Internal Family Systems Annual Conference

Call for 2015 Workshop Proposals

Friday, October 30 – Sunday, November 1

Pre-Conference Institute: Thursday, October 29th

Omni Providence, Providence, Rhode Island

Workshop Selection Process

·  Accepted workshops will fall into one of the following tracks:

o  Couples, Family, Parenting & Children

o  Trauma

o  Addiction

o  Mind, Body & Spirit

o  IFS Beyond Psychotherapy

·  Each track will include a mix of workshop levels geared toward attendees with various levels of knowledge in the model. Please take these levels into serious consideration in creating your proposal and label your offering appropriately.

·  Proposals are chosen based on:

o  Presenter experience with the IFS Model

o  Depth of subject expertise in one of the workshop tracks

o  Unique application of the IFS Model: New, exciting topics that explore the model.

§  New material will be given preference during the review period

o  Quality, thoroughness and professionalism of the proposal and the presenter

Availability to present Friday, Saturday or Sunday

·  IFS Trainers, IFS practitioners and therapists and IFS training graduates are invited to submit a proposal; a demonstrated knowledge of the IFS Model is required.

·  Each proposal will be reviewed by a Conference Committee comprised of experienced IFS practitioners.

Workshop Format

·  CSL will consider alternative formats for workshops, including but not limited to 1.5 hour, 3 hour and full day (6 hours) sessions. We ask for your patience as we review the proposals in conjunction with participant feedback to create the best format possible. Pre-conference workshops have been traditionally full day format.

·  Workshops should be designed to encourage an open dialogue, audience participation and experiential segments.

·  The number of presenters for each workshop should not exceed three.

General Information

·  Proposals must be submitted to Ashley Curley, Conference Manager. Email submissions are strongly preferred.

o  Email:

o  Fax: 708.383.2399 with attention to Ashley Curley

o  Mail: PO Box 3969, Oak Park, Illinois with attention to Ashley Curley

·  Presenters will be notified of a decision after the eight week review period, following the February 28th deadline.


·  Each presenter will receive a waived conference fee for the day they present and discounted registration for any other day attending.

·  Each presenter is invited to be CSL’s guest at a special presenters’ only dinner on Thursday, October 29, 2015.

The following information is required in order for your proposal to be accepted.

Please use a separate form for each workshop proposal. Use the following space for lead presenter; information for each co-presenter will be requested at the end of this form.



Mailing Address

Daytime Phone Number

Email Address

Abbreviated Biography to be printed in conference materials (Please limit to three sentences)


Please indicate your training and experience using the IFS Model.

What was the last conference you presented at?

Have you ever attended an IFS Conference?

Have you ever presented at an IFS Conference?

Statement of how your material relates to or integrates with the IFS Model.


Please Note: The conference committee is looking for new material.

Workshop Title

Abstract and full description of material to be presented. (This will be reviewed by the committee.)

A short form description to be printed in the 2014 brochure. (Ashley will review for brochure)

Please indicate workshop participants’ required knowledge of the IFS Model

Please Note: The conference committee is looking for advanced material in addition to a well-rounded assortment of levels. Please consider seriously as this is a very important piece for attendees during the registration period.

Please highlight or check one selection only. Please consider seriously.

Introductory to Intermediate (Limited IFS Experience)

Intermediate to Advanced (General or Broad Understanding of IFS)


All Levels Welcome

Please indicate the workshop track that best fits this workshop

Please highlight or check one selection only

Couples, Family, Parenting & Children



Mind, Body Spirit

IFS Beyond Psychotherapy


The following information is required by the Institute for Continuing Education in order for a workshop to qualify for CEUs and must be completed.

Please indicate at least three learning objectives.

Objective 1. Participants will learn to (or be able to)....

Objective 2. Participants will learn to (or be able to)....

Objective 3. Participants will learn to (or be able to)....

Objective 4. Participants will learn to (or be able to)…

Please indicate the format of the workshop.

In the past, workshops that offer a variety of formats do really well at the IFS Conference.

Experiential % Demonstration %

Didactic % Other (Please Describe) %


*Please note that electronic AV equipment adds a significant cost to the conference that may, due to budget limits, prevent us from being able to offer other conference services and activities. We ask that you please be conservative in your requests for AV support. If your needs change, please let us know.

Flip Chart and Markers

LCD Projector and Screen (The connector cable for your laptop is provided)

*NOTE MAC COMPUTERS* Presenters’ must provide the Apple/MAC to VGA Display Adapter Cord


Hand Held Wireless Microphone #_____

Lavalier Wireless Microphone #_____

Do you need sound for your presentation? Please describe your need so that you can be assigned the appropriate workshop room. Sound includes playing music or video from your computer and/or PowerPoint presentation. Workshop space DOES NOT automatically offer sound. Please describe your need……

All other equipment including computers, phone/internet connections, etc.. MUST BE PROVIDED BY PRESENTER.


·  Handouts can be sent to and will be uploaded to the conference website for attendees to download and bring to the conference. (Optional)

·  CSL is not responsible for printing handouts. Printed handouts are the responsibility of the presenter if hard copies are wanted/needed.


All rooms will be set theater / lecture style. That is, rows of chairs without tables.

*Setup can be changed at CSL’s discretion in order to accommodate attendees/hotel restrictions.

If you require an alternative room set up, please indicate below for review.


Approval by CSL will be required. Please list below.


ÿ  Full Day

ÿ  3 Hour

CO-PRESENTER INFORMATION. Please submit one form for each co-presenter.


Mailing Address

Daytime Phone Number

Email Address

Abbreviated Biography to be printed (Please limit to three sentences)


Please indicate training and experience using the IFS Model

We thank you in advance for your time and energy put towards this proposal. All proposals will be thoroughly reviewed and you will be notified of a decision after the eight week review process. We look forward to your submission.

If you have any questions please contact

Ashley Curley


CO-PRESENTER INFORMATION #2. Please submit one form for each co-presenter.


Mailing Address

Daytime Phone Number

Email Address

Abbreviated Biography to be printed (Please limit to three sentences)


Please indicate training and experience using the IFS Model