Transition Stroud - Council Meeting – Minutes of Meeting

20th July 2010, 7.30pm – 9.30pm Action


Liz Hillary, James Beecher (D), Mike Jones, Peter Bernays, Helen Royall, John Meadley (D), Chris Harmer, Gail Bradbrook

Meeting not quorate but agreed to propose decisions to be finalized by an email round to other Directors (D). People to say if they don’t agree, otherwise the decisions would be seen as taken.

1.Chairperson & minute taker

John chaired the meeting and Gail took minutes (Mike chaired informal bit).


Molly Scott-Cato, Martin Whiteside, Erik Wilkinson, Simon Allen, Neil Buik,

3. Minutes

Were looked over and amendments approved.

4. Matters Arising

There is about £2600 in funds left. It needs to be formalised and would benefit from coming under the umbrella of TS to save setting up a new social enterprise. John to bring in a proposal of what is needed. Transport group want to carry on as Tripswitch.

Engagement leaflet has been printed in small quantities. If anyone has any comments then do contact Helen.

Minutes were accepted by email prior to the meeting.

Liz to circulate the financial statement and an updated budget to the Council members.

Money raised by standing order – Liz and Molly to meet and discuss this. The wording has been circulated and needs to be finalised. James suggested that the wording could be made more simple. Run the new wording past Simon before finalising.

Web hosting – agree that up to £50 can be spent on this annually (clarify this by email with directors after the meeting).

The meeting decided to formally thank Marta – send our heartfelt thanks and appreciation. John has completed the formalities for Marta’s stay. Many thanks to John and Simon for all their work in making this happen.

5. AOB

AGM suggested for 25th September this year.

Director’s to meet before the AGM on Wednesday 22nd September.

Put out an open invite on TS Discuss re: the AGM on 25th September to see if any members would be prepared to help organize it.

Gail presented a paper on the strategy.

People to feed back to Gail if they have reflections, comments and thoughts on the ideas she has presented. If people want a fuller version, they can get this from Gail.

6. Next Meeting

Wednesday 22nd September 2010

7. Close of meeting

Liz Hillary

Company Secretary