Contract NAS9-20000


JSC-Specific Clauses

The following clauses apply only to SFOC effort performed at JSC:


(a) The clause is JSC-unique, and the requirements are in addition to any U.S. EPA, U.S. OSHA, or other Federal or state regulations or statutes. Therefore, the clause requirements do NOT negate any statutory or regulatory requirements otherwise applicable to this contract. In the event of a conflict between applicable Federal or state law and this clause, this clause shall not be controlling.

(b) “Hazardous materials,” for the purposes of this clause, consist of the following:

(1) Those materials defined as “highly hazardous chemicals” in OSHA Process Safety Management Regulation, 29 CFR 1010.119, without regard for quantity.

(2) Those “extremely hazardous substances” subject to the emergency planning requirements in the EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Regulation, 40 CFR 355, Part 355, without regard for quantify.

(3) Those “hazardous substances” subject to the emergency planning requirements in the EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Regulation, 40 CFR 302.4, without regard for quantity.

(4) Any radioisotope material or device that produces ionizing radiation.

(5) Any Class II, III, or IV laser, as defined by the American National Standards Institute No. Z136.1 (1986).

(6) Any explosive or any pyrotechnics.

(7) Any pesticide.

(c) The contractor shall develop and maintain an inventory listing the identity and quantity of hazardous materials stored or used on site at JSC for the performance of the contract.

(d) The contractor shall ensure that the proper training of its employees in the use and inherent hazards of these materials is accomplished prior to use.

(e) The contractor shall notify the JSC Occupational Health Office (SD2) prior to any initial use or different application of these materials.

(f) The contractor shall use all hazardous materials properly and take all necessary precautions to ensure no harm is none to humans or the environment.

(g) The contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this Paragraph G with appropriate changes of designations of the parties, in subcontracts under which hazardous material will be utilized or may reasonably be expected to be utilized on site at JSC.

(h) In the event the contractor fails or refuses to comply with any aspect of this clause, such failure or refusal may be considered a material breach of this contract.


In accordance with the requirements of JSC Management Directive 8070.1G, Metrology and Calibration Services (12/12/91), and JSC Manual 8070C, "JSC Metrology Requirements Manual (4/90)", the Contractor shall utilize the services of the JSC Calibration Laboratory to the maximum extent practicable for calibration of all instruments (Government property or Contractor property) utilized under this contract, the total cost for maintenance of which would otherwise be a direct charge to the Government. The procedures for obtaining calibration of instruments are described in UJSC Support Contractor handbook," JSCM 5151 D, Section X.


At all times while on Government property, the Contractor, subcontractors, their employees and agents shall wear badges which will be issued by the NASA Contract and Pass Office, located in building No. 110. Badges will be issued only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Each individual who wears a badge will be required to sign personally for the badge. The Contractor will be held accountable for these badges, and immediately after completion of the work they shall be returned to the NASA Contract Badge and Pass Office. Failure to turn in badges upon completion of the work may result in final payment being delayed.


(a) When not stated otherwise, all documentation required by the Data Procurement Document (DPD), shall be submitted pursuant to the delivery dates and addresses specified in the DPD.

(b) Shipment of all other items destined for JSC shall be as follows, unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer or COTR:

Parcel Post Shipments and Freight Shipments

Ship to: Transportation Officer, Building 420

NASA Johnson Space Center

2101 NASA Road 1

Houston, TX 77058-3696

Mark for: Accountable Property Officer 807402

Mark with: Contract Number: NAS9-20000

For reissue to: ______

(Name) (Mail Code) (Bldg) (Rm)
