the motion. The motion was approved.


Ø  Snack Stand Renovations – Not much has been done to the stack stand. Joanne indicated that the Maintenance was going to replace the Garage Door(s) on the stand since the current ones are decaying rapidly. Joanne has been asking for the Exhaust Fan to be replaced. It is so full of grease and is a danger when in use. Beth indicated a new griddle was purchased for the snack stand.

Ø  Pizza Supplier – Currently we are looking for a supplier for the Pizzas since “Friends” no longer sells pizza. Their sister restaurant, Pizza Bella, only sells the pizza.

o  Tary was going to obtain a quote from Spitola’s in Plumsteadville.

o  Ella was going to get quotes from a couple places also:

§  Michelle’s in Riegelsville

§  Pipolo’s in Milford

§  Pizza Bella in Revere

Ø  Football Team is asking for donation of Prizes for the golf tournament they are going to hold in May. Is there anything that the Sports Boosters can donate? Beth will get some older items from storage for them.

Ø  The Schedule of Annual Meetings was determined for next year. It is as follows:

o  August 14th

o  November 13th

o  March 12th

o  May 9th

Ø  There was set of keys that had a PO Box key on it. Ella indicated she would stop at the Post Office in Kintnersville to see what is the status of the account.


o  Joanne indicated the State Licensing for Chance needs to be renewed in order for raffle tickets to be sold or any raffles being held, etc.

o  Signatures on accounts need to be updated. Minutes from this meeting are required in order to update.

o  Web-site maintenance – Ella will take on this task

o  Emails- Beth indicated she would send emails out when necessary


Ø  At the last meeting held nominations for candidates upcoming year’s officers were held. All candidates were contacted and all accepted nomination. The opportunity to meeting attendees to dominate any other candidates for any positions was given. No additional nominees were obtained. The nominees for the Officer Positions are as follows:

o  Beth Jesiolowski, President

o  Ella Marsh – Vice President

o  Amy Glascott – Treasurer

o  Roseanne Thompson – Secretary

Since there was only one candidate for each position a motion was made by Joanne Allen to unanimously accept the candidates with no contest for the stated positions. Tary Leonard seconded the motion. The vote for the 2012-13 Officers was approved by all attending the meeting.

Ø  This was the last item of business conducted at this meeting. A motion to dismiss the meeting was made by Ella and seconded by Beth. Approved by all.