
Regents Earth ScienceMr. Sturges

MP4 Extra Credit Project: The Scale of Geologic Time


A. Background:

Geologic time covers a very large span of years. In order to help visualize the large scale, geologists have scaled this time to fit into a year, an hour, a meter, a circle, etc. They have also divided this time into categories. These categories were defined by the type of plant and animal life that existed at the time instead of in even increments. The largest divisions are eons. Each eon is divided into eras. Eras are divided into periods. Periods are divided into epochs. There are more divisions the closer we get to current times since there was more variety of life and since there is more fossil evidence of that life.

B. Rubric: To receive full credit of 6 points you must:

a) Complete all 10 questions on the back of this sheet correctly (3pts)

b) Construct a graphic paper geologic scaled timeline following the procedure below. Note: Your timeline graph must have your name and period clearly printed on it. (3pts)

c) You must complete both a and b above and turn them in by the required date. Projects which are late or incomplete will not receive credit.

1. The time line has a title and labels showing accurate information.

1=Weak (1pt) 2=Average (2pts) 3= Strong (3 pts)

2. Questions are answered correctly

5 or less correct (1pt) 6-9 correct (2pts) All 10 correct (3 pts)

C. Procedure:

1. Use a 2” calculator paper roll (best) or cut 2” wide strips from copy paper and tape them securely together to construct your geologic timeline.

2. Use a scale of 1mm = 500,000 years for to draw your timeline. Earth's history of 4.6 Billion years will require a strip (4,600,000,000/500,000) of 9,200 mm or 9.2 meters (about 30 feet) long!

3. Clearly label your timeline to indicate the eras, periods, epochs, showing when each one began and ended. Use page 8 of your reference tables to find this information.

Note: Feel free to use colors to make your timeline

a real standout for posting in our classroom!

4. Clearly print your name and period on your timeline to receive credit.

D.Questions: (answer all 10 questions correctly in complete sentences in the spaces provided below for full credit on this part)

1. What is the Geologic Time Scale?

2. On the basis of what evidence can geological history be divided into time units?

3. Some of the earliest evidence of life, biological carbon from algae has been recorded at 3800 M years old. According to this evidence, how much of the Precambrian eon passed before the emergence of life?

4. What percentage of the Earth's total age was the Precambrian era?

5. What period in Earth’s history saw the first plants and animals inhabit the land?

6. At the beginning of what period in Earth's history did there appear to be a dramatic increase in the number and diversity of life forms? (use page 9 as well as page 8 of your reference tables for help)

7. During which periods in Earth’s history did dinosaurs exist?

8. What does the fossil evidence suggest happened to many forms of life that existed on Earth in the past?

9. Many forms of life have become extinct. How does the number of species that have become extinct compare with those presently living? (Use your textbook, review book or the Web to answer this question)

10. Assume you live to be 100 years old. How much of earth’s existence will you see in your lifetime? (Answer as a percentage).


Regents Earth ScienceMr. Sturges

MP5 Weather Project


As a student selected to attend a technical school, you likely have some unique skills that we have not used so far in your study of Earth Science. This project affords you the opportunity to actually build your own weather instrument as well as gaining skills in gathering and decoding data in preparation for your State Regents examination.

There is a fair amount of information on building your own weather instruments on the web. If you have a design you like and would like to build it; bring in your plans first and we’ll discuss it. I selected this construction and data-gathering project because: 1) It is closely aligned with data skills you will directly need for the Regents examination 2) It can be easily transported to school 3) No major cash outlay is needed (You probably only need to purchase 2 centigrade thermometers at the 99cent store). 4) Mechanical skills required for the construction are well within all of my student’s abilities. Read the suggestions and look at the picture and be creative for the highest score… but make sure it works!

To receive full credit you must:

a)Your project is due on the Friday after the holiday. Late Projects won't get full credit

b)Your instrument must be permanently branded with your name and period.

c)You must complete and hand in both data tables located on this assignment sheet

Rubric: Instrument design and construction- 3 points (works= 1; average = 2; Great design =3)

Data Tables- 3 points ( Table 1 - 2 pts for 4 correct RH; 1 pt for 2; 0 for none

Table 2 -1 pt for all boxes with correct answers, 0 pt for any wrong)

The Instrument: (Adapted from A Thousand and One Formulas, 1920 by Sidney Gernsback).

A hygrometer is any instrument for measuring the humidity, or water vapor content, of a gas (usually air). A wet and dry bulb hygrometer consists of two thermometers, with one of the bulbs covered in absorbent cloth dipped into water. As the water evaporates, the bulb cools, producing a temperature difference between the two thermometers. The amount of evaporation, and therefore the cooling of the wet bulb, depends on the relative humidity of the air- the higher the humidity of the air, the less water evaporates so the less the wet bulb is cooled. If the humidity is 100% then the dewpoint is whatever the temperature is.

Suggestion about How to Make your Wet and Dry Bulb Hygrometer:


a)Relative Humidity/Dewpoint Charts (ESRT)

b)1 Liter(Quart) To 1 Gallon Plastic Soda Container Or Milk Carton


d)TwoCentigrade Thermometers (Inexpensive Outside Or Room Thermometers With Reservoir Bulbs)

e)(Wide) Cotton Shoestring With Tip Removed or A 12cm Strip Of Absorbent Cloth (Do-rag)

f)Elastic Rubber Bands (see procedure steps b & c).

g)Permanent Marker


a)Cut a dime sized hole about 5cm from the bottom of the container on one side.

b)Wrap the bulb of one thermometer with the shoestring leaving a 7cm "tail". Use an elastic band to keep it in place.

c)Use two elastic bands to attach the thermometer to the side of the container which has the hole.

d)Thread the shoestring through the hole into the water and write WET BULB above it.

e)Slip the second thermometer under the elastic bands on the opposite side of the container. Write DRY BULB above it.

f)Pour water, at room temperature, into the container until the shoelace soaks up water (but not so much that it leaks through the hole). Wait until the shoestring and the bulb feel wet.

How to use it:

a)Place the hygrometer where air will move past the wet bulb. (Don’t leave it outside when the temperature falls below freezing).

b)Wait until the temperature reading on both thermometers has stopped rising or falling.

c)Record both the wet and dry temperatures (See data table below)

Relative Humidity Measurement: (see text page 440 if necessary)

a)Use the Earth Science Reference table- Relative Humidity Chart (bottom chart page 12)

b)Subtract the higher temperature from the lower temperature to find the difference.

c)Locate the difference in the top row and follow that column down.

d)Locate the DRY BULB TEMPERATURE reading on the left side and follow that row across until it meets the difference column (from step c above).

Where these two lines meet will indicate the relative humidity. Record this value, the data and time in the data table below.

Dewpoint Measurement:

a)Use the Earth Science Reference table- Dewpoint Temperature Chart (top chart page 12)

b)Subtract the wet bulb temperature from the dry bulb temperature to find the difference.

c)Locate the difference in the top row and follow that column down.

d)Locate the DRY BULB TEMPERATURE reading on the left side and follow that row across until it meets the difference column (from step c above).

Where these two lines meet will indicate the Dew Point Temperature.

Data Tables (You must complete both of the following tables for full credit)

Table 1- Your hygrometer’sresults: (4 different measurements)

Date / Time / Wet Temp. / Dry Temp. / Difference / Relative Humidity

Table 2- Use your reference tables to fill in the Difference, Relative Humidity and Dew Point values using the wet and dry bulb temperatures given below:

Trial / Wet Temp. / Dry Temp. / Difference / Relative Humidity / Dew Point
1 / 4 / 4
2 / 1 / 8
3 / 6 / 10
4 / 2 / 12
5 / 18 / 18
6 / 7 / 20

MP6 Earth Science Extra-Credit Project:

Showing the Scale of the Solar System

Mr. Sturges

The purpose of this project is to both familiarize the student with scales of the solar system and the use of page 15 of the Earth Science Reference tables.

Your full name and period must be placed on your project strip in permanent ink.

Rubric: Correct Scale =2pts; Incorrect scale = 0pts.

All 9 items Shown = 2pts; Planets only shown = 1 pt; Nothing shown = 0pt

Planets shown in B/W = 1pt; Planets shown in correct Color = 2pts;

Creativity (Different idea or excellent presentation) = 1 pt;

Average presentation = no additional pts.

Materials: Approximately 6 meter long 2" wide paper tape; metric ruler or tape measure, colored pencils or pictures

Procedure: Place a starting point at one end of the paper strip and mark it “SUN”.

Use a scale of 1mm = 1 million km together with information about the “Mean Distance form Sun” column in the “Solar System Data” chart on page 15 of your Earth Science Reference Tables.

Good news for the "Math Impaired" - The "Mean Distance form Sun" value in the reference tables is already given in millions of km so the scale of 1 mm = 1 million km needs no further calculation; Simply use the values given as the number of mm you need to measure from the sun's location on your chart. Remember: 10 mm = 1 cm; The small markings on most metric rulers are mm and the numbers usually refer to the cm. - but check to make sure.

You will also need the following data: The Kuiper belt is about 5980 million kilometers distance from the Sun

Clearly mark each of the 8 planets and the Kuiper belt at their correct scaled distance from the sun on the strip with their names.

This project is due on the first scheduled day of school after the holiday.