Governors’ Expenses Policy
This policy was updated: / Autumn 2013
This policy will be reviewed: / Autumn 2016
Governor Committee Responsibility / Finance
Statutory policy: / Yes
Source: / Governing Body

Finance Committee

Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School Governors’ Allowances Policy

School governance in England is rooted firmly in the principle of voluntary service. The Government is committed to maintaining and promoting this principle for governors of both academies and maintained schools. This is in line with Charity Law and corporate governance practice in other parts of the public sector.

There is no legal power for schools, local authorities or the government to pay regular members of maintained school governing bodies for their duties as governors. The law only permits schools to pay governors allowances or expenses to cover any costs, such as travel or childcare, that they have incurred as a result of serving as a governor.

The Governing Body at Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School acknowledges that:

  • Governors may not be paid attendance allowance;
  • Governors may not be reimbursed for loss of earnings.

It is not anticipated that allowances will generally be claimed by governors in relation to the carrying out of their duties.

Where, in exceptional circumstances, a member of the governing body or any associate member anticipates the need to incur significant expenditure for the purpose of enabling the governor or associate member to perform any duties they should seek the approval of the Pay and Personnel Committee before any costs are incurred.

Governors or associate members wishing to make claims, once prior approval has been sought, should complete a claims form (obtainable from the School Office), attaching receipts, and return it to the School within two weeks of the date when the expenditure was incurred, when it will be submitted for approval by the Chair of Governors or Chair of Finance, and to be presented to the Finance Committee (which meets at least once per half-term) for final approval.

Claims will be subject to independent audit and may be investigated by the Chair of Governors (or Chair of Finance in respect of the Chair of Governors, unless the Chair of Governors holds the post of Chair of Finance, in which case the Chair of another sub-committee will investigate) if they appear excessive or inconsistent.

Key Messages

  • Payments can be made for any expenditure necessarily incurred by individual governors to enable them to carry out governor duties.
  • Allowances for travel cannot exceed the Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Approved Mileage Rate as published from time to time. Payments of other allowances must only be made on provision of a receipt. The amount to be paid should be determined by the governing body and be limited to the amount shown on the receipt.
  • Governors cannot claim attendance allowances; i.e., payment for attending meetings themselves, or for loss of earnings.
  • Allowances can be paid to governors serving on temporary governing bodies, and to associate members.
  • Governor allowances will continue to be paid from the school’s delegated budget.
  • In schools without delegated budgets, the LEA may pay governor allowances.

Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School

Governors’ Expenses Claims Form

Name: / Meeting Date for which expenses were incurred:
Address: / Date this claim was completed:
Post Code: / Claim Period:

I claim the total sum of £………… for governor expenses as detailed below. I have attached relevant receipts to support my claim.

Childcare/babysitting expenses
Care arrangements for an elderly or dependent relative
Support for governors with special needs
Support for governors whose first language is not English
Travel to meetings/training courses
Travel/subsistence to national meetings or training events
Telephone charges
Other (please specify)

Signed……………………………...... … Date…………………………………

This form should be submitted to the School Finance Officer