For Official INSETA Use Only

L / G / A

Learnership Grant Approval Number

Table of Contents

Section ContentPage

Section 1Lead Employer Details3 - 4

Section 2 Intended Learnership Details5

Section 3Lead Training Provider Details6 - 7

Section 4Learners Details 8

Section 5Declaration of Lead Employer10

Section 1: Lead Employer Details

1.Applicant Details

1.1Legal name of Lead Employer:

1.2Trading name if different from above:

1.3Which Sub-Sectors of the Insurance Sector does the Lead Employer represent:

Sub-Sector / SIC Code / 
Unit Trusts / SIC 81901
Risk Management / SIC 81902
Insurance and Pension Funding / SIC 82110
Life Insurance / SIC 82100
Pension Funding / SIC 82120
Healthcare Benefits Administration / SIC 82131
Short Term Insurance / SIC 82191
Funeral Insurance / SIC 82192
Reinsurance / SIC 82193
Activities auxiliary to Financial Intermediaries / SIC 83000

1.4Registration/reference numbers or codes:

SARS – SDL Number:[1]

(Should the company be exempt from paying SDL, please provide proof of exemption)

1.5Are your skills levy payments up-to date:


1.6Company/business enterprise size:

Business Enterprise / Number of Permanently
Employed People / 
Small / 0 – 49
Medium / 50 – 149
Large / 150 – 999
Macro / 1000 – 1999
Mega / 2000 +

1.7Physical address (Head Office):


1.8Postal address – Head Office:


1.9Name of Primary Skills Development Facilitator:

1.10Contact details of Primary Skills Development Facilitator:

Tel. Number (w)
Mobile number
Fax number
E-mail address

1.11Name of Learnership Coordinator:

1.12Contact details of Learnership Coordinator:

Tel. Number (w)
Mobile number
Fax number
E-mail address

1.13Name of Lead Employer HR Director:

1.14Contact details of Lead Employer HR Director:

Tel. Number (w)
Mobile number
Fax number
E-mail address

1.15List the Secondary Employer/s involved in this Learnership, if applicable:

1.16Please provide INSETA with:

-An original Cancelled Cheque or a certified copy of a Cancelled Cheque or Confirmation of Banking Details on an official Company Letterhead.

-Please provide a letter confirming your organisation’s financial stability.

-Letter of support for the Learnership from within your organisation:

(For example from: Managers, Relevant Stakeholders, etc.)


Learnership Grant ApplicationJanuary 2008

1.17Banking Details

Branch Clearing Code
Name of Account Holder
Account number
Account Type

Section 2: Intended Learnership Details

2.Learnership details

2.1Name of Learnership:

2.2Qualification linked to the Learnership:

2.3Qualification NLRD Registered number:

2.3NQF level:

2.4Qualification Expiry Date:

2.5Department of Labour Registration Number of Learnership:

2.6If the Learnership has not been registered by INSETA, which SETA hasregistered the Learnership?

2.7Proposed commencement date of Learnership Agreement:

2.8Proposed termination date of Learnership Agreement:

2.9Duration of proposed Learnership in months:

2.10List the key priorities identified in the Sector Skills Plan that this Learnership will address:

2.11Is there a diversified funding base for this Learnership, or is the Learnership solely dependent on INSETA. If there is a diversified funding base, please give details:

(Please be advised that if there is a shortfall in funding for the implementation of this Learnership, the applicant will be required to supplement the shortfall)

Section 3: Lead Training Provider Details

3.1Name of Training Provider:

3.2Accreditation Number:

3.3Accrediting SETA:

3.4Physical address (Head Office):


3.5Postal Address – Head Office:


3.6Name of Training Provider Contact Person (Learnership Coordinator)

3.7Contact Details of Training Provider Contact Person (Learnership Coordinator)

Tel. Number (w)
Mobile number
Fax number
E-mail address

3.8Has scope to deliver the qualification?


3.9Has suitably qualified facilitators to deliver the programme?


3.10Has registered Assessors and Moderators


3.11Do Assessors and Moderators have the scope to assess and moderate the qualification in question?

3.12Theory Component

Name of Assessors / Identification number of assessor/s / Assessor/s Registration number / Unit Standards to be assessed
Name of moderators / Identification number of moderator/s / Moderator/s Registration number / Unit Standards to be moderated

*We wish to draw your attention to the ETQA Policy for Accreditation of providers of training and assessment which is available on the website Please note that approval is subject to the related criteria and conditions being fulfilled throughout the duration of the Learnership.

Section 4: Learner Details

4.1 Proposed Number of Learners

Male / Female
African / Coloured / Indian / White / African / Coloured / Indian / White
1. Currently Employed Learners
2. Currently Employed Disabled Learners
3. Unemployed Learners
4. Unemployed Disabled Learners
Total Number of Learners

4.2 How many Unemployed Learners do you anticipate employing upon completion of this Learnership?

(Please note: There is no obligation to employ the unemployed learner at the end of the Learnership).

³The Employment Equity Act defines a disability as a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits prospects of entry into or advancement in employment

Section 4: Declaration of Lead Employer

*It is an offence in terms of the Skills Development Act of 1998 to provide false or misleading information in this Application.

*Your application will be rejected should false or misleading information be found in this application.

*INSETA reserves the right to verify the documented responses.

We declare that the information provided is correct and according to our knowledge the signatories have the authority to bind the company accordingly. Furthermore we have satisfied ourselves to the extent, nature and regulations governing the proposed Learnership Grants.

The Applicant will take full responsibility for repayment of the provided Learnership Grants should a learner terminate, irrespective of reasons. The Company also acknowledges that INSETA reserves the right to determine the amount to be repaid. Furthermore any shortfall in funding will be covered by the Company’s training budget or other funds identified by the Company.

Name of Representative of Lead Employer (Please print)
(Must have the authority to bind the Company)

Signature of Representative of Lead Employer


Witness Name (Please print)

Witness Signature

Official Company Stamp


Learnership Grant ApplicationJanuary 2008

[1] SARS Skills Development Levy number as per Skills Development Levies Act.

² Refer to section 3.2 of the INSETA Learnerships funding policy