Geography External Examinations Summary

Papers 1, 2 and 4
Paper 1 (Knowledge and Understanding)
(worth 45% of total mark)
1hour 45minutes
You will need to answer three questions out of a choice of six. Each question is worth 25 marks. Questions may be asked on the following topics:
1.  Settlements
2.  Population and Migration
3.  Industry
4.  Leisure and Tourism
5.  Agriculture
6.  Energy, Water and the Environment
7.  Rivers
8.  Coasts
9.  Plate Tectonics
10.  Weather, Climate and Vegetation
Settlements and population/migration always come up. These will be questions 1 and 2. Tow physical topics will always come up (rivers, coasts, plate tectonics (including weathering) and weather, climate and vegetation. These will be questions 3 and 4. Finally two of the human topics will come up (industry, leisure and tourism, agriculture and energy, water and the environment). These will be questions 5 and 6.
Paper 2 (Skills Paper)
(worth 27.5% of total mark)
1hour 30minutes
You have to answer all the questions on this paper. The paper is designed to test your geographical skills. The skills you may be tested on include:
1.  Grid references
2.  Analysing and interpreting graphs and tables
3.  Analysing and interpreting photographs
4.  Analysing and interpreting pictures and field sketches
5.  Cross-sections
6.  Measuring distances
7.  Map symbols and contours
To support your analysis and interpretation you also need to have a solid understanding of all topics.
Paper 4 (Coursework Paper)
(worth 27.5% of total mark)
1hour 30 minutes
You have to answer all the questions on this paper. The paper is designed to test your understanding of undertaking coursework. The areas you may be tested on include:
1.  Setting a hypothesis
2.  Choosing a coursework location
3.  Setting the study size and sample
4.  Designing a questionnaire
5.  Secondary and Primary data gathering
6.  Field work equipment
7.  Field sketches
8.  Presentation and annotation of photographs and diagrams
9.  Data presentation (graphs and tables)
10.  Data analysis
11.  Writing evaluation and conclusions
You will need to use your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered throughout the course to be able to answer the questions accurately. The questions are likely to be based on rivers, coasts, weather, tourism, settlements or population.