held on

Monday October 2nd 2017 at 8.0pm

in Aldbury Memorial Hall


Present: Cllrs Brady, Eggar, Juniper, McCarthy (in the Chair), Moore, Page, Pearce and Tollinton, the Clerk, County Cllr Hollinghurst and 5 members of the public.

17/206  Apologies for absence – to be accepted by the Council

Borough Cllr Mills had sent his apologies

17/207  Declarations of Interest - Cllrs to declare interests particular to this meeting

Cllr Juniper declared an interest in item 17/219 as his wife is a trustee of the Aldbury Memorial hall.

Cllr Eggar declared an interest in item 17/219 as his wife is a Church Warden.

Cllrs McCarthy and Page declared an interest in item 17/219 as members of the TSRA committee.

17/208  Declaration of acceptance of office & signing of Register of Members’ Interests Cllr Moore signed his declaration of Acceptance of Office and Register of Members’ Interests and returned them to the Clerk.

17/209  Minutes of meeting on 11th September 2017 to be signed as a true record

The minutes were amended to show Cllr McCarthy as Chair.

Cllr Tollinton commented that the reason Cllr Eggar had been absent for the September meeting had been due to the change in date of the meeting.

Cllr Juniper proposed that the minutes were accepted as a true record; this was seconded by Cllr Pearce. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

17/210  Review Actions List

Cllrs reviewed the actions list and the following points were noted:

·  County Cllr Hollinghurst commented that Herts CC were still waiting for guidance from the Environment Agency regarding the classification of watercourses. He said that Trooper Road is likely to be an Ordinary Watercourse and so the responsibility of DBC. As it falls under permissive legislation, DBC wouldn’t have to accept responsibility. Cllr Eggar asked who would then take liability in an incident of flooding and County Cllr Hollinghurst noted it would be the responsibility of the riparian landowner, who would take responsibility for water coming onto his/her property and passing it onto another property. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the two riparian landowners whose property is crossed by the ditch affecting Stoneycroft, asking them to keep their ditches free flowing and in good repair. (Action) County Cllr Hollinghurst also asked the Council to write to Herts CC asking them to clarify the status of the drains running from the centre of the village down Trooper Road and into Stoneycroft, to establish responsibility. (Action)

·  Cllrs agreed to meet at the garage and distribute the salt amongst residents. Other items in the garage would be put on ebay or taken to the tip.

·  The swing shackles had been inspected and were deemed to be fine at this time. Cllr Page raised concerns about children climbing over the fence into the playground and swinging on the gate causing potential damage and risk of injury. Cllr Page asked the Council to consider raising the height of the fence posts and adding chicken wire. It was agreed that a padlock would be added to the vehicular gate and Cllrs Page and Eggar would bring proposals to the next meeting regarding a possible stile over the fence. (Action)

·  It was agreed to add the canal bridge at Tring Station to the next agenda.

17/211  Aldbury Pond

Cllr Juniper noted that the PWG needed to meet to discuss the proposed solutions and costs and that Cllrs Brady and Moore were in the process of trying to establish which grants could be applied for. Dixons had confirmed that as they had been charging the Council monthly for the maintenance visits, they didn’t believe there was a binding financial agreement. The PWG would decide the way forward with Dixons at their next meeting. Cllr Juniper noted that contact details had been obtained for Barley End. He informed the meeting that the use of volunteers wouldn’t be pursued due to liability issues. He also said that there was evidence that Herts CC had taken responsibility for clearing out the pond in the 50’s and 70’s and the Council needed to decide whether to follow this up. Cllr Juniper said that other Councils have a ‘pond sinking fund’ to build up funds over a period of years for the required clearance and suggested APC consider this. DBC had been contacted about the refurbishment work to the Water Gardens and had provided some guidance and other potential consultants and solution providers.

Cllr Juniper had located the unbound minutes from 2004-2012. It was agreed that these should be bound. The Clerk agreed to check on the location of the post-2012 minutes. (Action)

17/212  Repair of Stocks

Cllr Juniper informed the meeting that planning permission had been received for the work to the Stocks and he was trying to get a revised quote based on the stipulated conditions and organise a site visit.

17/213  Village Centre

Cllr Juniper noted that the 4 bins in the village were looking distressed. Cllr Pearce noted that a new one had been installed outside the shop. It was agreed that the Clerk would follow up with the DBC Clean, Safe and Green team to find out who replaced the bin and why and whether the others could be replaced. (Action)

It was agreed that the Clerk would follow up with DBC regarding the following street signs; Stocks Road sign in the wrong place, Trooper Road and Station Road signs need replacing. (Action)

Cllrs discussed the grass on the green and agreed that some of it had started to come back since the posts had been put in. It was agreed to review the state of the grass again in the spring.

Cllr Brady had noticed a loose kerbstone and had agreed to report it to Highways. (Action)

17/214  Footpaths

Cllr Page was pursuing a quote for work to FP68.

17/215  Pedestrian Safety and Parking

Cllr Tollinton asked that the item be re-named to Pedestrian Safety as that had been the focus of the Working Party. The draft report had been received from the consultants and discussed by Cllrs. The Council had been asked not to make this report public. A meeting had been requested with the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office to discuss the options identified in the report.

17/216  Diocesan Leases

The Clerk confirmed that the lease had now arrived and would be signed at the end of the meeting. The amount requested by the solicitors to cover the lease arrangement fee was higher than Bidwells had originally quoted (£1,080). It was thought this increase was probably VAT and it was agreed that the Clerk should confirm this with the solicitors.(Action) On the basis that the increase was due to VAT, Cllr Eggar proposed a resolution to pay £1,080 to the solicitors, Debbenhams Ottaway; this was seconded by Cllr Juniper.

17/217  Award of West Midlands Franchise


17/218  Planning Matters

1. To discuss the following applications and any others received by October 2nd:

4/02168/17/FUL – Aldbury Junior School, Stocks Road, Aldbury

Change of use of school amenity land for the provision of a new temporary demountable classroom structure within the curtilage of a Grade 2 Listed Building


4/02220/17/TCA – Land at Town Farm (adjoining bridleway north of the Old Rectory)

Works to Trees


The Clerk had received an email from residents regarding planning application 4/02084/17/FHA, 32 Stocks Road. The Council objected to this application at the previous Council meeting.

2.Planning Decisions made by Dacorum BC:

4/03268/16/LBC – The Village Stocks, Aldbury

Renewal of the small post, repairs to the whipping post of the Stocks


4/02137/17/TCA – Heamoor Cottage, Trooper Road, Aldbury

Fell Japanese Cedar Tree

Raise No Objection

17/219  Finance

Payments Made

EON (DD) / £53.06 / Street Lights - power
M Walters / £390.00 / Parish Mowing – August


Milner / £14.00 / Allotment Rent
Knight / £14.00 / Allotment Rent
Holton / £7.00 / Allotment Rent
Dockree / £21.00 / Allotment Rent

Bank Balances at 25th September 2017

Unity Trust a/c 20382083 £26,744.03

NS a/c £33,809.51

Cllr Juniper proposed a resolution to make the following payments, this was seconded by Cllr Eggar

M Walters / Up to £400.00 / Parish Mowing – September
D Foster / £161.25 / Warden Hours Dec 2016 – September 2017
Debbenhams Ottaway / £1,080.00 / Lease arrangement fee

Funds available going forward: £59,470.60

·  Financial Review spend to date – The Clerk had circulated a review of the spend to date for the current financial year and a forecast for the year end 31st March 2018 which was discussed by Cllrs.

·  Budget – Cllrs discussed the budget setting process for 2018/19 and it was agreed that Cllr Pearce and the Clerk would put together a draft budget for discussion at the November meeting. Cllr Juniper noted that perhaps a sinking fund should be established for ongoing pond maintenance. Cllr Pearce agreed that setting aside funds for future maintenance and replacement of assets should be considered as part of the process.

·  APC Grants 2017 – 5 applications had been received for grants which were discussed by the Council. The Council decided not to award a grant to Citizens Advice Dacorum as they felt it was not rooted in the Parish and the purpose of the grants was to support community groups. Some concerns were raised about whether the Aldbury Peace Memorial Hall was used for the benefit of the Parish but the Council felt village amenities should be supported. The Council questioned why the grant requested by the Aldbury Memorial Hall had gone up; it was due to their reserves being spent on the recent refurbishment.

o  Cllr Juniper proposed the Council award a grant to the Tring Station Residents’ Association of £400; this was seconded by Cllr Pearce

o  Cllr Pearce proposed the Council award a grant to the Aldbury Memorial Hall of £1,000; this was seconded by Cllr Tollinton

o  Cllr Page proposed the Council award a grant of £600 to the Aldbury Peace Memorial Hall; this was seconded by Cllr Tollinton

The payments would be made in accordance with S137(4) a of the Local Government Act 1972

·  Cllr Pearce proposed the Council award a grant to St John the Baptist Church of £400; this was seconded by Cllr Juniper

17/220  Update on Issues & Options Paper in respect of DBC Local Plan

Cllr McCarthy informed the Council that a Government Paper had impacted on the DBC Issues and options Paper so it hadn’t been discussed by cabinet but had gone back for a review. He noted that the proposals included plans for 1,000 new homes on land between Station Road and Bulbourne Road which would fall in Tring Town’s remit.

17/221  Future Council Meetings – venues & timings

The Clerk explained that in 2018 several of the Council meetings had been moved from the first Monday of the month, partly due to bank holidays and this caused a potential clash with the new tap dancing class. It was agreed that the Clerk should look into the availability of the Iron Room and the Aldbury Peace Memorial Hall and come back to the Council with a proposal. (Action)

17/222  Street Light Pole Bracket – Toms Hill Road

The Clerk had received an email about a corroded bracket on a street light on Toms Hill. Cllr McCarthy questioned whether the light was needed and Cllr Juniper said that it does really light that section of the footpath for pedestrians. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact other contractors for a quote for the work. (Action)

17/223  Correspondence

·  Cllr Juniper informed the meeting that filming on NT land would be taking place on October 9th, Beacon Road would be closed and there would be gunshots in the area.

·  The Clerk had received a FOI request from a journalist regarding employees pay and Cllr expenses and a comparison between 2007 and 2017

·  The Clerk had received an email from a resident informing the Council that SuperFast Broadband would be available from the end of the week in Aldbury Village.

17/224  Meeting open to the Public

·  County Cllr Hollinghurst raised the issue of the extension to the Metropolitan Line (Croxley Green link) which would improve access to Watford Hospital. He asked APC and residents to consider writing to the local MP, David Gauke to ask him to support the scheme.

·  County Cllr Hollinghurst raised concerns that the Herts Fire and Rescue Service may come under the control of the Police and Crime Commissioner which would end input from County to this service. He asked APC to consider writing to raise concerns.

17/225  Any Other Business and to consider items for agenda of next meeting

·  Cllr Page said that residents of Stoneycroft had requested a 10mph, Children at Play sign. It was agreed to add this to the next agenda and Cllr Page would bring a proposal. (Action)

·  Cllr Tollinton noted that the Tennis Court had been re-surfaced and looked really good. She said that there were some overhanging branches that needed cutting back. It was agreed to ask the mowing contractor to have a look at the work. (Action)

·  Cllr Eggar said he would most likely be absent for the next meeting but noted that the Council would probably receive a works to trees planning application in his name.

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.55pm

Next Council meeting –Monday 6th November 2017

Aldbury Parish Council website –