Southron Gaard Officer Descriptions

Baronial Officer Job Descriptions

Developed in Southron Gaard, 2005-2007, mildly updated (mainly URLs) in 2011.

If any of the URLs or email addresses in this document appear to be out of date, consult the current listings or officers in Lochac Kingdom Regnum:

Note: All officers should be aware of Kingdom Law ( ) and the Lochac Procedures Manual ( ) – there are numerous other helpful resources available at the latter URL.


Baronial Officer Job Descriptions




Knight Marshal

Arts & Sciences Officer





Webwright (AKA web minister, webscribe)




Reporting Channel



Captain of Archers

Captain of Rapier


Baron and/or Baroness





Reporting Channel:




The Seneschal is the chief administrative officer of the Barony and is tasked with:

- serving as the principal mundane legal representative of the SCA within the Barony

- receiving reports from all other Officers on the status of their office

- making quarterly reports to Kingdom on the status of the Barony

- organizing and chairing monthly Council meetings

- seeing that minutes are taken and published to the populace

- coordinating and consulting with the Baron and Baroness of the running of the Barony

- overseeing the day to day running of the mundane side of the Barony i.e. That offices are filled, that events are happening, that we are complying with mundane, SCA, Kingdom law in our activities.

- moderating the Baronial mailing list.


-current SCA membership

-being organized and able to organize others

-having regular access to email is essential

-as with most officers, term is typically two years: can be extended at the discretion of the Kingdom Seneschal


The major workload is organizing the monthly council meetings, getting the minutes to the mailing list and From the Tower Newsletter, and making sure that important notices go out to the populace. Seeking, encouraging and supporting Baronial officers and event Stewards, and conferring with the Baron and Baroness on their wishes regarding the running of the Barony are also important. Two to ten emails per day, plus about three hours work a month around council meetings and the council meetings themselves.

Reporting Channel:

Seneschals report to the Kingdom Seneschal every quarter, with a compilation of reports from the Baronial officers, via an on-line form, and verbally or by e-mail to the Baron and Baroness as required. Regular attendance at council meetings and touching base with officers is essential.


The Lochac Procedures Manual which is essentially the seneschal’s handbook

The above URL and Kingdom Seneschal’s web site in generalhas loads of resources for seneschals including links to forms, documents and Kingdom Law. There is a College of Seneschals mailing list for all seneschals in Lochac (low traffic, extremely helpful).



Quite simply, your job is to coordinate the smooth running of heraldic activities in your group. There are a few essentials.

Whenever your group runs an event, it's your job to make sure there's a

duty herald or two, and if there's a tourney, you need to organise a field herald or several - which will often be the same people. If Royalty come visiting then you must be prepared to run Their court, or find someone who can.

You shouldn't rely on the Seneschal, Steward or Autocrat to tell you a herald is needed. You should keep your eye on the event calendar and ask what heraldic services they'll need. This doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself - feel free to delegate. But it does mean you have to make sure it gets done.

You should also make yourself available to offer advice on names, devices and badges (“book” heraldry). If you don't know the answer to a question - and since you're probably new to the office this is quite possible - then you should refer them to someone who does know, such as the other group Heralds or the Crux Australis Principal Herald. You will be the main overseer for Heraldic submissions originating from your group.


- Current SCA membership

- Loud, clear speaking voice

- No fear of public speaking

- Organisation (so Courts run smoothly)

- Basic knowledge of Heraldry.


Most work is done at events, running courts, making announcements etc. At large events, you can be quite busy. Between events, most work is paperwork to do with Heraldic submissions ~ 1-2 hours a week.

Reporting Channel:

Monthly reports are made to the Baronial Council. Quarterly reports are made

to the Crux Australis Herald.


There are several online discussion lists, and you should be on the Lochac ones at least. The web also has lots of good information about book and voice heraldry. There are also many good books on Heraldry.

Official society Herald site:

Lochac Heraldry site (includes submission forms and forums):



Record the financial information of the Barony and report to Kingdom.


  • Current SCA membership
  • Basic accounting knowledge
  • Clean credit record (so you can be a signatory on the cheque account)


Varies, most of the year, very little, but during and just after major events, the workload will increase. Also regular attendance at and/or reporting to Council meeting.

Reporting Channel

Quarterly to Kingdom Exchequer and monthly to Council


  • Outgoing Reeve (for a while)
  • Kingdom Exchequer
  • SCA. Treasurer
  • Exchequer website:
  • Lochac_Reeves mailing list

Note: an applicant for the position of Reeve in NZ must be approved by the SCA NZ Committee, in addition to the normal officer appointment process.

Knight Marshal


The Knight Marshal is responsible for coordinating all authorised combat forms within the Barony (including Heavy fighting, Rapier, Combat and Target Archery, and Equestrian though not all forms may be active at a given time, and any may be handled through deputies). This includes coordinating and encouraging regular practices, encouraging and teaching newcomers to each fighting form, helping with the creation and marshalling of tournaments and war combat at events, assisting in the upkeep and construction of equipment and encouraging others to become warranted marshals.


A current SCA membership, and an enthusiasm for one or more of the combat forms involved, though actual ability is optional. The Marshal should be familiar with the relevant rule sets and Kingdom Officers, and possess an eye for potential safety issues – one or more current Marshal authorisations is desirable. It is not required to store or transport equipment required to run practices and tournaments but the Marshal should be aware of the state and status of all Baronial Marshallate property, whether in storage or out on loan. Reliable internet access is highly recommended for maintaining contact with marshallate activities and events around the kingdom.


Apart from filing reports, handling other Marshallate paperwork as required by the Kingdom Earl Marshal and attending Baronial Council meetings (about 4 hours a month in total), no specific part of the Knight Marshal’s workload is mandatory. But it is very desirable that a Knight Marshal actively encourage and support relevant training sessions and equipment workshops, as well as generally be available to stewards to act as field marshal or marshal-in-charge at events where possible.

Reporting Channel

The Knight Marshal is required to report to the Baronial Council monthly, and the Kingdom Earl Marshal quarterly. Copies of these reports are sent to the Baronial Seneschal and the Baron & Baroness.


  • SCA Marshallate Web pages:
  • Kingdom of Lochac Combat Handbook (along with other marshallate info):
  • The Lochac Marshallate mailing list:

Arts & Sciences Officer


The A&S Officer is tasked with encouraging the arts and sciences in the Barony through classes, workshops, informal gatherings and competitions.


  • Current SCA membership
  • Be warranted (2 years, 4 max under exceptional circumstances – this is handled by your Kingdom officer when you take on the office)
  • Membership in the A&S officers email list, if you have email.


Encourage and organize A&S workshops and competitions in the Barony. Get reports from workshops and events in the Barony that hold an A&S competition (for quarterly reporting purposes). Send quarterly reports to Kingdom A&S Minister. Run or organize someone to run the Kingdom Arts and Sciences competitions if the Kingdom Coronation or Crown Tourney is being held by the Barony and the Kingdom A&S Minister cannot attend the event.

Reporting Channel

The A&S Officer is required to report to the Kingdom A&S Minister quarterly. Copies of these reports are sent to the Baronial Seneschal and the Baron & Baroness.


  • The Lochac Arts & Sciences handbook, along with other pertinent materials, can be found at:
  • There is a Lochac A&S officers’ email list.
  • The Kingdom A&S Minister is always there to help.



The Chronicler is the keeper of the newsletter of the Barony and is tasked with:

  • preparing the newsletter each month;
  • making quarterly reports to Kingdom.


  • advanced computer skills esp. in desktop publishing (MS Publisher and Acrobat esp., but different tools may be used to achieve the same result)
  • current SCA membership
  • being organized and able to organize others
  • having regular access to email is essential
  • as with most officers, term is typically two years: can be extended at the discretion of the Kingdom officer


  • Attending Council Meetings once a month, and publishing FTT once a month.
  • Receive and send emails regarding FTT.
  • Approx 4-6 hrs a month including Council Meeting.

Reporting Channel

Chronicler receives reports from the Webwright (a deputy position of the Chronicler) and reports to the Kingdom Chronicler and Baronial Seneschal every quarter via by e-mail (cc to the Baron and Baroness). Regular attendance at council meetings and touching base with officers is essential.


  • Chroniclers’ Mailing list
  • Website:
  • A publishing policy document for SCA NZ has policy and guidelines for local publications, print and electronic:



Responsible for site and event safety, indemnities/waivers (in Australia -- generally not required in New Zealand) and lost property.


  • Current SCA membership
  • Preferably own transport, and the ability to remain on site later than most


Principally at events: ensuring a site is inspected, safe and secure and advising attendees on issues such as marking of tent ropes and other sensible precautionary measures.

At the end of an event, gathering any lost property and publishing a list (including updating the online copy). Bringing lost property to events or meetings where appropriate, auctioning off or otherwise disposing of long-term unclaimed property.

By default, responsible for the Barony’s storage unit at the Canterbury Faire site, but a deputy can be appointed for this as the event approaches.

Reporting Channel

Baronial Constables are required to report to the Kingdom Constable every six months or as otherwise requested.


Subscribe to the Constables list via

The current Constable’s Handbook is also linked from the above location.

Chatelaine (aka Hospitaller)


The Chatelaine/Hospitaller is responsible for the encouragement and empowerment of newcomers in the group. This involves both actively chatting to interested people at musters and other public events, and fielding enquiries about the group from the Southron Gaard website, from which the Chatelaine’s email is linked.

The Chatelaine is also responsible for the housing and administration of the Baronial Hire Garb, though this may be delegated to a deputy. This involves loaning hire garb to newcomers and encouraging them to acquire or make their own clothing.


Current SCA membership

A sunny disposition, a positive outlook about the group, a willingness to chat to strangers.


Can be high immediately prior to an event, often with last-minute requests for hire garb. This can be managed by posting reminders about hire garb cut-off dates to the SG lists.

The public workload involves being chatty and convivial to newcomers at events, checking they are comfortable, finding out about their particular interests, giving them leaftlets and/or introduction cards and introducing them to other members of the group, etc. Note: it is recommended that the Chatelaine’s full contact details be on all leaftlets handed out; this may mean hand-writing it in on pre-printed blanks.

At Musters the workload can be quite high and involve many repetitive discussions with interested onlookers. One of the best ways to minimise the workload at musters is to appoint three or four assistants on the day to help.

Reporting Channel

The Chatelaine is a deputy to the Seneschal and reports to the Barony monthly at Council and/or via a written report. Quarterly reports are made to the Kingdom Hospitality Minister and cc-ed to the Seneschal and B&B.


Hospitaller webpage and mailing list:

Newcomers section on the Lochac site and site, also see links off the SG newcomers page:

A publishing policy document for SCA NZ has good media-handling guidelines and resources:



Store and keep track of Baronial equipment


Ensure clean and secure storage of the Baronial equipment. Maintain lines of communication with event stewards/cooks regarding required equipment for events, and arrange pick up/drop off. Maintain the Baronial Inventory, and check off returned equipment. Report to Council regarding status of equipment, including loss, damage, replacement or new equipment required.

Reporting Channel

The quartermaster is a deputy to the Seneschal and reports to him/her as well as the Council.


Accessible, weatherproof and lockable storage space approximately the size of a standard car.At present, the Barony has dbnated lockable storage at Showtime.


The Baronial Inventory, online on the SG website (current version: )

Webwright (AKA web minister, webscribe)


In charge of creating and updating Baronial Web pages and mail redirections and keeping Baronial communications and information flowing smoothly.


Capabilities in Website page creation, HTML, graphics manipulation, FTP and associated site management, associated computer/email support and agood sense for both accretion and rapid turnaround of useful information – it’s the most important part of the job!

[1]These required technical skills include, but are not limited to:

  • Capabilities in web site creation
  • Familiarity with HTML
  • Graphics manipulation
  • FTP and associated site management
  • Reliable email
  • Reliable internet access


Typically around three or four hours a month (not including council meeting attendance) unless you embark on a major update or expansion of some kind.

Monthly updating of the Baronial Website and addition of new material as required, especially for the calendar, so it is always as current as possible.

Notifications to sgannounce/sgdiscuss as required, and automatically picking up information from other people’s notices or comments and adding to online calendar or to special pages.

Mailing list moderation: mostly deleting spam and occasionally assisting subscribers.

Active monitoring of local discussion and announcement lists is essential, other lists () very desirable. Twice-annual checking/reporting of page visit statistics and numbers subscribed to local email lists is desirable.

Advising and assisting Webwrights for St Kessog and Castelburn as required.

Reporting Channel

Monthly reports to the Southron Gaard council should be sent to a couple of days before the meeting and/or to the sg officers list.

Quarterly reports should be sent to the Lochac web minister, Southron Gaard seneschal and Baron and Baroness.


There is a website maintenance document which holds the necessary information such as site structure notes, links, email addresses, passwords etc. Passed on to each Webwright along with associated files etc. Keeping this document maintained is part of the job, but don't ever put it online!

  • Lochac Web ministers’ web page:
  • The Lochac Webministers’ mailing list: sign up at
  • A publishing policy document for SCANZ has policy and guidelines for local publications, print and electronic:


Requires: SCA Membership, Current first aid certificate, desire to help out.

Workload: Being responsible for first aid at events you wish to volunteer at, paperwork for each event, and quarterly reports to kingdom.

Reporting Channel: Kingdom Chirugeon


  • Chirurgeonate emailing list ()
  • Lochac Chirugeonate website:
  • Chirurgeons handbook:
  • Local helpers

Captain of Archers


The archery captain is responsible for coordinating and running archery events and activities within the Barony. This includes running weekly practices, encouraging and teaching newcomers to archery, creating and marshalling archery shoots for events, and assisting in the upkeep and construction of equipment. Note that this covers both target and combat archery activities.


A current SCA membership. An enthusiasm for archery, though actual ability in the sport is optional. The Captain should be familiar with the relevant rules for SCA target and combat archery participants, and possess an eye for potential safety issues – a current Light Combat and/or Target Archery marshal authorization is desirable. He/she should have the capability to store and transport the equipment required to run practices and shoots at events. Reliable internet access is highly recommended, for maintaining contact with archery-related activities and events around the kingdom.


Baronial practices are weekly, and take up approximately 3 hours every Sunday afternoon. Regular attendance at baronial council meetings is required. For important events such as Canterbury Faire or Baronial Anniversary, the Captain will need to plan and create appropriate shoots, and be in charge of running them at the event. Periodic upkeep of Baronial equipment is required, as well as coordination of archery-related A&S activities.